In the Word Wednesday: Get Your Strut on, because it’s all about pace Part 4

Today ends our Pace series in Proverbs. You can catch up on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. But hurry back!

“There are three things which are majestic in pace, yes, four which are stately in walk; A lion, which is mighty among beasts and does not turn away from any; A greyhound, a male goat also, and a king whose troops are with him.” Proverbs 30:29-31 NKJV

Our focus is on a “king whose troops are with him.” In the KJV it reads, “a king against whom there is no rising up” this phrase, “against whom there is no rising up” in Hebrew is “alquwm” and it means “no rebellion, no uprising.”

A king with united troops, is a beautiful and majestic site to see.

When we think of earthly kings, we may consider David and Solomon as great kings. They were, but David’s house was always at war and his troops divided against him. His own son tried to take his life and usurp the throne. Solomon had peace throughout his days, so we don’t see much battle.

There is someone in history that was a great…so great they added it to the end of his name. Alexander the Great. Why was he so incredible? Let’s look at a few details and then the big picture. Obviously this passage isn’t about Alexander the Great–his parents weren’t a twinkle in their parents’ eyes at this point, but I’m going somewhere so hang with me.

Alexander the Great had a few things going for him.
1. He was a brilliant military strategist. His battles are still taught in militaries today.

2. He fought on the front lines with his finest troops. He was willing to die fighting alongside his men. This kind of leadership, brings admiration, respect, gratitude and loyalty. We could all take a lesson here! I’m itching to get on my leadership soap-box. Breathe, Jess.

3. He equipped and took care of his soldiers, paying them full time to fight. By providing for them, it took their focus off of them and onto the battles at hand, which needed all their attention. He also provided them with the necessary tools needed to fight and succeed.

For all Alexander’s faults and odd behaviors, these three things were commendable and admirable.

But not even Alexander the Great can compare to a King who had been fighting on the front lines for His people, as Commander of the Lord’s Army long before Alexander existed. A King who still equips and provides for His troops, even today. The greatest military strategist of all time–His military strategies are also studied and have been copied by armies.

His name isn’t Alexander the Great.

It is Jesus. King of Kings.
Lord of Lords
Angel of the Lord
Alpha and Omega

This King foretold the falling of Alexander the Great in the book of Daniel. But there is no falling for this King! This King has even defeated death–what other King has done that? This King removed His royal robes to come down in the flesh, to be like us, to experience what we do and still not sin–and to die for His beloved troops.

While He was here, He taught and prepared. He left a war-guide, the Bible. The number one thing He impressed for his army to do in order to be successful in battle is:

To love God and one another

John 13:34; John 15:12, 17; John 13:35; Romans 13:8; Galatians 5:13; 1 Thess 4:9; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Peter 3:8; 1 Peter 4:8; 1 John 3:11; 1 John 3:23; 1 John 4:7; 1 John 4:11; 2 John 1:5

Why is it so important for us to love one another?

A house divided cannot stand. Matthew 12:25

The enemy has a common goal, to destroy us.  The enemy is NOT divided. They work together diligently to bring down the kingdom of God.

Can they win? Not a chance. But they do their best.

Sometimes, we fight against each other and forget who it is we’re really at war with. That’s why there are so many reminders from our King to stand united. Love one another.

Galatians 5:15, “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another.”

1 Corinthians 12:25-27 says we should weep when others weep and rejoice when others rejoice.

Togetherness. Unity.

When we’re not fighting each other, we’re fighting our King

If a soldier is given a command, it is his duty to follow the order to the letter. There is no hesitating, arguing, or sulking. Remember the movie A Few Good Men? That Private took his orders and did what was asked of him, no questions–why? Because he knew his rank.

“…love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days.” Deuteronomy 30:20 

Obedience can be difficult, but the more time we spend with the King, the more we grow in His Word, we understand that He wants what is best for us. His strategies may seem unclear to us at the time, but He never asked us to fully understand the big picture. He asked us to trust Him.

