Together we can do anything! |
Hey everyone! January will soon be here and I’m looking for some friends who are interested in joining my Patch Pack!
What is the Patch Pack and what do I get out of it, you ask?
The Patch Pack is a group of friends from all over who would like to help me spread the word about my upcoming novel, Fatal Reunion, and other books (check out my Seasons of Hope Series HERE). Word of mouth is by far the best way to get the news out. I simply can’t do this alone and I need a pack of people who want to jump onboard the crazy train with me! Okay, it’s not crazy but it will be fun.
What does it entail? Simply spreading the word across social media such as facebook posts, tweets, pins on Pinterest, posting pics of you with my books on instagram. And writing a review (can be super simple) on review sites like Amazon, GoodReads, and B&N. But I stink at creating tweets and FB posts, you say! That’s okay, I’ll help you. Also, you can request my novels at your local libraries and if you’re in a book club, suggest my book and a Skype session with me! Think out of the box!
How does it benefit me? First of all, you get to be privy to information before anyone else. You get to meet new people who have one thing in common as you–the love of books! You’ll also get a complimentary Advanced Reader Copy (e Book) so you can leave that review on reader sites if you enjoy it. And you’ll be entered into giveaways that no one else is! I’ve got some cool prizes lined up for my Patch Packers. Also, I’ll need help brainstorming and naming characters etc…if I choose your ideas you get your name in print in acknowledgments and maybe even a character named after you, which is always fun to see in print! Also, I will love you forever but not in a stalkerish kind of way. 🙂
Do I have to do something every day? Because, I’m like…busy with my own life. Nope! My books with Harlequin are only on book shelves for a month, so the most I’d ask of you to help me out is once a week. But if you want to do more like create cool memes or post quotes on social media that you really liked or spoke to you, feel free to do as much as you want; I won’t complain.
How long am I stuck in this group? I hope you’ll want to be in the Patch Pack for a super long time! But you don’t have to promote every book. You can leave whenever you’d like. You’re not obligated to anything.
This sounds super cool. How do I join? It does, doesn’t it? All you have to do is email me at jessica (at) jessicarpatch(dot)com with the following information:
- What state do you live in?
- Have you read any of my books before?
- What social media sites do you regularly post on? (you do need to be on facebook!)
- Why do you want to be a part of the Patch Pack?
Space is limited, so sign up soon before it’s full! Thanks so much everyone! I’m excited about Fatal Reunion coming out in January. Here’s the back cover:
When her beloved grandmother is almost killed during a home invasion, Piper Kennedy isn’t surprised that she’s a suspect—especially since Luke Ransom is on the case. The handsome detective she once loved thinks she knows more than she’s telling about the attack. And given her crooked past and the heartbreaking way she’d been forced to betray Luke years ago, Piper understands why he doesn’t trust her. But when attempts are made on her life, Luke insists on keeping her safe and finding out who wants her dead. And Piper and Luke soon realize a remorseless criminal will do anything to keep them from the truth…or an unexpected second shot at a future.
Preorder Now!
photocredit: freedigitalphotos/hin255