The Devil Wears Prada; We Wear Peace


These Prada shoes cost $790.00 I know because I own them. Sort of. Okay, one of my characters in a novel does, but that’s kind of the same thing, right?

I’m going to admit something. These shoes look so much prettier on than a  pair of Roman Soldier cleat-like shoes. At first glance, and probably tenth, I’d choose these suede, sling-backs.  

There’s a phrase that shoes make the man. I believe this to be true.
Shoes for day. Shoes for night.
Special shoes for runners, baseball players, soccer players, going to the beach, scuba diving, etc…
And shoes for Christians
A couple years ago, I was walking “Jane” out to her car after a day of hanging out. I was barefoot. I’m not a barefoot kind of girl. Never have been. My sister could run on gravel, but I barely grazed a pebble and thought I might die.
I stepped off the concrete and the Lord spoke as clearly as He could without being audible. “You’re about to step on a bee.”
I should have stepped back. Instead, I took one more step and the pain that entered my foot and shot up my leg was insane. I hollered out and “Jane” helped me back inside. I made a baking soda paste like I remembered my mom had done when I was a kid and attempted to play in the sprinkler.
The lesson I learned then was listen and obey when God spoke. I’d been going through a “Hear My Voice clearly” time in my life. Second stage: Obey. I’d failed and got stung. Lesson learned.
But I remembered that incident while studying Donna Pyle’s Your Strong Suit Bible study. (click the red link to purchase!) She says, “In our spiritual battles, stability and balance prove essential in remaining upright….Wearing these shoes endues us with God’s strength.”
She’s referring to the way Roman soldiers’ shoes were made. With spikes along the bottom, similar to a cleat. To dig into the ground, to balance.
Special shoes even for war.  Combat boots.
Now, I’ll admit, the Prada shoes look prettier. I’m a fan of pink. But they wouldn’t hold up in war. In fact, most things the enemy entices us with are beautiful but in the end leave blisters on our flesh and aches and pains and cost more than we can afford.
Ephesians 6:14 says to “shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Shod in the Greek is “hypodeo” and it means “to bind under one’s self.”
The gospel of peace goes under our feet. It’s our foundation.
What is the gospel of peace? It’s the glad tidings of the salvation through Christ. It is good news!
Preparation in the Greek is “hetoimasia” and it means: “the act of preparing; the condition of a person or thing so far forth as prepared, preparedness, readiness” When we’re about to head out, the last thing we do is put on our shoes. It signifies readiness. It shows we’re about to leave.
I’ve said it a million times, “You have your shoes on? I’m ready to go.” It’s how I know if my kids are ready to walk out the door or are still lollygagging.
We have to be ready with our spiritual shoes. The gospel of peace. Wherever we go, we’re walking on the foundation of Jesus Christ–His death, resurrection and the hope and peace of eternal life, that we can never be separated from His love, He never leaves or forsakes us. Peace that passes all understanding.
It’s what defines us from everyone else who’s walking around barefoot.
The world is a dangerous place. We have no choice but to walk it’s evil streets. But if we’re prepared and ready. If we’re wearing the right shoewear, we can walk with ease.
It reminds me of the movie Die Hard. Bruce Willis is cleaning up in his wife’s office–wife-beater tank, a pair of pants and that’s it. At that moment, hell breaks loose in the business tower and he has to move quickly. Unprepared.
The enemy looks down at the floor in one point. A shooting match had just taken place, and he notices blood on the floor. He realizes, Bruce is barefoot. He grins and shoots out the glass windows leaving Bruce no choice but to walk on broken glass.
Bruce makes it to a bathroom where he picks shards out of his feet, the pain excruciating. He binds them with cloth, but that’s not enough.
He wasn’t ready for the havoc that had been unleashed. But to survive, he had to fight unprepared. It came at a cost. It came with insurmountable pain. It came without sureness and peace.
A scene or two later, he takes a pair of shoes from a dead guy and gets his hero on. Taking out the bad guys and winning.
The point?
“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” 1 Timothy 4:2
This doesn’t mean hand out tracts to homeless people, but let their stomachs continue to be empty. Nor does it mean stand on a corner and wave your Bible at prostitutes and remind them they’re going to hell. They’re already living in hell. In their minds, it can’t get much worse. It doesn’t mean shout at the drug-addicted that God can set them free, then shake the dust from your feet when they aren’t instantly delivered.
Patience with people.
In love.
When their lives are turned upside down, when your life is upside down– the shoes you wear convince them something about you is different.
That can’t be explained.
Yet…it can.
The Gospel of Peace.
Jesus Christ.
Your foundation.
Bound to the soles of your feet.
You walk down littered streets, scorching beaches, bee-infested grass, boiling pavements, glassy alleyways, gravely roads…
 with ease.
Light in your eyes.
Rain or shine. Snow and sleet.  Tornadoes and hurricanes raging. War and threats of war. In deceiving times. Through the wild jungles where the lion hunts his prey.
You walk.
How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” 
Isaiah 52:7
Tell me, ladies, are you more of a pretty shoe or all about comfort? Guys, do you even care about what you put on your feet?

