
Today, I need God to…

______________. (Fill in the blank)

We sang this song yesterday during Sunday morning. I just love it. With eyes closed, I let the Lord run away with my imagination and during the part where they sing, “I hear you breaking chains, I hear you breaking chains…”

I could see these heavy chains binding my wrists, binding millions of wrists. And in one fail swoop, I saw Jesus (mostly a white robe with a flashing sword–no face) move in, wielding a sword with all of these fancy moves to break the chains and my movie screen in my head froze and I heard a whisper to my heart.

“While I love the imagery, it’s not quite right.”

Because Christ didn’t need fancy moves or a physical sword.

“Now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword…” Revelation 19:15

And the sword in his hand was gone and he whispered.



The chains fell away and turned to rusty powder, then mighty yet soft hands took my wrist. Bruised from wearing chains. And he said, “I took the stripes so you wouldn’t have to.” Then he raised my wrist to his lips and kissed it. The bruises disappeared.

From there, I saw one wrist after another, different colors. Different sizes. All free.

With the spoken word. Just one word.

So we give it all away. Surrender ourselves to the One who made us free. Who continues to set us free from sin. From weights and hinderances that keep us from moving foward in Christ. 

He will meet your need right where you are. What do you need from him today? 

What’s the Buzz?


The Buzz around my hive boils down to writing, writing, writing. Just started a new WIP. A contemporary romance (category). I’m excited about my characters. They make me giddy, so that’s a big plus.

I’ve been creating my secret Pinterest board of my storyworld and characters. And I’ve made the Spotify soundtrack. Listening to it while I write is such inspiration. 

Oh, I’m taking my son to see the Lego movie either this afternoon or tomorrow. Yes, I even bought him a Lego Movie T-shirt (clearance at Target–score!). I hope it lives up to his extremely high expectations!

Jane (as you know her on the blog) celebrated a birthday this past Tuesday. Happy Birthday, Janie-girl!

I’m finally getting over the crud and I’m wondering if I really need the Wild Cherry Luden’s cough drops or if they’re just candy? Remember Sucrets? In the metal tins? I hated those things. Made my tongue numb. And while we’re moving back in time, I’ve been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix. I watched all the seasons back in the late 90s/early 2000s (is that right, 2000s?) and I still say that Buffy and Angel’s love is one of the best of TV. Agree or Disagree? Or  never watched the show. This is where I gasp! 

But then I never read Anne of Green Gables and I think I may have watched an episode or two of it but don’t remember. This is your turn to gasp! Now, we’re even.

No matter how many times I watch the end of Season 2, no matter how cheesy it may seem now, I always tear up. Waaaah! 


Not much buzzin’ over here, what’s the buzz over there? Did you watch the Buffy series? 
Do you now think less of me? (I doubt anyone who knows me is surprised lol!)

Who Knows the Cry of Your Heart?

Yesterday morning was a typical day. My daughter had already left for school and I was waiting on my son to finish up his routine so I could drop him off. His school I.D. tag was on my table so I grabbed it and went into the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth.

“Do you need this?” I asked.

“Mmm. Mmm…mmm….mmm…mmmm…mmmm.”

“Put it in your backpack. Okay.” I walked out of the bathroom and followed his instructions. And it hit me, wow, that was such a mom thing here. He never once pronounced a syllable let alone a coherent word, but I know him so well. I heard his mumbles clearly. It wasn’t a mystery.

Much like mothers translating their toddler’s babbles to those who don’t spend much time around them. 

You just know. If you’re a parent, you’re nodding right now. Or if you’re a babysitter, nanny, or day care worker who spends copious amounts of time with particular children.

And it struck me how thankful I am that God knows all my mumbles. Sometimes, I don’t have the words to say. I don’t even know what to say. Sometimes, they’re only incoherent sobs. Heart cries.

God knows every hiccupped, mumbled word. 

I asked my son when he came out of the bathroom, “Did it surprise you I knew exactly what you were saying?”

His reply: “No, should it?”

Child-like faith. He knows I know him. And it doesn’t surprise him that I understand every word out of his mouth whether it’s formed perfectly or not.

Don’t ever be afraid that God doesn’t know your heart and the cries that swell from within, even if you’re not sure. He is. And never doubt that he hears every single word. And that he loves you and plans to take care of you. 

