
Piece by Piece

In my newest story, the hero loves puzzles. It’s why he became a detective. He’s patient. Observant. And doesn’t seem to get in much of a hurry…for anything (including the heroine). As I was thinking about him, watching him sit at his table spreading out all the pieces, propping the puzzle box in front of him to help guide his actions, grazing his fingers along all the pieces, examining each one with care, I thought how opposite we are.

Me and Christian (Not Gray).

I’ve never been one to sit still long enough to put a puzzle together. I’ve tried. Small puzzles are easy. I’ve helped my kids with them. But the 1000 piece puzzles, uh, not so much. I get frustrated. I think it should be easier. 

And you know what I end up doing? 

Forcing pieces that really aren’t meant to be together, together. 

Wrecking the whole thing.

Because each piece has a fit. And when one piece gets jammed somewhere it shouldn’t, the rest of the puzzle suffers.

My husband is similiar to my book hero. Loves puzzles. Good at them. Patient with them. We bought one once, a lion in Africa. I bowed out early, also his barbs at my pitiful lack of puzzle playing encouraged me to quit sooner. Even if they were in flirty fun gests.

When it was all done, after a week of working. A gorgeous, powerful lion graced our kitchen table. Thank Heaven we ate off TV trays, right?

It was such a beautiful sight to see.

Does your life ever feel like a big 1000 piece puzzle? Jumbled. Messy. Out of order. Are you ready to give up? Put pieces where they don’t belong? 

I think God is very much like my hero in the book, as He is observant, patient and careful about fitting the right pieces in the right place. He gives us a picture of what He wants our lives to look like and then guides each one of us. Each step of our day, events in our lives…are one piece of the puzzle. 

When we’re obeying and trusting, the pieces fit. They lock one into another and yes, it takes time, patience and observance to fit them in place. 

If we get in a hurry, make a mistake, try to fit things where they don’t belong, we slow it down. As if it weren’t already slow.

But after a time, a long time we’ll see ourselves and our lives in His image on the puzzle box! A beautiful sight to behold!

“But we all, with
unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of
the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Do you like puzzles? Why or why not?

*I’m still holding the name-that-dog contest on my facebook page! If you’d like to participate, “Like” my page and give me a unique name for a Saint Bernard for the new story I’m writing. No limit to the names! Winner gets a $10 Amazon/Starbucks card (your choice). If I pick a name many have shared, I’ll pick the first one who said it. Share with others! Tweet! Facebook! Thanks! Contest ends Friday at midnight.

*photo credit: freedigitalphotos
On Facebook!
Come by and let’s chat! 

I Need A Name!

I’m having a contest over on my facebook page! My current novel has a few pets. One is a Saint Bernard. I need a name that is unique, something you normally wouldn’t name a Saint Bernard!

Here’s the rules:
“Like” my facebook page and leave as many names as you want! The more the merrier! I will choose a name and whoever’s name I choose gets a $10 Amazon or Starbucks card (your choice!)

Names must be on the 
facebook page ONLY! 

If contestants enter the same name and I choose that name, I will award the first person who entered it. 

And if you’re not stingy, feel free to share this on facebook or give it a little tweet! And also, when the book comes out you’ll have bragging rights. “Hey, I picked that name. Got the card.”

Happy Monday, Everyone! Do you have a pet? What kind and what’s its name?

Faith Readers Review: Gone to Ground

I let it slip by. I guess I’ve been busy. Whatever. Point is, I haven’t posted our book club’s review of Gone to Ground by Brandilyn Collins. Brandilyn writes Seatbelt Suspense and she’s one of my favorite authors in Christian writing.

Vacations, night school and various other obligations kept many of our ladies from attending, but they did read the book. We kicked off conversation with brownies–an assortment. Turtle, chocolate chip, white icing and brownie bites. It was only fitting since Cherrie May, one of the southern characters ate them with the victim before the police found her dead! Dun, dun, dun!

We chose this book and by us, I mean the ladies. I choose the genre and give about 5 selections, then I sit back and watch them duke it out on which one to read. Kidding. They don’t duke it out…much. And when the picks all seem good to the ladies, they just download the others on their Kindles anyway!

