
Launch Party with Donna Pyle!

Purchase this study:
Barnes & Noble
Any bookstore! 

I stood in line waiting for my appointment with editors at the WFTS conference. I turned around to see this gorgeous smiling face. “I’m Donna Pyle.” 
“I’m Jessica Patch. What do you write?”
Donna shared a little of her testimony with me and in that very second, I knew we were knit together. Friends for life. Donna is full of passion for Jesus and a hunger to see women grow closer to Him. She’s bubbly, funny, full of godly wisdom and above all she’s a woman of integrity! I can gush all day, but I won’t!
JP: Donna, let readers know more about you and
your passion for Bible Study.
DP: Jessica,
thank you so much for hosting the exciting launch day festivities!
Hi, y’all!
I’m a life-long Texan who loves Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, traveling, and kitty
cats. Well, I didn’t grow up going to church regularly. I remember hearing
about God the Father, but didn’t recall that God was married. I know, right? When I became a Christian
21 years ago, God gave me an insatiable desire to understand His Word. Out of
that quest, God revealed such über cool truths that I thought others might like
to know it, too, so I started writing Bible studies. Now, 19 in-depth studies
later, I know without a doubt this is God’s calling in my life. I launched
Artesian Ministries in 2007 and have the privilege of traveling all over the US
and internationally teaching God’s Word. There’s nothing I love more than
digging into Scripture. There are so many women who don’t know how much God
loves them. He’s given me incredible opportunities to let them know.

JP: You had me till cats! Just kidding speaking of cats, check out Donna’s cozy little critters. 
I thought cats always landed on their feet?
Um, Donna, she’s giving me the
stank eye! 
JP: Ok, now back to the real cat’s meow–the study! I’m more than excited to be a part of
helping you launch your newest Bible study, The God of All Comfort! When women
dig into this 8 lesson study what will they discover? What makes this study unique?
DP: Many
people know several Bible passages about comfort. But when life blindsides us,
we struggle to recognize HOW God comforts us in real time. That’s what this
study does. I interviewed several faithful Christians who went through
heartbreaking life situations. They reveal exactly how God comforted them and
how that experience affected their lives and strengthened their faith. Although
we dig into lots of verses about God’s grace, love and comfort, it also demonstrates
how God comforts us when we need it most. It shows us how to recognize it,
embrace it, and cling to Him when life turns upside down.
JP: I think we all love comfort, and there’s
nothing wrong with that—to be comfortable. Sipping hot tea while reading a good
book or dipping in a steaming bubble bath is comforting, but it doesn’t bring
the Greatest Comfort! Will women explore the difference between earthly comfort
and heavenly comfort?
DP: That’s
a GREAT question, Jess! Absolutely, there’s a difference and this study explores
it in depth. Earthly comfort expires. Chocolate gets consumed. Flowers die.
Friends move away. Loved ones disappoint. But our God of all comfort lives
inside of us. He is with us every second of every day to offer everlasting
comfort! This study hits hard issues such as childhood sexual abuse, loss,
cancer, addiction, divorce, spiritually mismatched marriages, the stress of a
child serving in the military, and more. These amazing story-sharers reveal
exactly how God comforted and restored them. The Scripture passages to look up
along the way and small group questions at the end of each chapter urges us to
dig deep and experience this study in a community of believers. If you have
suffered, needed comfort, or craved compassion, this study is for you.
JP: Speaking of earthly comfort for a minute,
answer the following questions:
Flannel or cotton? Cotton! I live in the deep
South. Flannel in this heat causes spontaneous combustion.
shoes or bare feet?
bare feet. Otherwise I’d miss the lovely feeling of stepping in cat urp first
thing in the morning every now and then. TMI?
or “whacha see is whacha get” ?
Make-up! I’m blonde, so I have no eyebrows,
eyelashes or color without make-up. Nobody survives seeing that. 🙂
or coffee?
oh yes, coffee! With a side of chocolate.
or showers?
There’s nothing like soaking in a hot bath to relax while reading.
or silence?
is my soul’s language. I love music – especially worship music.
or city?
a country girl at heart, but a city girl by amenities. If that’s wrong, I don’t
want to be right.
or sunshine?
I really love rain. The life it brings and cozy time if offers.
JP: Yes, yes TMI! lol When would you say you feel the most
DP: It’s truly the little things. A handwritten note
in the mail letting me know someone’s thinking about me during a hard time does
wonders. And did I mention chocolate?
JP: You did! I think I have your Christmas gift picked out! Let’s chat about spiritual comfort for a
moment. Share one of your most memorable moments when the greatest source of
Comfort—Jesus  Christ—comforted you!
DP: The
day I signed my divorce papers two and a half years ago was the hardest day of
my life. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, do anything, or get off of the sofa
when I got back home from court. At one point, I was in a heap on the floor
just sobbing. In that moment Jesus’ comforting presence was so powerful and
tangible that it startled me. He was right there with me on the floor, catching
each tear, and reminding me how much I’m loved and cherished.  
JP: I love that He bottles our tears and never mishandles our heart even when others do. Donna, I’ve had a blast hanging out with you
today. I know I’m going to jump in quick on this study and I hope the readers
out there will too!
Tell everyone about the comfy goodies you have
for them today!
DP: I’m so excited about
this launch drawing! We have:
Touch (Wi-Fi, 6″ E Ink Display)
copy of The God of All Comfort
ground coffee
coffee mug with The God of All Comfort
cover on it
iTunes gift cards (worship is essential to comfort!)
set of my DVD Bible study series, Your
Strong Suit
Here’s how
to enter the contest:
Donna’s question: “When was the last time you experienced God’s
comforting presence? How?”
  • Follow the
  • For extra
    entries: Tweet this (add @jessicarpatch to tag me so I can count it a 2nd entry), share on facebook (tag me so I can count it as an entry), and follow @DonnaPyleTX on twitter!
  • The
    contest ends on Sunday, August 19th
    and the winner will be announced
    on Monday, August 20th! 