It’s a beautiful thing, when we work together, love each other and our King, and obey without hesitation. There is nothing we can’t do!

1. Know who you are in Christ

2. Serve faithfully

3. Mature as a Christian

4. Obey the King, love one another, be unified.

So what are you up to today? Big plans? Work? Poolside? Cleaning house? All the above? šŸ™‚

Must Meet Monday: Nike Chillemi

Happy Monday, friends! Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to Nike Chillemi and introduce her debut novel, Burning Hearts which I’ve had the privilege to read.

I met Nike through the edgy christian fiction lovers site and was honored to be a judge in the romance category for the Grace Awards she put together.

Nike has been called a crime fictionista due to her passion for crime fiction. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the Edgy Christian Fiction Lovers (Ning). She was an Inspy Awards 2010 judge in the Suspense/Thriller/Mystery category and a judge in the 2011 Carol Awards in the suspense, mystery, and romantic suspense categories. She is the founding board member of the Grace Awards, a reader’s choice awards for excellence in Christian fiction. She writes monthly book reviews for The Christian Pulse online magazine. Burning Hearts is the first book in the crime wave that is sweeping the south shore of Long Island in The Sanctuary Point series.
Everyone meet Nike. Nike, meet everyone!
I love to know how writers started up. What inspired you to put your fingers to the keyboard?

I did the usual teen thing, writing bad poetry filled with angst. And sometimes I would trap my friends or parents and make them listen while a read it. I’ve always been comfortable expressing myself in writing. However, about five years ago I started to feel an inner prompting to write fictionā€¦novels to be exact. And I just followed that inner niggling and here I am.
I had fun reading Burning Hearts. Tell us where the idea for Burning Hearts came from?
I wish I had something exotic to say about how I came up with the storyline. The truth is I keep a file of possible plotlines. I’ve got about fifty stories in that file right now. I add to a storyline as something comes to me. One of them will grab hold of me. The characters start to take over and demand their story be told. That’s what happened with Burning Hearts. I could see Erica and Lorne vividly and I had to write their story.
Smart cookie. I need a file. Do you see yourself in any or all of your characters in the book? I think your spunky like Erica but I can see you on a Harley like Lorne! So Iā€™m curious.:)
Erica is a bit like me. She wants to be a dress designer and I graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology and worked in the bridal industry. She’s independent and stubborn and it gets her into trouble. I’m independent and stubborn but it never got me into any trouble at all. Yeah, right. Something I didn’t realize until the book was in edits is that Erica’s mother is very similar to my Czechoslovak grandmother. Mrs B excels in the kitchen and has a great sense of humor. So did my grandmother. Mrs. B teases her children and is teased by them. I recall my grandmother swatting my dad with a kitchen towel. He’d laugh and hug her.
Those sound like great memories. My grandma swatted me too, but with a fly-swatter and not out of playfulness. šŸ™‚ I had it coming.  Something I loved was the lingo from that day. Their dialogue transported me to a whole new world. Golly jee, I loved it! How much research did you do for this book and what resources helped you the most?
I did a lot of research, definitely on slang of the period. They also had a certain rhythm and cadence to their speech. I listened to classic movies of the period to internalize that. I combed websites devoted to 1940s fashion and hairstyles, checked and double-checked products such as Mrs. Brogna’s Bendix washer. I also read up on the political situation in Europe at the end of WWII.
Well, you did a great job. I loved reading about Erica wearing pants when most women didn’t, or how she copied the patterns from Sears & Roebuck. So fun!
What challenged you most when writing Burning Hearts?
The greatest challenge was making Erica strong without her becoming abrasive. I saw her as feisty and wanting to follow her own convictions, but I had to craft her so she would retain a sweetness and naivety. That was like walking a tightrope.
Mission accomplished!
Before you go, tell us 3 random fun facts about yourself.
1)     I’m a lot more ditzy than people think I am.
2) I was an independent animal rescuer for a good number of years. I’ve rescued about 40 dogs and cats and found them homes.
3) My idea spot on earth would be in the tropic under a cabana with a good book as the surf comes in and goes out.
Oooh, #3 is on my list too! Nike, thanks so much for letting me read your book and for stopping by.
Connect with Nike on:
You can purchase Burning Hearts at:
Take a peek into Burning Hearts!
     “Erica Brognaā€™s parents doted on her and taught her to think for herself. So many young men she grew up with fell in the war, shaking her childhood faith. In rides a handsome stranger, at the hour of her desperate need when her best friend and mentor is trapped in a burning house. This stranger rushes into the inferno and carries Ericaā€™s friendā€™s lifeless body out.