I’m over at Living by Grace today! Come by!

The Perfect Spring Break


My kids are on Spring Break this week! We’re already packed, the kids have cleaned their rooms and made their beds–Myles’ isn’t perfect, but he’s 7. They’ve already made a list of the games they’ll play in the car since it’s a long drive to the beach. It’s going to be lovely and peaceful. Myles has figured out what kind of castle he plans to build, Bailey is more of a water girl, so she says she’ll spend most of the time jumping waves. The sea air, sand between our toes. We’ll have the family photo on the beach….

Needles scratching across the record…Now! ZZZZZZZZPPPPPP.

We’re not going anywhere, and if my kids made their bed without being told, we’d definitely not spend Spring Break at the beach because we’d spend it in the ER, while they checked me out for possible cardiac arrest. But we have plans to do some fun things locally,and we love board games, so I see a few nights of Battleship (which I hate), Apples to Apples, and my favorite board game of all time…Clue. I rock that game.

I’m sure we’ll bowl, dance, and hunt on the Wii. I’m really looking forward to the week. We’ll hit the zoo with their new dinosaur exhibit and camel rides. And we’ll probably spend a day at Incredible Pizza. 

Needles scratching across the record…Now! ZZZZZZZZPPPPPP.

Oh wait…my daughter has hit 13. Let me back up. This week, I’ll be chauffeuring her to and from Youth events, slumber parties, movies, and wondering why I let her leave the house when I see her room looks like an episode of Hoarders. 

And my son will hole up in his bedroom with his 3DS, until we hit the zoo and Incredible Pizza because he’s ticked I win all the Wii and board games. Life it tough. I never give the game away. He can work hard and win… or lose. Mostly he loses and pouts. I bet there’s a life lesson there.


So that’s what our break will look like! And for the love do NOT google “spring break” because you won’t get family pictures. 

In a perfect world, this is what I’d like to be doing. And don’t judge me because my kids and hubby aren’t involved–they’re at slumber parties and holed up in bedrooms that smell like wet dogs and old milk and he’s at work.


Do your family vacations or breaks ever turn out the way you dream them up? 

*I’ll probably be scarce this week since I’ll be lying in the grass reading i.e. dragging unhappy kids to exhibits they care nothing about…but I’ll try to pop in and say hi! 

Urban Translation Fun!


I love reading the urban dictionary. It makes me laugh, and I enjoy using terms other people don’t know just to see if I can get them to use the phrase. This works well on my BFF “Jane.” 

Many times, I’ve used a word in a sentence over and over until I hear her mimic it. It’s grand fun. (Ugh, you hear the Dowton Abbey coming out in my dialogue?) 

So today, I’m posting 3 words with their definitions and nothing would please me more (that might be a lie) than if you would try to use these 3 words in a sentence! I will post the top 3 at a later date and we can all vote on the best one. 