You can connect with Donna on facebook, her amazing and uplifting blog-Hydrated Living, her website–Artesian Ministries, twitter, and goodreads

Here’s a another peek at The God of All Comfort:
Lessons about Hope in Christ.

Life is hard. Really hard for some of us. We suffer, we grow discouraged, we
struggle with sin. But when we view our sufferings from the balcony of faith,
we rest in the assurance that God never leaves us unloved or uncared for. His
hope is a beacon of comfort.

Over these eight lessons, our journey will take us through a section of
Scripture titled ”The God of All Comfort,” in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. The
apostle Paul, the author of that letter and an expert when it came to suffering,
lends insight and encouragement that God is not blind to our troubles. Along
the way, we will meet faith-filled Christians who relied on faith despite their
heartache. Through their stories and God’s Word, we will experience the
unmistakable handprint of a loving, merciful Savior.

For individuals and small groups, this Bible study offers hope provided by a
God who relentlessly pursues us with His ultimate comfort.

Faith Readers Group Review: Code Triage

Avgolemono soup in the crock pot!
Today’s another
Faith Readers Book Club review of Code Triage by @CandaceCalvert, but before I
dish the goods I’m pleased to announce the winner of the $5 Starbuck/Amazon
(winner choice)! Urban Fun Word Contest.
Erynn! Congratulations!
They were all really good and hard to choose from! 
Find my email
address on the “Connect” page and send me your address! I’ll make
sure to get it in the mail ASAP!
The night started
out with pre-excitement when our very own Jan Kerley aka Rockstar decided to be
brave and make the famous Greek soup, Avgolemono, that our hero cooked. Here’s
the link: Avgolemono soup! As a former chef with a Greek heritage obviously his specialty was the
Greek lemon soup that he made for the heroine before they were ever married. It
was a lovely way to meet and the soup itself was  yummy! Definitely a summer soup with the
lemon flavor, making it light! Jan also brought huge yeast rolls and since the
hero (former chef) is now a cop–we had doughnuts in honor of the stereotype!
Here are some of the
things we chatted about over dinner and before we talked with Candace through
could identify with all the characters in one way or another. I didn’t like
what Sam was doing, but with her background, I could see it.”
wanted to smack Sam and Nick at times!”
loved the symbolism in the story through the lemon tree, the dining room table
and even the horse.”
medical facts intrigued me. Made it feel very real.”
favorite scene was the luau they put on for the neighbors’ anniversary. I could
see it in my head like a movie. It made me laugh.”
like to read about Riley and her story.”
Our overall rating: 4 out of 5 stars!
Candace Calvert
We had so much fun
skyping with Candace. It felt like she’d been one of our friends forever! She
was chatty, personable and interested in what everyone had to say. She talked
about a few of her favorite scenes to write!
At the end, she did
a drawing and gave her current book, Trauma Plan (Riley’s story) to the lucky
winner! She also sent us book marks which was really cool. Especially for this
chick who loves them (even if I normally read from my Kindle)!
Here’s a peek at the
3rd book in her Grace Medical Series, Code Triage.
*We hadn’t read the
first two book when we chose Code Triage, but we had no trouble at all jumping
into the story and understanding everything until the short epilogue to give
the reader a glimpse into the other characters from the first two books!
Dr. Leigh Stathos
likes her ER shifts fast, furious, and adrenaline-infused—“Treat ’em and street
’em”—with no emotional complications. Life’s taught her a soul-rending lesson:
nothing lasts forever, including marriage. And the clock is ticking toward the
end of hers. Then an unwelcome confrontation with “the other woman” begins a
whole new set of lessons. 
San Francisco police
officer Nick Stathos never gives up, whether protecting his patrol
neighborhood, holding fast to faith—or trying to save his marriage. Seven days
is all he has to reach Leigh’s heart. But when a desperate act of violence
slams Golden Gate Mercy Hospital into lockdown, it starts a chain of events
that will change lives forever. 
Do you read medical dramas, suspense or thrillers? And do you ever make recipes from novels? 