Lorne Kincade canā€™t out run his past on his Harley Davidson, though he tried. Heā€™s been a knock-about biker since the end of WWII. His uncle bequeathed him a ramshackle cottage in Sanctuary Point, on the Great South Bay of Long Island, NY and now he has hope for the future, wants to repair the miniscule place, and settle down. The problem is someoneā€™s setting him up for a murder rap, a young woman with hair the color of mink is starting to get under his skin, and thatā€™s the last thing he needs. “

Frivolous Friday: Here’s What’s Happening In My Neck of the Woods

                                                               First of all a BIG FAT CONGRATULATIONS goes out to  Brandie Boddie! She just signed a 3 book deal with Charisma House! Go by and cheer her on!

                           Now on with the show this it!

1. I have a head-cold. In summer. Yeah.

2. I’m attending a viewing this evening and funeral tomorrow morning. When I wrote about my best friends being like the movie Steel Magnolias, I had no idea how true to life that would be and it’s just hard.

3. My son is spending a week with my mom and having a ball while being spoiled rotten. I’ll have to retrain him when he gets home because he’ll forget that “no” is a real word.

4. My daughter is leaving for camp this weekend. She wants to borrow my shoes. Why can’t her feet grow a size bigger than mine?

5. Funny note: My husband has shingles–brought on by serious emotional stress (see number 2)…okay that isn’t the funny part. The funny part is he had to go to the pharmacy and pick up the medicine, which happens to be the same medicine they treat Herpes with! rofl.

6. I’m about to refinish my bedroom furniture after I finish up the copy edits of my ms. Pictures will be posted–not in my ms–of my bedroom.

7. I’m still beating myself up for not finishing out the last half of the series Smallville, but dadgumit it just got stupid. I have it on TIVO if I break out in shingles over the distress from guilt, it’ll be there to watch. (and maybe cure me so I don’t have to buy herpes meds)

8. “Jane” got a membership to the country club with me. Neither of us belong in a country club. I’m sure we’ll be kicked out by the end of June. Side note: When I walked into the pool she was wearing a black swim suit and a big floppy hat. I think she was going for a Hepburn look. All I saw was the mom whose son got eaten by JAWS.

9. I watched JAWS last night.


10. One of my BFF’s gave me a present. An iPhone. It’s not even my birthday. How great is that? I’ve always suspected she’s cajun mafia so, I’m sure I’ll be owin her one…I don’t know much about making concrete shoes. I have shot a gun…for research. šŸ˜‰

Next Monday I’ll be chatting with Nike Chillemi about her debut novel, Burning Hearts. Don’t miss it! Have a great weekend.

 So what’s going on in your neck of the woods?

In the Word Wednesday: Get Your Strut On, because it’s all about pace Part 3

Today I am answering 5 easy questions on Jill Kemerer’s blog! Come by and say hi!

Okay, on with the show this is it…
“There are three things which are majestic in pace, Yes, four which are stately in walk; A lion which is mighty among the beasts and does not turn away from any; A greyhound, and male goat also…” Proverbs 30:29-31

We’ve been looking at the wisdom of Agur in this particular passage. To catch up, you can read Part 1 and Part 2.

Let’s ask the same questions we asked about the lion and the greyhound (which isn’t a bus or a dog!). What’s so special about a goat? Just by looking at the picture, I’d say nothing.