Here’s a few things that were said: NO SPOILER ALERTS!!!

“I liked that she set it in Mississippi. I think she portrayed a small southern town well.” (Uh, we live in MS near Memphis)

“I thought using three women in first person was a little confusing at first.”

“I did too, but then once I figured out who was who, it didn’t bother me anymore.”

“I thought the twists were great and I had no idea who the killer was!”

“Me either!”

“I did.” (that was me btw)

“I thought the way she unfolded everything was well done. I hate books that at the end, the killer tells how he did everything. Who would do that? I mean a sprinkle of something maybe, but to basically tell the whole thing, uh, that’s the author not able to write a good story.” (Take notes, writers. Readers want organic story, not the villain telling it all at the end.)

“I didn’t care for the written dialect. I could figure out how she talked after the author described her. That just irritated me.”

“I loved her descriptions and I was into the story from page one.”

 “I let my mom read it and she devoured it in a night.” 

“I’d like to read more of her books.” 

Rating: 1-5 stars. 4!

Here’s a peek at Gone to Ground:

Brandilyn Collins website
Amaryllis, Mississippi is a scrappy little town of strong backbone and southern hospitality. A brick-paved Main Street, a park, and a legendary ghost in the local cemetery are all part of its heritage. Everybody knows everybody in Amaryllis, and gossip wafts on the breeze. Its people are friendly, its families tight. On the surface Amaryllis seems much like the flower for which it’s named–bright and fragrant. But the Amaryllis flower is poison. 

In the past three
years five unsolved murders have occurred within the town. All the victims were
women, and all were killed in similar fashion in their own homes. And just two
nights ago—a sixth murder.
Clearly a killer
lives among the good citizens of Amaryllis. And now three terrified women are
sure they know who he is—someone they love. None is aware of the others’
suspicions. And each must make the heartrending choice to bring the killer
down. But each woman suspects a different man. 

Our next genre was Medical Thrillers and the ladies chose, Code Triage by Candace Calvert. (I’ve finished it already!)

I talked about my crazy dog the other day at Lisa Jordan’s blog. Due to what happened, we had her groomed. I asked the people to cut her like a Schnauzer. OMG. I came home and my husband said, “Hey, what’s with the old Japanese Kung fu do?” 


Yeah…this is what they did to my dog! But I didn’t take her back and demand they fix her because after what she did to me, she has the grandpa beard coming. Punishment.

After LOL!!!!
Everybody Wang Chung
tonight! Oh wait,
they can’t because…
Everybody was Kung
Fu Fighting!

Go read the story…you’ll understand! 

Do you read suspense? Why or why not? Also, what do you think of my dog? LOL! 

Grateful Heart

Everyone gets their study, CD, Bible,
steno pad, and a pen. All set!

I wouldn’t say I’m ungrateful. I could say, I don’t think about being grateful. I’m a take-it-for-granted kind of person at times. I suppose we all are. 

Lately, I’ve been acutely aware of how blessed I am. I wrote a blog post titled FORWARD several weeks ago. You can read it and see all the cool pictures HERE! I talked about letting hurts go. How I had to let some of mine go and when I did, God opened up an amazing opportunity for me at my church.

The last few months, while still working on my novels and getting them off to critique partners, I’ve been writing a study for new and growing believers. If you’ve been around the last couple of months, here or on fb, you know this. (Plug: Please stop by and “like” my facebook page. You can click “like” on the sidebar right here on my site!)

The week before I went on vacation, my BFF “Jane”, and I printed the studies, coversheets, bound them  and then burned and labeled CDs. Yep, I made a mixed tape (giggle) for my class. One or two worship songs that go along with the chapters of study I wrote. 

As Jane handed me the books and I bound them, we listened to the CD. And in the middle of it God, with a powerful force, stopped me in my tracks. 


And this is what I heard inside me.

“This will be the first Bible study most of these people have ever done. And they’re your words. My words. Our words.”