                           Oh yes, you shaped
me first inside, then out;
    you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High
God—you’re breathtaking!
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside
and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how
I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into
Like an open book,
you watched me grow from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out
before you,
The days of my life
all prepared
    before I’d even lived one day.
Psalm 139:13-16 MSG
Do you ever struggle with thoughts that tell you God doesn’t hear or understand you? How can these verses bring truth to light for you? Or do you have other verses that sink into your soul and bring security? Share one!

A Little more of This and That!


Hey all! So…this week I finished those pesky edits with a final read-through, then made my changes I’d noted. That part’s not too bad. I really love the iPad kindle app for reading my ms. It feels like such a…a…a book! 

Also, if I said, “I’m feeling a little woozy here.” Would you think of any particular movie? I need to know this in the comments.

I forgot my daughter for the 2nd time last Saturday. Band practice on Saturday is unnatural. It wasn’t a direct result of being consumed by characters upon a cruise ship. Nope. Band on Saturday is unnatural. And that is all.

We bought my son a new TV. Added a DVR box so he can watch and record shows. I’m doing everything I possibly can to keep him in his room. What else can I do? Mini-fridge? Ooooh, tha’ts not bad. Not bad at all.

Tuesday came this week. And I always know it’s Tuesday because I never fail to back right into the trash can by the street. Never. Fail. But hey, it’s better than leaving ruts in my yard. Which I do every time it rains. (Ruts don’t form on dry ground.)

I listened to my BFF vent big time this week (face to face not on text or face time) and when she finished I did what every good friend does. I laughed in her face. Isn’t that terrible??? But I couldn’t help it! Watching her flail her arms around and carry on all red-faced is hilarious. HIGH-LARIOUS. But don’t worry, I followed it up with a “I’m praying for you.” That always makes it better, right? Right? 

Oh, let’s see, hey, when you’re sprinkling laxative into your, or someone else’s drink, do you really pretend like you’re pouring iocaine powder into a drink and either going to kill someone or drink it yourself like the Dread Pirate Roberts a.k.a. Westley (Princess Bride)? No? Just me then. Hmmm…

Well then, that’s all I got!


So tell me a little this or 
that in your life this week!

But Who?

Imagine with me, John the Revelator. Exiled to a
rocky island called Patmos. Imagine him sitting one day, staring off into the
distance and longing for home, for eternity, for Christ. And in an instant he’s
taken up to heaven in a vision…
“I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One
Seated on the Throne. It was written on both sides, fastened with seven seals.
I also saw a powerful Angel, calling out in a voice like thunder, “Is there
anyone who can open the scroll, who can break its seals?”
There was no one—no one in Heaven, no one on
earth, no one from the underworld—able to break open the scroll and read it.
I wept
and wept and wept that no one was found able to open the scroll, able to read
it.” Revelation 5:1-5 MSG
Can’t you feel is his angst as he weeps. Who can
fulfill God’s plan in history? Who is worthy to do it? No one. No one can
accomplish what is written in these scrolls. The utter doom slides 
into your
stomach like an icy ball.
But then…
“One of the Elders said, “Don’t weep. Look—the
Lion from Tribe Judah, the Root of David’s Tree, has conquered. He can open the
scroll, can rip through the seven seals.” Revelation 5:5

A lion!
A conqueror!
John must envision a mighty warrior with a
frightening roar, sharp teeth, a powerful king. 
Aggressive. Coming with force.
Slowly, tears running from his cheeks, he raises
his head to see this Lion.
“So I
looked, and there, surrounded by Throne, The Living Creatures, and Elders, was
a Lamb, slaughtered but standing tall.” Revelation 5:6
Not a lion.
A lamb as though it had been slain.
Without a roar. Without sharp teeth.
He came as sacrificial love. In mercy. In grace.
A lamb! A lamb!
But he is powerful. He is mighty! He is standing tall!
“He came to the One Seated on the Throne and
took the scroll from his right hand. The moment he took the scroll, the Four Living
Creatures, and Twenty-four Elders fell down and worshiped the Lamb.” Revelation
And all sang around the throne!
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain ; To receive
power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” Revelation
“Blessing and honor and glory and power be to
Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” Revelation 5:13




What is just one name you’ve experienced Christ as? 