Tips for the ACFW Conference

Okay, here they are: My extremely helpful tips for writers going to the ACFW conference (or any writer’s conference really).

But first…

Monday I’ll be posting the Faith Readers Group review of Code Triage, a novel by the lovely Candace Calvert! I’ll also announce the winner for the $5 Starbucks or Amazon card. You still have time to play the Urban Fun Words Game and get a shot at winning! You can enter HERE

Wednesday, I’m uber-stoked to host the launch of Donna Pyle’s new Bible Study, The God of All Comfort! She’s got an AMAZING giveaway (besides the study itself) so make sure you come and tweet and share about it on facebook! 

And Friday, that lovely author, Candace Calvert, I was talking about will be here with us chatting about her medical series. Think Grey’s Anatomy meets faith! It’s going to be a blast!

Now, tips you can’t pass up!
Have a great weekend! 

Jesus is a Tree Hugger

I had a dream and in
this dream, I was in an orchard. The citrusy smell of oranges, the fragrant
smell of apples and pears made me happy. Rows of trees for miles stretched out
before me.

Some of the trees
were huge with ripe fruit and some were only budding blossoms, not yet ripened,
and then I heard a rustling from the trees. I wasn’t afraid. My heart sped up
and my stomach did a pretzel twist. From the trees I saw what looked to be black
work boots, but they were knee high. A cross between riding boots and work
boots, though I’ve never seen anything like it before. And as my gaze traveled
upward, I recognized a smile on the face of the One who owned the interesting
boots. Dazzling white teeth. My hands trembled and I think He knew how giddy I
was that we were together. In this orchard.
“Come,” He
said and I grabbed his hand–peace washed over me. “What do you think of
my orchard?”
I don’t think I said
anything, but the feeling of beauty and love surrounded me. He led me to two
smaller trees. One had a few blossoms, the other was a tad smaller and bare,
but beautiful. They fascinated me.
“Sit while I
work. I want to show you something.”
I did as I was asked
and took shade under a large tree, ripe with fruit. I nestled against the trunk
and security filled my chest. He looked at me and all I saw were dark eyes.
Strange how I could see His face, yet I couldn’t at all. Never once was it clear.
But the feeling I took away from the way he looked at me was as if He was
amused at how I felt nestling under this large fruit tree. As if he knew
something I didn’t.
He reached up and
started to break wilted blossoms off the taller tree, running his hands along
the buds with loving care. “This is beautiful, don’t you think?”
I did. I almost
cried from the overwhelming beauty. Somehow I knew this tree was special.
“All trees need treated with care, Jessica. But the young ones need
I nodded and watched
as He skillfully tended the tree. He opened his palm and rays of sunshine
glistened around the tree like a halo. “Let My light shine.” He
smiled. I only saw the smile.
Then he moved to the
next tree. Pale green leaves, small–showing how tender it was stood next to
the tree basking in the light of the Tender and I continued to sit under the
giant tree that seemed to shade me with love and protection. As if its branches
cherished me. I reached up and brushed one of the leaves before turning my
attention back to the young tree.
He knelt and began
to smooth the grainy earth around the tree, covering young roots that exposed
themselves. His hands moved gently, and he whispered to the small tree then
stopped to laugh as if they were having a conversation, but I couldn’t hear
what was said. He chuckled again and nodded then opened his palm and rushing
water burst forth and the  leaves grew
vibrant. A green I’ve never seen before. Not emerald but even more so!
Tears filled my eyes
and I crawled near, careful not to upset the freshly cultivated soil that
protected the roots of the bare baby tree.
“Do you see how
I gently tend?”
“Yes,” I
“Do you know
why you love these trees so much?”
I did not.
“They belong to
you.” He stroked my cheek. “I’ve given them to you. Gifts. We’ll tend
them together.” And in that 
instant, I knew those two trees, one older than the other, were my
daughter and my son.
I turned back to the
great tree with much fruit and heard the Him laugh, a soft, whispery laugh.
My husband. I’d been
leaning against my husband, learning how to tend my young children.
To help them grow
and bear fruit. Fruit that lasts. This week was their first back at school. I
always  have apprehension. I get nervous
for them. I know they’ll hear things that will make me cringe–new phrases, new
words. Pollution.
But I also know
these times are opportunities to trim their trees and teach them what the Word
of God says. I know my Savior will be filling them with His light and watering
them, tending to them alongside me. Or more like me alongside Him.
And I am comforted.
“I am the true
vine; my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that does not
produce fruit. And he trims and cleans
every branch that produces fruit so
that it will produce even more fruit.”
John 15:1-2 (NCV)
Have you ever been to an orchard? What’s your favorite fruit?
And how does it make you feel knowing Jesus is tending to you–to your
children, your spouse?