Winner gets a guest post on my blog or a first chapter critiqued, if you’re a writer. If you’re a reader, you get to be spotlighted with a fun interview here on my blog! 



the book off:
The act of getting a book out on the train, tube bus, or plane in order to avoid talking to the person next to you. Substitutes include a newspaper, phone or iPod
shelf esteem:
When someone builds their self esteem from self help books
(btw, there’s nothing wrong with reading books to help you out!)
cookie duster:
A full mustache capable of dusting the tops of cookies
Okay, so get to it! Can you use these 3 words in a sentence?

Wanderlust: It Starts in the Stomach

Wanderlust by definition is the intense longing to travel. For the last 3 weeks, we’ve talked about the breastplate of righteousness and why it’s so important to wear it. It protects the innermost parts.
The Stomach–seat of appetites
What is appetite?
According to Webster, it’s an intense craving. A few synonyms are: hunger, greed, desire and yearning.
It’s imperative that we put on the breastplate of righteousness (Christ’s righteousness) to protect our stomach and the appetites it craves.
When we think of lust, our brains immediately bee-line to sex. And yes, sex and lust can go hand in hand, but there are so many other things that we lust after. It’s not the same for everyone.
Donna Pyle, in her Bible study–Your Strong Suit–says, the enemy knows our weaknesses. He can’t read our minds but he studies our behavior. That’s deep, people. And true.
For some of us, our lusts come in the form of food, material goods, shopping, keeping up with the Jones’, vehicles, electronic toys, attention, beauty, the need to be wanted, power and authority–yes, even in ministry, competition–to be a better mom than so and so, or baker, teacher, writer, speaker, etc…
I guarantee you there’s something you lust for, and if you do not protect your innermost part–your seat of appetites, you will wander.
And you will travel to places you need not go. Dangerous places.
The big question: How do we put on the breastplate and protect ourselves? 
We put on, by putting off, first.
Before we ever get to Ephesians 6: 10-18, the armor of God passage, we have to travel through some other important verses. These former verses teach us how to accomplish Ephesians 6:1-18.
“But that’s no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It’s rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you. ” Ephesians 4:21-24 MSG (emphasis mine)
In the NKJV, it says, “that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts…”
Great! We know what we have to put off. But it has to be conscious. You don’t just wake up and go about your day without purposefully praying and asking God for strength to help you be the new creature in Christ.
You’ll fail if you don’t consciously put off and put on. I promise you. You will. I’m living proof.
“Therefore, remember that at one time you were Gentiles (heathens) in the flesh, called Uncircumcision by those who called themselves Circumcision, [itself a [a]mere mark] in the flesh made by human hands.
    [Remember] that you were at that time separated (living apart) from Christ [excluded from all part in Him], utterly estranged and outlawed from the rights of Israel as a nation, and strangers with no share in the sacred compacts of the [Messianic] promise [with no knowledge of or right in God’s agreements, His covenants]. And you had no hope (no promise); you were in the world without God.
    But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were [so] far away, through (by, in) the blood of Christ have been brought near.” Ephesians 2:11-13 AMP (emphasis mine)
The key word: Remember
We wear invisible protective covering, but the enemy sees it clearly. In the color of crimson.
Remember you no longer walk as a child of darkness, but of light. (Eph. 5:8)
Remember you do not have to satisfy the wanderlust that urges you to travel places unbecoming a bride of Christ.
Remember you are protected. You have strength. You have covering.
Great verses to help you understand what is becoming and what is not can be found in Ephesians4:25-32 and chapter 5.
Our innermost parts are so close together, we have to be cautious. One dart pierces our heart and we become emotional, another punctures our lung and we cease praise, and the stomach stirs us up to listen to fickle emotions, ignore who we serve and go places that beckon to rob us of joy, peace, and true abundant living.
We must nail down those lusts every day. Galatians 5:24-25
“But it’s hard! I’m not seeing any benefits. I struggle! In fact, at this very moment my life is total mess. Complete disarray.”
Sweet one, you’ve been pierced in the seat of your emotions when you cry these things. And we all have. Be of good cheer, someone has fought for you!
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 (FACT)
“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” Galatians 6:7 (FACT)
Gear up, friends. In a world of “no you can’ts” The Holy One covers you with a shield made from His beauty, His love, His righteous blood and He says…
“Yes, you can!”
Do you notice when you don’t consciously remember to put off and put on, you lose a battle that day? Care to share an encouraging word with readers? Could be a life lesson, a scripture etc…
Join me today as I host Living By Grace! I encourage you to pop over there and share a favorite scripture you use to battle the fiery darts of the enemy!