The weight of that overwhelmed me like a tidal wave. At that moment it was like the song says, “If grace is an ocean we’re all sinking…”

I looked at “Jane” and she stopped gathering books and stared at me. I couldn’t even speak what I’d heard, the raw emotion had gathered in my throat and squeezed. But somehow she knew. And she cried with me. For me. Because of me.

I seriously doubt any of those people coming to this study will ever know the magnitude of gratefulness I feel or the love I have for them. I so desperately want to see them succeed to live a consistent Christian life. I want them to find the treasure of God’s Word to see it vividly come alive in their hearts, in their minds, and in their lives (same in fiction). I know it’s what “Jane” wants as well. 

I doubt they will realize how blessed I am and will be to see them work through the pages of the study. 

I don’t deserve it. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be used. 

And you know what? 

I can honestly say, that while I’ve been writing fiction–I haven’t been discontent. I haven’t whined and wondered, “When Lord? How much longer will I have to wait to see our message, our stories in print?” (Because as an inspirational writer, I feel like God nudges me in the right direction and gives me ideas and words to say so they’re mine and His–Ours.)

Tonight Jane and I will start our first class. We might have five, we might have 25. I’m not sure. We might have 1. Doesn’t matter. 

What matters is growing and maturing in God. Learning and living His Word. Knowing Him intimately. Using what He’s given you to bless others. And whoever shows up in that class tonight has made their first step forward. 

“I’m not saying that I have this all
together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for
Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong:
By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on
the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and
I’m not turning back.” Philippians 3:12-14 MSG

What have you been doing to bless others in your church, to move forward? What has someone done to bless you? 
Join me over at Living By Grace on Facebook and encourage other women. Come be a blessing! (You can find and “Like” Living By Grace to sidebar of the site!)

Research, Chocolate, and Cake!

I’ve been at my mom’s all week, playing with my great niece…she’s a doll I tell ya, a doll! And today, I’m in St. Louis with my sister! 

Yep, it’s a research trip for a new book I’ve been plotting. I grew up a little over an hour away, so I’m familiar, but I haven’t looked at it from a writer’s view and I haven’t been to some of the places my characters will be! 

If you love chocolate desserts and drinks you
MUST CLICK HERE to see where I’ll be!

I’ll be visiting Lafayette Square and Bailey’s Chocolate Bar (which may or may not be research) as well as a few other places my characters will hang out, live, or work!

Saturday is Crimson’s first birthday party! Seems like just yesterday she was born. I blogged about it HERE.

Holding Crimson after she was born!
Crimson a year later! She’s a mess! 🙂

I’m getting her fake food for her new toddler kitchen and a gift card to KFC, since she loves potatoes and gravy from there! Yeah, I’m that aunt! 

Sunday, I’ll be heading home. So with all the crazy busy stuff going on, I’ll be taking a blogging break on Monday, but will be back on Wednesday!

I talked about romance and dog poop over at Lisa Jordan’s blog yesterday. I’d love for you to come by! Lisa’s new website is gorgeous like her!

If someone gave you a chunk of change and told you to visit somewhere fun this summer, where would you go? 

Big Daddy Does It Again

I’m keeping it short because I truly want you to hear the words to this song. It says it all. That’s what I love about Big Daddy Weave. 

I heard my husband playing this on his acoustic the other day  and fell in love with it. 

Perfect today, to celebrate freedom. Happy 4th!

Could be singing about me. Could he be singing about you? 

*I’ll be over at Lisa Jordan’s blog tomorrow talking about romance and what it has to do with dog poop. If you know me, you’ll know my dog is involved and I’m going to make a decent point…maybe!

What’s Your Poison?

I’m a fan of chocolate. Please tell me you are too! Just love it! Reese’s Pieces, Almond Joys, Snickers…the list goes on.

But if I had to be a chocolate candy, I’d go with kisses. Really, do I have to explain? Romance…intrigue…kisses…Hello!?

If you could be any kind of chocolate, what would you be? And why?
*photo credit: freedigitalphotos
* I’m at my mom’s this week hanging out in Illinois, my poor hubby is all alone. I don’t think he minds too much for the break! 🙂 I’ll be checking in as much as I can to see your sweet treat choices!