I’m hosting today! Come
by and let’s chat!

photo credit: freedigital photos

Urban Word Fun Contest!

My kids went back to
school today so I thought it’d be fun to do a Word Fun Contest, you know, since they’ll be learning new words. From teachers. From students. My stomach just knotted.
The following
urban phrases/words cracked me up and #3 made me feel as old as friggin Methuselah, but hey…
Here’s how the
contest works:
Use the three words
together in a sentence and I’ll choose the winner and announce on Monday, August 13th!
Winner gets a $5.00 Starbucks or Amazon card (winner choice). *Only applies to
the US
A driver and/or car
that goes consistently under the speed limit, causing a backup of 20+ cars,
creating frustration and your ability to be where you want to be on time.
Photo credit: freedigitalphotos
consumption of food undertaken to avoid a dull or arduous task, irrespective of
hunger levels or the time of day.
photo credit: freedigitalphotos
Instead of
keyboarding or texting a long and detailed story, someone suggests a phone call
as a more direct way to have a conversation.
photocredit: freedigitalphotos
*All words and definitions taken from the Urban Dictionary
*Friday I’ll be giving you helpful tips for a writing conference Vlog style.
*We’ll be hanging out with Lisa Jordan at Cuppa Josie’s TBA! Get your coffee cups ready for some gourmet Joe and tantalizing cyber delicacies! 

Good-Bye Summer

In my neck of the woods, summer is gone. Oh the heat still toys with us, trying to play mind-games on our already fried brains. Fried from heat. Fried from to-do lists, schedules, etc…

This is my last week with my kids before the new school year begins. I’m always nervous for them. Nervous they’ll get picked on, nervous they’ll have rotten teachers with no compassion, nervous they’ll be nervous. Generally, I’m not a worrier.  But this time of year, I am. 

I know God has it all under control. I know He’s promised to take care of them. I trust Him to do it, but those pre-school jitters still get me looking like a drunk marionette. Right now, you’re picturing me as a trashed Pinocchio-ette. Admit it.

This summer has flown by. I mean really. I can’t figure out where summer went. So this week I’m taking a blogging break and I’ll probably be online less, although my iPhone makes it hard. School supplies are bought. Clothes and shoes are purchased and my house is mostly clean. So I’m taking this last week to hang out with my kids and yeah, do some writing when they get sick of me. Depending on how much sarcasm I drop will determine how long it takes before they beg me to go away! 


I’ll be back, you can all sigh in relief now, on Monday, August 6th and we’ll all get to hang out at Cuppa Josie’s in Shelby Lake with Lisa Jordan. Expect a recipe, a super cool ending to the day, and lots of coffee, tea, and pastries! Holla!

Would you rather take math classes the rest of your life with a teacher you like, or creative writing with a teacher you detest? Why?
*photocredit: freedigitalphotos

A Whole Day Cleaning Out the…

Yeah, the pantry. School is starting in two weeks! Two. Two weeks and my house is simply not ready for grumpy heads rising before 6:30 a.m., heading to school to beat the tardy bell at 7:20.

It’s not ready for starving mouths that need after-school snacks and all that goes along with five days of kid-torture.