Faith Readers Group Review: Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones

I’m not sure if it was the fresh baked chocolate cobbler or heart-shaped pumpkin, chocolate chip muffins, or the chocolate cake with drizzled chocolate icing that threw me off or the heavenly aroma of coffee, but I forgot to get a picture of our Faith Readers book club group–and we had a brand new member!

For the month of February, we read the romantic comedy, Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones

It was pretty funny as we sat around eating dessert and sipping coffee because no one had tons to say. Why? We were all in agreement! For once! 

Here’s some of the things that were said:

“I didn’t want to read this book. I’m not a fan of romance, but a few pages in, I was like, ‘hey, this book is really good’.” 

“I thought the comedy and the romance was a perfect blend.”

“My favorite part of the whole book? She was a size ten!”

We talked about who  we pictured playing the part in a movie, because this book could most definitely be right up there with some of the best romantic comedies

No one thought the girl on the cover fit their profile of Lucy, the main character, but after a long discussion and a second…or third piece of cake, it was agreed if Kate Hudson put on about 30 pounds she could play Lucy. 

Some more thoughts:

“I loved the scene when she was took off down the sidewalk in her pajamas and he drove along beside her.”

“I loved the prayer with the new quirky Christians, “like a gold card, Lord, like a gold card!

Serious Thoughts: 
“I loved when the Youth Pastor had the teenagers nail lies the enemy had been telling them to the cross. I think that’s a great idea. Lucy had been believing lies so long too.”

“I don’t know how I’d feel if I found out a lie about my family.”

We talked about forgiveness, lies the enemy tells us about who we are and what we can’t do. 

It wasn’t a simple, light-hearted read. The theme was deep, at times a tear-jerker, but the mix of relevant humor and fun gave us breathing room and things to laugh out loud about. Literally laugh out loud. 

Out of 5 stars, we rated it a 4! 
Here’s a peek:

Jenny B. Jones

“You are cordially invited to the wedding of the year with the most unlikely bride and groom. Save the date…and say your prayers. When funding for Lucy’s non-profit job is pulled, she is determined to find out why. Enter Alex Sinclair Enterprises–the primary donor to Lucy’s non-profit organizaiton. Both Lucy and Alex have something the other desperately wants. Alex has it all…except for the votes he needs to win his bid for Congress. Despite their mutual dislike, Alex makes Lucy a proposition: pose as his fiancee in return for the money she desperately needs. Bound to a man who isn’t quite what he seems, Lucy finds her heart–and her future–on the line. Save the Date is a spunky romance that will have readers laughing out loud as this dubious pair try to save their careers, their dreams…and maybe even a date. “
If your life were a movie, what kind would it be? Drama, action-adventure, romantic comedy, B movie? LOL Can’t wait to hear these answers!