*Thursday, July 5th, I’ll be over at the amazing Lisa Jordan’s blog talking about romance and dog poop. Yeah, you know you know you don’t want to miss that! 

What Had Happened Was…June 29th


Why yes, yes it is
another blog on what was happening in History on June 29th. Ya’ll ready for
this? bomp, bomp, bomp…
Pope Benedict XVI
announces the launch of a new Vatican website,; he also performs the
first tweet ever made by a pope
I wonder if he
uses the #Jesustweeters tag? You think he does follow-backs?
“I know, right?”
PB’s response to the ?
“Is it true you’re on twitter?”
The General
Assembly of Rhode Island passes legislation allowing same-sex couples to
enter civil unions 
I was in Rhode
Island in 2011. My husband married his cousin Ben. No one seemed to mind. (that never gets old) It was a lovely wedding, Ben and Julia!
 Also, did Pope B tweet about this? Not Ben and Julia’s wedding…civil unions.
Emmy 16th Daytime
Award presentation – Susan Lucci loses for 10th time
I have a photo of
Lucci posted on my wall. She’s the epitome of perseverance. Also if you
believe I have a photo of Lucci, I have some swamp land in Texas I want to
sell you. Gosh, I’ll be embarrassed if there actually is swamp land in Texas.
There’s not…is
“I borrowed this from Deidra Hall, sssh
give me my moment.”
premieres in U.S.
Please for the
love tell me you know what this is? I’ll give you a hint. He likes his
martinis shaken…not stirred. Love me some James Bond. Connery. Moore. My two
“Wow it’s a jungle out here.”
Oh, Bond, you are so observant.
Cue dreamy sigh.
Thru’ The Tulips With Me” by Tiny Tim peaks at #17
Sounds like
something a serial killer, dubbed Tiny Tim for the way he can squeeze through
cracked windows and leave tulips at the crime scene, would say. Oh that’s
good! Dibs! You must click on this at least for a second, it only solidifies my serial killer idea. Not that the photo itself doesn’t.

there you have it, everyone! My husband’s birthday is tomorrow but we’ll be
celebrating today so I might be thin on comments! Have a great weekend! Any
big plans? Little plans? No plans? Share!