My pantry was ridiculous.

So maybe I didn’t spend a whole day on it, but I swear I did spend an hour and it’s possible more than one bag of trash went out, I will not admit to any more than one. 

I reorganized my spice rack, moved a few things to different cabinets, shopped for school supplies and got them ready to go in boxes, and basically cleaned house. No, not basically, I did clean house.

I was quiet online yesterday and I got zipola writing done. I will say while dinner was in the oven, I took a break with a cup of tea and Lisa Jordan’s newest book, Lakeside Family. A fifteen minute break. Yeah, it turned into an hour and I admit to laughing out loud and even sobbing tearing up. You can pre-order it! Click on Lisa’s name.

Now that my laundry is done, school supplies purchased, and I can open my pantry without stale chips and moldy bread falling out (I might or might not be exaggerating) I can get back to writing. Oh and I got inspired by Amanda Dykes uber-cool organized desk, so I cleaned mine off and did a little organizing myself! You can read about it at Melissa Tagg’s Tag(g)lines, where she guest posted, HERE!

Do you do a full scrub on your house before school starts up? And even better, if you could be one item in a pantry, what would you be and why?

His Banner Over Me Is…

The title reminds me
of the song I sang as a child in Sunday school. I loved the motions to the
song, the verses. I had no clue what it all meant, other than it was  fun and it was about God. What else did you
need on Sunday morning, right?
As I’ve become an
adult, I know Jehovah-Nissi,
When Moses went to
war with the hardcore Amalekites, by lifting his arms overhead (sometimes his
friends had to lift them for him) he realized something new about God. He built
an altar after they gained the victory and he called it The-LORD-is-My-Banner
because the LORD has sworn; the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation
to generation.” Ex. 17:8-15
But what is a banner
all about?
In war times,
someone  carried the flag into battle.
The soldiers could see it and be reminded who and what they were fighting for.
It gave them a focal point. Hope. Encouragement.
This morning I got
up with a pinch-and-thump in my heart.
Yesterday wasn’t
exactly a great day for me. I let some disappointing news dictate my evening.
Yes, I had family night. We played Apples to Apples and yes, I laughed and
played along. Then we watched a movie and yes, I stared at the TV, but I’m
certain I heard nothing. Saw even less. Less than nothing. It’s possible.
This morning, as I
laid out my Bible and switched on my computer, not feeling much like digging
into the Bible. A little put-out with God. A little frustrated. He reminded me
who He is.
I closed my eyes and
saw the billowy white robe majestically blowing on the wind of the Holy
Spirit’s moving on my behalf. I saw the pole the robe was attached to. Old,
splintered wood.
The crimson insignia
flashed vividly against the hem of the flowing robe.
“Keep marching,
Jess. It’s not over yet. Not while I’m still over you.”
brought me to His banqueting table, His banner over me is love.”
I cracked open my
banquet and chewed and savored, rich and delightful, calorie and fat free.
This is what He fed
“I waited
patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry. He also
brought me up out of the horrible pit, out of the clay, and set my feet upon a
rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth–Praise to
our God; Many will see it and fear, and will trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:1-3
*photo credit: freedigitalphotos 
What has God fed you with during disappointing times? Share a verse! 
Come by our
facebook women’s
community and let’s chat!