“Praise the Lord!
For it is good to sing praises to our God;
For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.” Psalm 147:1
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6
Last week we talked about the heart–the seat of emotions. We discussed how important the Breastplate of Righteousness is because the heart is one way the enemy attacks us.  You can read about the heart, HERE.
Today, we’re talking about another innermost part of our bodies that needs protected.
The lungs. The seat of praise.
The breastplate of a soldier would cover this area of the body as well. One dart to the lungs can result in the very least, a puncture. At the most–a full collapse.
Lungs are vital to our survival. They take in oxygen and distribute it to our body, releasing carbon dioxide. Inhale. Exhale. No lungs. No life.
Why would the enemy want to strike so forcefully at our lungs–seat of praise?
I guess we need to know why praise is so important. We know God tells us to praise Him. We know we ought to. He’s good. He’s done good things for us. He’s the Most High. Creator. All good reasons.
He finds it beautiful, when done with purity. It’s a wonderful fragrance to Him. But what does praise do for us? Like oxygen benefits every part of our body, so does praise.
Praise is our way of personally acknowledging God and Who He is.
“I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness,
And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.” Psalm 7:17
“For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.” Psalm 47:7
“To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, My God of mercy.” Psalm 59:17
Praise puts God and us in the proper place.
Exalting Him
“Be exalted, O LORD, in Your own strength! We will sing and praise Your power.” Psalm 21:13
“For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.” Psalm 96:4
“Let them praise the name of the LORD, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven. ” Psalm 148:13
Humbling us
“Oh, do not let the oppressed return ashamed! Let the poor and needy praise Your name.” Psalm 74:21
So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, Will give You thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations.” Psalm 79:13
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14 
Praise brings peace.
“But I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more. ” Psalm 71:14
“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance.” Psalm 42:5
“To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3

Praise creates an atmosphere of worship and change.
“But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.” Psalm 22:3
“He has put a new song in my mouth— Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD.” Psalm 40:3
“Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.” Psalm 66:2
Have you ever felt at your lowest? Wit’s end? I have. And I’ve found when I turn on worship music and I begin to open my mouth, let my lungs expand with praise something in the atmosphere changes. A holiness sweeps in, my words begin building an altar, and I know His Majesty abides within in.
My heart fills to the point of bursting, my eyes fill and overflow like a glorious fountain, my bones and muscle feel weak and I know it’s because the power of the Most High is enveloping me…I have nowhere to go but to the floor. Flashes of wondrous things He’s done for me flood my mind and gratefulness I hadn’t felt before overwhelms me.
Sometimes sobs are enough, I know He’s carefully bottling them. Sometimes I cry out and no words come, but He understands the language of the heart…He responds with lavish love. And I praise!
God, You are holy, majestic, wonderful in power and love. You love me like no one can, you’re with me when I’ve been abandoned by everyone else. You hold my life, my thoughts, my heart. You are mighty and glorious. I don’t deserve you.
A breakthrough happens within. I can’t contain it. I don’t want it to end. I might jump up and dance, alone in my living room, for my King. I may quietly lay out in the floor while I let His soothing balm cleanse me, cover me, love me.
And it’s then, I know I’ve changed. If only a little. It’s under the umbrella of praise, I know I can’t. But He can.
And He will.
That’s worth protecting.
Jesus has given us His righteousness in the form of a breastplate. To keep us strong. To keep us praising.
We can’t afford for the enemy to cease our praise–to puncture or collapse a lung. It does so much for us. Let’s fight back a little today.
What is one thing you want to give Him praise for today? Let’s flood the comments with glorious praise, for praise is a beautiful thing.
I’m hosting over at Living By Grace, the facebook online community and I’d love for you to pop over and engage in conversation! Lift a fellow sister up! 🙂 

Going Old School: Sweet Valley High

 Have you ever thought you had… say, sweet tea, in your glass–you’re craving tea–but you take a big swig and it’s lemonade? 

You turn your nose up because it wasn’t what you expected in the least. It’s a shock at first. It’s not what you wanted, but you drink it anyway because you like lemonade and you’re thirsty. 

That’s how I felt about Sweet Valley Confidential.

If you know me well, you know I loved the Sweet Valley High books growing up. While many girls were reading Babysitter club books, or Anne of Green Gables, I was all up in Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield’s business.