Now I know goats are usually on the left and separated from the sheep in scripture as well as referred to as buckers and sinners, but not so in this particular passage. And this is the passage we’re studying!

Male Goats are a picture of what a Mature Christian should look like.

First of all, they’re social animals.
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostlesā€™ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42

Goats like to spend time in fellowship with one another. Socializing with other believers is God mandated! How great is that! You never have to feel guilty for hanging with some gal-pals from church. šŸ™‚

Interesting fact: Goats prefer to surround themselves with goats of their same breed in a mixed herd.

Should we become friends with those who don’t know Jesus? YES! Building relationships with unbelievers is an important way to lead someone to Christ. I have lots of friends that are unbelievers. Some I’ve known for years and they don’t go to church, but I guarantee you when there is a crisis in their family–they call me. They ask me to pray.

But I don’t spend my intimate time with them. Why? Because many times and as my mom used to tell me, “It’s easier to be brought down than lift someone up.” I need the iron sharpening iron in my life. So do you. It’s a sign of a mature Christian.

Even when Jesus left the homes of tax collectors and various “sinners” He spent most of His time with 12, and 3 He was even closer with. (Peter, James, and John)

Goats are notorious for undoing closures.

“So Jesus said to them, ā€œBecause of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ā€˜Move from here to there,ā€™ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
Don’t let anything lock you up or bind you! There is always a way out.

Goats investigate everything.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1

This verse comes at an appropriate time. If what people declare as truth doesn’t line up with scripture, then it’s false. It takes a mature Christian to know this because a mature Christian digs into their word and studies it!

Goats are avid climbers and can hold their balance in precarious places.

“For You have delivered my soul from death.Have You not kept my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?” Psalm 56:13 I look at this picture and I think there is no way I could do that, but with God’s strength we can do anything! We can walk anywhere and trust Him to keep us from falling.

Goat’s hooves are made to withstand rocky and small place. They walk with ease. It’s pretty amazing to see them just moving along in scary places with ease.

When our faith is in God, tight places are easier to walk and that’s amazing to those who do not have our faith.

What we’ve learned so far:
1. Know who you are in Christ so 2. You can serve Him. As you serve and study you will 3. Mature in  Christ

It’s not a random order here. Agur listed these things by deliberate design. Next Wednesday we will study the last majestic thing: A king whose troops are with him.

I forgot to announce the winner of Desert gift. Congrats to Sheri Salatin!

Question: What animal do you find most interesting and why?

Frivolous Friday: Something Borrowed

Something Borrowed is a movie based on the book by Emily Giffin.

Anything with John Krasinski in it, and I’m there. I’m a huge fan of The Office and he doesn’t even need to talk to be funny.

I’m also a huge fan of romantic comedies (books and movies) and love triangles. Especially love triangles.  I love the push-pull all through the story!

This story/movie is about: (taken from Emily Giffin’s website)

“Something Borrowed tells the story of Rachel, a young attorney living and working in Manhattan. Rachel has always been the consummate good girl—until her thirtieth birthday, when her best friend, Darcy, throws her a party. That night, after too many drinks, Rachel ends up in bed with Darcy’s fiancĆ©.

Although she wakes up determined to put the one-night fling behind her, Rachel is horrified to discover that she has genuine feelings for the one guy she should run from. As the September wedding date nears, Rachel knows she has to make a choice. In doing so, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren’t always neat, and sometimes you have to risk all to win true happiness…”

*I don’t necessarily agree with everything in this book/movie–just sayin

I went to the movie with my hubby for part of our anniversary. Sixteen years! I love that he likes chick flicks. Before we could dig into popcorn he said, “If you like this movie, great, but please don’t say what you always say.”

I grinned because when we’re watching movies or TV and say, “That’s good writing.”

It was good writing and I’d like to say I refrained from saying so, but hubster was irritated with the hero of the movie. Why? Because his sick mother was keeping him from making the right decision. In a nicer way, what hubster thought, was the hero was a pansy for not taking what he wanted.

I saw him as torn between who he wanted and why he felt he had to stay where he was. Because it was good writing.