Amos: Just a boy from the hood…er pasture

photo credit: freedigitalphotos

Monday, I was
chatting with a couple of friends in the office (I work part time at my church)
and I said, “I was reading in Amos and–“
Laughter filled the
office (and blessed heat; they freeze me out) “You were reading Amos? You
don’t hear that often…’I was reading in Amos…'”
Maybe it is
A-typical. Like me. Here’s why I love the book of Amos. Here’s why I love
Amos.  So much in this little overlooked
book says so much about our God, His power, His overwhelming love.
Amos shows up in a
time when Israel has much military success and prosperity (thanks to Jeroboam).
Guess what comes with sitting like fat cats?
Greed. Immorality.
Amos focused on
putting Israel and Judah (two separate kingdoms at the time) in their place in
the area of worship, mostly.
Can you hear how
upset God is when He says, “Go to Bethel (center of Baal worship) and sin.
Go to Gilgal (remember this is where they set up the remembrance stones after
they crossed into the Promise Land, to remind them God had delivered and made good
on His promise–not a place of prostitution) and sin yet more.” Amos 4:4
*parenthesis mine
Do you hear the ,
“Go ahead, you’re going to anyway. I’ve done everything I can to dissuade
you” tone?
“Bring your
sacrifices every morning, your tithes every three years. Burn leavened bread as
a thank offering and brag about your freewill offerings–boast about them, you
Israelites, for this is what you love to do.” declares the Sovereign LORD.
Amos 4:4-5
made sure to let them know WHO was talking to them. THE SOVEREIGN LORD.
Do you hear the,
drips of sarcasm. Is it just me?
God goes on, through
Amos, to tell them every single thing He’s done to grab their attention. He
holds back rain to wither their crop…hey if they’re hungry maybe they’ll call
to Him, turn back…remember. Amos 4: 6-8
But they didn’t.
Then He struck their
gardens and vineyards with plight and mildew. And sent locust to eat away at
their crops. Maybe if a third party enters to gnaw away at their hard work,
they’ll turn back…remember. Amos 4:9
But they didn’t.
Then God allowed
sickness and war to overtake their bodies. The last resort. Surely, if their
bodies were sick, if the enemy came in with the sword they would call out to
God. Maybe then, they’ll turn back…remember. Amos 4:10-11
But they didn’t.
Therefore…God delivers up consequences for their sinful
“…prepare to
meet your God, O, Israel.”
That gives me chill
And of course, in
God’s wonderful fashion He also declares restoration. But even so, Amos’s
words fall on deaf and angry ears.
The high priest,
Amaziah (living at Bethel–center of Baal worship) gets all testy. I mean what
corrupt priest wouldn’t, right? And he sends word to the king of Israel,
Jeroboam. “Amos is raising a conspiracy (Amos isn’t doing Jack. God is.)
against you and the very heart of Israel (translation: me. He went after me,
king) The land cannot bear all his words. (again. Me. I can’t bear it) He says,
‘Jeroboam will die by the sword and Israel will surely go into exile, away from
their native land.'”
Then Amaziah gets
testy with Amos. Tells him to get the heck out, go back to Judah and prophesy
there, but keep his mouth shut to Israel because this is where the king finds
sanctuary and he better stop disrupting it. Amos 7: 10-13.
here is what I love.
Amos says, “I
was neither a prophet nor a prophet’s son, but I was a shepherd, and I also
took care of sycamore-fig trees. But the LORD took me from tending flock and
said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’…” Amos 7:14-15
Amos wasn’t anyone powerful, nor did he come
from a powerful line of prophets. He was a lowly shepherd. But God called him to something else. And he
took up the mantle and went. His words were harsh at times, no one wants bad
news or to be corrected when they’re happy doing wrong.
God was with Amos.
God loved His people enough to send someone! I
love that he chooses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
I love that Jesus,
by men’s standards, was nothing but ordinary.
grew up like a small plant before the Lord, like
a root growing in a dry land. He had no special beauty or form to make us
notice him; there was nothing in his appearance to make us desire
him.” Isaiah 53:2 NCV
I love that God sent
Him–not to judge…not yet. But to save.
“The Son of Man came to find lost people
and save them.” Luke 19:10
does it make you feel to know that God uses the ordinary to extraordinary
things? Does it give you hope for yourself? 
Do you feel ordinary?
Come by our facebook
community and meet new women,
talk about God, and encourage one
another!  Click the link at the
right side of the toolbar!

Crafting a Plot

I’m not a serious plotter. By that, I mean I don’t know every single scene and how many words each chapter will be or how many chapters the story will actually have. 

I do know my major plot points, beginning and end. Everything in the middle is a discovery to me. I can fix any issues in the editing process. 

I’m plotting a new story (major plot points); it’s in the baby stages–not even ready to send to my agent to say, “What do you think? Should I run with this or call it a day?” 

Craft books have come in handy for sure, but truth is I like to apply that knowledge (mostly) when I go into the editing process. My first draft is all about imagination–seeing it play out like a movie in my head and exploring along with my characters. 

I’m looking forward to figuring out the middle main plot points so I can write up a synopsis and send to my agent. I haven’t written from a clean slate in over a year. Maybe two. I had so many mss under my belt, I’ve been taking them from first drafts to polished pieces.  Although I admit, after all the editing/polishing they are like new books. I’m finally about to send off the last ms to my critique partners and get a green light on this new book to write. Hopefully. I’m pretty excited about it!

I’ve been reading Story Structure Architect and it’s wonderful. I’ve been using it to plot out my main stuff and it’s been very helpful. I’m curious how much tighter my first draft writing will be compared to my previous ones. 

Check out my Pinterest page to see more craft books I’ve thanked God for! Also, you can catch a sneak peek at my new plot ideas for the book. I tend to develop ideas as I research, so I’ve been imagining a few things!

Writers: Are you plotters, pantsers or somewhere in between and what craft book/s do you recommend? 
Readers: Are you on Pinterest? Let me know in the comments and I’ll follow your boards!