When my mom told me I could go to B. Dalton books, the only bookstore in our small town, I remember being giddy all day. I’d march straight back and buy 2 or 3 books. Sometimes, I’d get to purchase 4! I couldn’t read them fast enough. I’d trade with friends, if we were missing one of the consecutive book stories. 

I fell in love with the Wakefield twins and their lives. I was always partial to bad-girl sister, Jessica Wakefield, but I adored Elizabeth and her boyfriend, Todd’s romance and true love. When the series ended, I knew they’d be together forever. They’d endured so many things, for so long. 

I could relate to a little of each character. I was invested in their lives and what they went through. I knew what it was like to have a sister to occasionally…or often, fight with. Stealing clothes, shoes, and jewelry from a sibling made sense. I swooned over Todd and even Bruce. Which is really odd saying that last statement because my dad’s name is Bruce and something about the word swoon with his name in the same sentence freaks me out slightly.

When I found out that Francine Pascal was writing a ten-years-later book, I thought I’d come out of my skin, but so much was going on I didn’t have time to nab it. Last night. I did. Sent it right to my kindle, and it’s so odd how quickly it all came back as I started reading. Things I thought I’d forgotten, nope. All there. Right back into their lives and you know, it brought back memories of my youth that I enjoyed. 

But it was like drinking lemonade when I thought I was getting sweet tea. Can you be disappointed in something and yet still like it? I dare say…you can. Because it happened to me. Those teenage dreams of having true love, all those books that I sighed with satisfaction, gone. Doused with the ice-water of reality. Fictional reality. 

I was angry for half the book, yet I kept reading because I’d poured half my teenage life into those books and that young girl had to know what the heck was going on and why? 

Sweet Elizabeth wasn’t so sweet anymore. In fact, she made her away around men more than Jessica ever did. Friends with Benefits. That’s not Elizabeth! I did love reading what happened to everyone, especially the way Pascal did it at the end. I smiled because I remembered those crazy kids. Not all of them had happy endings, but let’s be honest. The stars sometimes don’t go on to do these amazing things we think they will. In fact, some of them do very little. She resolved the conflict, and while I was happy to see them sisters again and Elizabeth happy, I could still taste the lemons and not the sugary goodness of southern sweet tea. 

I did learn something new about my writing from this book. I have another author besides Nora Roberts to blame for my former head-hopping. LOL I had no idea that’s what she was doing all those years ago, but I caught it quick last night and I thought, “So you did this to me! You and Nora.”

Here’s a small peek:

The Wakefield Twins—and the whole gang from Sweet Valley High—are back!
What terrible secret has torn Jessica and Elizabeth apart?
Ten years after graduation, the Wakefield twins have had a falling out of epic proportions. When Jessica commits a complete and utter betrayal, Elizabeth flees to New York to escape the pain and immerse herself in her lifelong dream of becoming a serious journalist.
“A perfect storm of decades past, and we are LOVING it.” —MTV
Jessica remains in California, dealing with the consequences of her heart-wrenching choices. She’s built a full life for herself but dearly misses her sister. With Elizabeth as her enemy, Sweet Valley is no longer the idyllic town of their youth.

What series books did you read as a teenager? Did you read Sweet Valley? Who was your favorite character/s? 

Coffee with Jess: Vlog #2

Hey, everyone! It’s Friday and today is another vlog! It’s a little longer than 2-3 minutes, but I’m telling a story thanks to Lacie Nezbeth and her question so…

Also a thanks to Martha Ramirez for the Liebster Award! Yay!

See you on Monday! *I may have exaggerated a southern accent for the sole purpose of humor…just sayin!