Keep them apart as long as you possibly can. Make the reader beg for them to be together.

My husband isn’t a romance reader. He doesn’t care about the angst we love to feel during a good read. He just wanted the hero to say, “I really don’t care about anything else but you. Period.” Then take what he wanted. Such a man thing isn’t it?

So naturally when he made a few references to how girly the hero was acting, I had to say, “I understand, but…that’s good writing.”

I haven’t read the book, so I’m not sure how the minor character’s story ended. In the movie, I was slightly disappointed. I think I may have to get the book. Books are always better anyway. Right?

Do you enjoy reading books or watching movies with love triangles? Why or why not?

Have a great holiday weekend! I won’t be here Monday, but catch you on Wednesday!

In the Word Wednesday: Get Your Strut On, because it’s all about pace Part 2

“There are three things which are majestic in pace, Yes, four which are stately in walk: A lion, which is mighty among the beasts and does not turn away from any; A greyhound…” Proverbs 30: 29-31

Last week we began looking at four unique things that Agur found majestic and stately. First the lion, which you can read about here.  The lion represented:

Knowing who you are in Christ

Today we’ll pick up with the greyhound. We are NOT talking about the bus. And guess what? We’re not talking about the dog either! This is what I love about the Word of God!

You will always find nuggets of hidden treasure if you’ll search it out!

Now we can take an example from the Greyhound. They’re agile dogs that move at fast and powerful paces. Once you give them a target, they’ll lock in, focus on only that and take off full force. We ought to be that way as well. Focus in on God and pursue Him without abandon. Yes, Greyhounds are to respected.

In this passage, Agur’s wisdom is off the chart.

The word “greyhound” in Hebrew is “mothen.” It means “loins” or “hips” and it could mean an extinct animal–the exact meaning is unknown.

Can I just say, I was hesitant to google images of loins. I stared at the screen for a good long time before I did it. I never found what I was looking for. Did find some things I wasn’t.

What’s so majestic about loins? And how do they walk stately? This makes no sense…or does it?

Loins in the Bible generally represents the seat of strength. Accompanied with “loins” is the phrase, “gird up” meaning to be ready. 

 Exodus 12:11; 1Kings 18:46; 2Kings 4:29 Job 38:3

You’ll find when they were instructed to get ready it was by “girding up their loins”…prepare! The journey would take enduring strength. Even in Job, it took strength to stand before God to hear correction.

Why is enduring strength needed? For service.

Many times, they were to gird up their loins and then required to follow God and do something He commanded. Don’t you know it takes strength to serve! We are commanded today to serve in the body of Christ. There is something you can do. Something God has asked you to do. It will take preparation. 1 Corinthians 12

Proverbs 31:17. You know this woman. The one we dislike to read about because we feel so inadequate (us women anyway). She girds her loins with strength and strengthens her arms. She is ready for a full day of service to God and to her family.

Service is hard. It may require you to give something up. Matthew 19:21

You may have to go where you do not want to go. John 21:18
You may have to wash your betrayer’s feet. John 13:2-5
And it may cost you your life. 1 John 3:16

Enduring service and the strength and preparation required cannot be done on your own.

Even when Elijah girded his loins, the power of the Spirit came upon him to enable him to serve with power and strength.

“And He said to me, ā€œMy grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.ā€ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Like a lion, know who you are in Christ
Gear up, prepare yourself through the Word and time with God for enduring service

Next Wednesday, we’ll look at the male goat.

Question: What’s playing on your iPod, MP3, or CD player right now? (I know, it has nothing to do with the subject. So what!? I wanna know!)  

Must Read Monday: Reader’s Choice & a GIVEAWAY!!!!!


Each Monday I post a book review, or I invite a guest to stop by for you to meet.

Today, I want to know what you like to read.

Right now, I’m reading Judge & Jury by James Patterson. Yes, I readĀ ABA fiction, also called “secular” fiction by someĀ Christians. I read anything, really. There’s differing opinions on this subject.