Photocredit: freedigitalphotos/ponsulak


Little This and That: #TEXTFAIL

Texting. Seriously? They need to put a recall button on there so when you send heinous things on accident you can retrieve them. It would save us all a lot of embarassment but then if you’re like me and rarely get embarrassed, it would kill some laughter we may not have otherwise had that day. And we all know laughter makes a merry heart. Basically, laughing is good for us. It’s a medicine of sorts.
Anyway, point is, a recall button would have saved me from sending the following text to our youth pastor this past week.  
So ever had a #textfail? Let’s fill twitter today with all our #textfails. Send a snapshot or tell us in 140 characters and don’t forget the hashtag #textfail
Feel like getting friends on board? Share the fun on facebook/twitter and other social media sites! How fun could this be!
Do you get embarrassed easily? 


Working for Jesus vs. Ministering to Him

Visit Jeanette! 
Welcome to Wednesday, my favorite people! I am so excited to introduce you to the sweet and hilarious, Jeanette Levellie! Jeanette is…
A spunky pastor’s wife of over thirty
years, Jeanette’s debut humorous inspirational book, Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top, released in April of 2012,
and has already become an Amazon bestseller in the humor category.
Jeanette’s bi-weekly
humor/inspirational column, God is Bigger,
has been a popular feature in the Paris Beacon News since 2001. She’s published
stories in Guideposts  and  Love is a Verb with Gary Chapman anthologies;
articles in Vista, God’s World Today, The Christian
Communicator, Birds & Blooms, Country,
and Country Extra magazines; devotionals in The Upper Room, Daily Hope, Light from the Word, & Glimpses of God, greeting card verses
for Celebration Greetings, and poems
for La Leche League International calendars.  

Jeanette, thank you so much for being here. I absolutely loved this! Take it away!
When I became a Christian at age eight, I went to school the
next day and told my friends in a singsong voice, “I’m going to hea-ven and
you’re no-ot!”
I don’t recommend this method of sharing your faith. Although
my heart was right—I wanted to serve the Lord—my methods were a bit primitive. Pre-believers
need more than a taunting song from a freckle-faced kid hanging upside down on
the monkey bars to see their need for a Savior.
Since that early faux paus, I’ve honed my “sharing the
gospel” skills. I’ve also discovered that attitude is everything if I want to not
only please the Lord, but also enjoy my relationship with Him. I made that
discovery when a close friend nearly landed in jail.
Several years ago, our friend, Roger* was arrested and falsely
accused of a crime. After weeks of earnest prayer and Roger’s savings moving
from his savings account to the lawyer’s wallet, the judge lessened the
sentence from jail time to community service. I was so grateful, I wept as I
praised the Lord. Then I thought, 
“I want to do something to show my gratitude.”
I decided to take my lunch break once a week to visit a
nearby nursing home. I brought yarn to one of the patients who crocheted, ice
cream bars to the nurses’ aides, and smiles to those who’d lost theirs.
Although I often grieved when I left, knowing I was returning to my healthy life,
visiting these unfortunate people was a joy. I never associated the word “work”
in relation to these visits. I was ministering to the Lord by loving a few of
His lambs. It was a tangible way I could say “thank you” to Jesus for rescuing
It’s too easy for us to slip into categorizing some of the
things we do—teaching Bible classes, leading worship, sharing our testimony—as
“working for the Lord” rather than “ministering to Jesus.” We tend to label our
activities as “spiritual” or “secular.” But that’s not how the Master thinks.
He says, “If you’ve done something for another human being, you’ve done it for
Me” (Matthew 25).
If we’re interested in making our lives count for Jesus, we’ll
be conscious that every floor we mop, every tip we give a waitress, and every song
we sing, ministers to the Lord. Well, with one exception. That tacky little one
I sang as I hung from the monkey bars is long gone!

Does it help you to
think in terms of ministering to Jesus as opposed to working for Him? Is there
a difference? Why or why not?

God Can…

_________________ fill in the blank.

I loved your comments so much last Monday when you filled in the blank: God is ___________. So encouraging! Hope you take a minute to listen to Seth Condrey’s incredible praise song! 

He really is the God of the impossible! Do you need something done in your life that seems impossible? He can! He is able!

Oh! Tomorrow is one of my most favoritest people in the whole world’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Susan Tuttle! Love you, dear one!

Join me Wednesday for a super special post by a super special lady! Stay tuned!