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Heart

“He has said in his heart, “I shall not be moved; I shall never be in adversity.”  Psalm 10:6
“But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.” Psalm 13:5
“The troubles of my heart have enlarged; Bring me out of my distresses!” Psalm 25:17
“The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart…”Psalm 34:18
“When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
“So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, To walk in their own counsels.” Psalm 81:12
“For I am poor and needy, And my heart is wounded within me.” Psalm 109:22
 “Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord.” Proverbs 6:14
“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. ” Proverbs 12:25
“Say to those who are fearful-hearted, “Be strong, do not fear!” Isaiah 35:4
Last week, I said we were going to pick apart the innermost parts to help us prepare for attacks from the enemy. You can read about it HERE.
Notice how many emotions come from our heart? These are just a few. Now, technically, in ancient times, people believed the seat of emotions were…wait for it…the kidneys. I have another lesson about that for another time.
But in today’s world, the seat of emotions lie deep within our hearts. Look at how much we feel within our hearts? Ever heard any of these lines?
“Follow your heart.” “Wear your heart on your sleeve.” “Trust your heart.”
Truth is, we can’t afford to do any of these. Not without the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our hearts. Without it, we’re at risk. Roxette got it wrong with Listen to Your Heart. (I do like that song, though.)
 Our hearts take us places we don’t belong. Our hearts are shaky. And wearing our emotions for everyone to see is ridiculous and a fast way to become like lepers. (There’s a difference between wearing your heart on your sleeve and being transparent. Yes, yes there is.)
What we feel is fickle. And the enemy knows it. That’s why he consistently attacks our emotions. He’s got it down to an art.
God made us to feel…to feel deeply, passionately, tenderly, generously. He made us sensitive. To Him. To His glory.
The enemy twists the emotions of the heart to veer us away from God and His will. Some of the above scriptures are ways he messes with our hearts. For today, I’m picking the top 2 ways he strikes our hearts. In my opinion, of course.
Fear keeps us from moving forward. Paralyzes us into the mundane. Or even worse–into doing nothing. Jeremiah didn’t want to prophesy because he was afraid he was too young. Moses was afraid to speak. God’s people were afraid to cross into a glorious promise. Peter was afraid to stand up for Jesus at a crucial time.
And God told each one of them, I AM with you. That’s enough. You can’t. I can. God is always moving us forward. He has an agenda and it includes me. It includes you.
What do you fear? Failure? Success? Uncertainty? The unknown? A person, place, thing…a circumstance that could occur? Maybe it will. But, maybe it won’t. Here’s one: God? Growing closer to Him? Ever taken strides toward Him and everything seems to go to pot.
Do you fear the enemy more than you trust God?
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.” Psalm 9:10
I did a series on Doubt using an acrostic. If you’re plagued with it, you can read Part 1, HERE and Part 2 HERE.
Doubt is really a lack of trust in God. I think everything that keeps us from moving forward can be peeled back layer by layer to one thing. Lack of trust. Don’t believe me? What are you doubting, what are you afraid of? Peel it back asking why. Too afraid? Don’t believe it? Our hearts can deceive us. That’s why God tests them. Not for His sake. For ours.
The enemy throws fiery darts of doubt straight to our hearts. He wants us to doubt our identity in Christ, His love for us, doubt what God is asking us to do. He likes to use a double-headed arrow with this one: Fear/doubt.
Nothing puts you into cardiac arrest like an injection of fear or doubt.
If he can get us to doubt, he can put us at a standstill. Drop us like a fly. And chuckle while he does it. It’s not even his most fiery dart. It doesn’t take but a spark.
“And He (Jesus) said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?” Luke 24:38 Parentheses mine.
“Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”” Mark 9:23
“God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.” Hebrews 4:12-13 MSG 
When you can’t trust your emotions (heart) and your faith is shaky at best, you have to go with the facts. You can’t argue with truth. And you can’t afford to go a day without the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect your heart. 
God is God alone and there is no one besides Him. Psalm 86:10 Isaiah 45:5
He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
He has great plans for you. Jeremiah 29:11
You have nothing to fear. Nothing to doubt. Luke 24:38
He is doubtless about His ability. Isaiah 50:2
What are other ways the enemy attacks the heart? 

I’m hosting at Living By Grace, an online devotional community for women. Come by and chat or encourage someone who needs it! 

**Next Wednesday, we’ll talk about the lungs: the seat of praise