Some people would say there’s so much great inspirational fiction, why would you want to read anything out of the CBA market? We need to support Christian writers. I agree with this. We do need to support Christian writers and there is ton of great inspirational fiction.

But, there are Christians who do not write for the CBA market. So are we supporting CBA or Christian writers? I think we can do both!


I don’t know what James Patterson’sĀ religious beliefs are, but his books do have some foul language and occasionally, depending on what book it is, he drops the “f” bomb. I completely understand why some Christians would not want to read his stuff. You have to go with what your convictions are. Maybe I’m just a rotten Christian with no convictions.

Although,Ā there are someĀ inspirational novels thatĀ do occasionally use some four-letter words. I personally have never read any that drop the “f” bomb. Maybe you have.

Ā How do you feel about that?

I think as a writer I can learn as much fromĀ Patterson or Kellerman (Faye and Jonathan)Ā as I can Steven James, whose books crossĀ bothĀ markets, (I read this somewhere so if it’s not accurate, please don’t yell at me)Ā and heĀ happens to be one of my favorite authors. Man, he’s good!

Now, I don’t read Erotica, fyi, I do have my limits. So maybe I’m not a rotten Christian after all and have some convictions. šŸ™‚Ā  My point is, I’m reading Patterson right now. My next book will be a Lynette Eason novel (inspirational). I’ve never read her before, and IĀ look forward toĀ jumping intoĀ one of herĀ stories on my kindle.

I did a review on Sally John’s novel, Desert gift a couple weeks ago. It comes out in June. You can read the review HERE. I’m also giving a copy of this book away today! If you would like to enter for the chance to win, please make a note of that in the comments section. If you don’t say you want to win it, you won’t be entered into the drawring. (I spelled that like I wanted to!)

Question: Do you read inspirational fiction only or do you cross over and read books in other markets? Why or why not? I’d love to hear your input! Also, how do you feel about swear words in inspirational fiction?

Frivolous Friday: If it’s on the side of the road, it’s fair game!

I have a hobby. I love to refurbish furniture and paint and distress pieces to make them look old. I haven’t always been into this. It rubbed off from my bff’s “Jane” and Leelee.

Leelee loves french country and Jane, well, she just likes old stuff.

I’ve done several pieces. I’ve rag painted my bathroom, my mom’s bathroom and fireplace, bathroom cabinets, an armoire, a dresser, a magazine rack, and my most prized posession is my buffet.

Here’s how it all happened…

It was a Thursday. Thursdays are my days to spend with Jane. I remember the clouds were dark–rain was coming in, but it didn’t matter. We had no plans to go out, just hanging at my house watching Vampire Diaries, drinking coffee, and yapping.

The doorbell rang and I could hear her hollering, “Open up! Hurry!”

My dog barked until I wanted to kick her, but she’s quicker than me so I didn’t bother. I opened the door and Jane grinned from ear to ear. “What? I know that look.”

“I found a buffet down the street,” she drawled in her southern country accent. “You must have it because I don’t have room for it!”

I looked around my living room and open kitchen. “Where’m I gonna put a buffet and how much work needs done to it?”

She tugged my arm. “Come on before it pours.”


My buffet BEFORE

We hopped in her Expedition and sure enough there it was in all its um…glory?

It was missing a door. I looked at it and frowned. It was old, heavy–original wood casters and dove-tailing.  Hmmm…

I stared at it, trying to figure out if I wanted it or not.

“I don’t know.”

Thunder rumbled, lightning peeled and rain started to come down. We jumped out of the vehicle and kicked some funky insulation out of the way to get to it.

My son was with us and he hollered, “Why are you stealing somebody’s old table? You’re gonna get taken to jail.” I ignored him while Jane and I tried to pick this massive buffet up off the ground.

Jane was wearing a mini-denim skirt. Fabulous. We hoisted half of it in the back and she climbed in to pull while I pushed. A big burly guy two houses down stood outside under his garage awning and…watched. Hey thanks for the help, ya jerk.

We finally got the buffet in, the man had a nice show thanks to Jane’s skirt and the comedic event that transpired, and we loaded it in my garage. All of us, but my son, soaked.

I got excited about it as Jane shared the possibilities.

 My husband came home. “What is that load of junk in the garage I just cleaned out.”

“It’s an antique buffet, and I’m going to refinish it.”

“It ain’t worth a quarter.” (He now wants to sell it on Craig’s list) I ignored him too.

I’m painting my walls Calico–eventually, so I chose a nice warm gold paint. I stripped that bad-boy down, primed, and painted then used my putty knife to scrape my fresh paint off giving it a shabby-chic look.


Buffet AFTER Go ahead, oooh and aaah!

ļ»æ It’s wonderful! My favorite piece.

Jane’s hubby made an identical door, she stained it and came over to put it on along with the knobs I’d bought and painted.

When it was over, we ordered a pizza and sat back on the couch, staring at it. When I did my bathroom cabinets, we sat in there drinking our coffee–staring. We like to stare.

I’ll never forget what Jane said to me. “I’m so glad you finally saw the big picture. I knew this was valuable and would be beautiful. We’re a lot like this buffet–missing doors, broken down, tossed out even as worthless junk. But God sees the masterpiece. The beauty and the value.”

I may have a hard time seeing the big picture, but I’m thankful God does not!

What’s your hobby/hobbies?

In the Word Wednesday: Get Your Strut On, because it’s all about pace Part 1

“There are three things which are majestic in pace, Yes, four which are stately in walk: A lion which is mighty among the beasts and does not turn away from any;…” Proverbs 30:29-30

I love the Proverbs, a great place to glean wisdom. Proverbs 30 might be my favorite–written by Agur which we know very little about other than he was the son of Jaketh (whom we know nothing about) and he was a non-Hebrew who came to faith.

He’s quite insightful. I’ve written about what he finds amazing and unfathomable (except for one that didn’t get posted…oops, I’ll have to do that one!) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 if you want to read them.

Today we’re looking at the first part of this verse in Chapter 30. A lion. First of all we have to ask ourselves this question, “Who cares how a lion walks? Big deal. Why’s it even in the Bible to begin with?

2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture, not some, but all is profitable for instruction. So there must be something here we can apply to our lives. Right?

Good answer! Y’all are briliant and I love you!

Let’s look at the word majestic and stately NKJV. In the KJV it says “There are three [things] which go well, yea, four are comely in going:” The word “well” in Hebrew is “yatab”  and it means “be good, pleasing, to make a thing beautiful” and “comely” in Hebrew is “towb”  to “be good, be pleasing, be joyful, be beneficial, be pleasant, be favourable, be happy, be right”

So something about this lion and the way it moves is pleasing and right, beneficial, beautiful.

First the lion is Mighty Among the Beasts

Lions know who they are. You will never see them running from an Antelope or hiding in the bushes because they are afraid. 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Lions are built uniquely. They are built to be powerful and strong. They have a distinct feature that sets them apart from other animals–the mane–a source of protection from the enemy’s bites. Enemies willing to take them on, which aren’t many.

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14

We are special to the Lord, set apart, given the Holy Spirit as a guide, a teacher, a comforter, and a seal of our redemption. We have something unique that others do not have, but we’re to freely give it.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” 1 Peter 2:9

Lions Do Not Turn Away From Any

It doesn’t matter what size of animal comes after them or tries to steal from them. Lions don’t back down, because they know who they are. They know what they are meant to do.

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.ā€ DT 31:6

“In God I have put my trust;I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 56:11

The greatest lion of all time?

  ā€œ…Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed…” Revelation 5:5

Know who you are and who you belong to. Walk as a child who belongs to the King, do not fear the enemy. Next Wednesday we’ll look at the next verse, the greyhound.

Question for you: If you could steal anyone’s identity for ONE day and not get in trouble whose would you steal and why? It can be anyone, a celebrity, teacher, someone from the past…be creative!

Can’t wait to see the comments and join in!