And the Winner Is…


I have chosen the
name for my contest! My new WIP (work in progress) has a Saint Bernard that
belongs to a detective.  I didn’t give
much information about the hero of the story other than his occupation, on
He’s had a
relationship turn sour, he sees a lot of negativity in the world with his job.
Unable to avoid the cliché, this story is about how the grass isn’t greener on
the other side. It’s full of irony and deceit. It is a romantic suspense,
whatdaya expect?!
How I chose the name
was pretty simple. I read it, then I closed my eyes and tried to see if I could
pull off a humorous scene using the name. This dog will be the way my
hero/heroine meet.
All the names were
great! So I’m going to give you my top five names and then the winning name!
5. Mr. Darcy
If my detective had a poetic side, the irony would be awesome. And I laughed several times thinking about it.
4. Bootsie
Big white feet look
like boots and I could come up with some dialogue but not enough humor.
3. Lipstick
Seriously, look at
that mutt’s mouth! I could see this dog as a puppy eating the detective’s ex’s favorite
tube of lipstick and the name, well…sticking.
2. Komere
Sounds like Come
in an exaggerated southern accent and had my novel been set in the south,
I’d have probably went with that! Cracks me up!
1. Edith
“You named your dog, Edith?”
“Yeah, it
reminds me of my grandma.”
“Gentle and
“No, rotund and
hairy.” LOL I could see my character so saying that! He’s a bit of a
But I chose the following name because not only is it ironic and ridiculous, but I can actually weave
some truth about life into the dialogue and the name.
the winner of the $10.00 Amazon/Starbucks card (winner’s choice) goes to…..drum roll……
Redding for the name:
Congratulations, Jeff! 
Here’s a tiny
snippet of dialogue I concocted on the fly after hearing the name.
dusting herself off, she took a good look at his dog. “Your boy dog’s name is Kitten?” The puzzled look on
her face made him grin again.
“I got her
at the beginning of an ironic stage in my life.”
crossed her arms. “Did you ever think you’d come out of it and be stuck with a
horrible name for a dog?”
“I’ll let
you know when I’m out.” He’d brought Kitt home the same day Miranda said she
wasn’t going to marry him. That God had another plan for her. It didn’t include
He’d been
sure God had told him it had.
“You know
that’s mean really. Labeling someone as something they’re not is destructive.”
She glared at him and gave him a take-that look.
Thanks to everyone
who participated! I read every single one and I tell ya, it was hard to choose.
I valued all of your input.
What’s the silliest pet name you’ve ever heard?

Surf N Turf with Lindsay Harrel!


*Note: Scroll down to the youtube so you can listen while you read! Get an island adventure all the way around!

Pillow fights with lots of giggling, goofy dance-offs,
roller-skating backwards, and late night talks. That’s what Lindsay Harrel is.
Fun, energetic, sweet, deep and full of Jesus. I love me some Linds.

Since the age of six, when she wrote the riveting tale “How
to Eat Mud Pie,” Lindsay Harrel has passionately engaged the written word as a
reader, writer, and editor. She holds a B.A. in Journalism and Mass
Communication and an M.A. in English. In her current day job as a curriculum
editor for a local university, Lindsay helps others improve their work and
hones her skills for her night job—writing inspirational contemporary fiction. Lindsay
lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her husband of five years and a golden
retriever puppy in serious need of training.
Did I mention wicked smart, too? Yeah. I know. Today we want
you to kick back, toss your flip-flops in the bag (mine are hot pink to match
my swim suit and since it’s cyberworld, uh…size 4 thank you very much!) Close
your eyes, well don’t really…um…you’re reading, and listen as Jimmy Buffet and
possibly Kermit take us to the islands.
Today, Linds and I are hanging at the beach. Which one you
ask? Doesn’t matter. It’s a beach. With water. And drinks with umbrellas
(loaded or unloaded whatever you prefer).
What kind of sunscreen are you wearing and what proof? I’m wearing my sparking
Hawaiian Tropics. I feel like such a Cullen! 15 proof which is a little higher than
the proof in my Mohito! LOL
Banana Boat ‘cause the name just rocks—even though I think of coconuts, not
bananas, when I think of the beach. And do they make a 150-proof? ‘Cause, girl,
I’m pale and I burn. Just a fact of life, unfortunately.
heard once you get to 30 proof, it’s all the same just more expensive. Don’t
take my word though, as you might look very much like Sebastian when all is
said and done. So, I know we’re chatting and all, but what genre is that book
you’re reading?
Christian romantic fiction, of course. I love all genres, but I sort of find
the beach setting a romantic one. So I gotta have fiction to match!
JP: Yes
I agree although I’m reading an intense romantic suspense, but I can’t figure
out who killed Laura Palmer. *giggle* You missed that didn’t you? You’re so
young! (Who else missed that?) Hold up, my bathing suit needs adjusted. Oh, the
sand! How many bathing suits did you try on before you found one you deemed
decent to go out in public in?
LH: Well,
since I can tell on the hanger that about 99% are either for tiny teens or
grandmas…not many (since there aren’t many to choose from!).
so had that issue with my daughter. Either too little girlish or too
Kardashian. Sigh. Cough. I’m parched. Let’s order something to drink! What are
you having?
LH: Ice water (with the awesome munchable ice like they have
at Sonic) with a Coke Zero chaser. Ha. I’m funny, huh?
Seriously? We’re on a beach with a full Tiki bar and you’re having water. With
ice. That crunches. You know what else crunches? Celery stalks. In Bloody
Marys. LOL I’m kidding, I mean celery does crunch but about BMs. Okay, now that
could go lots of places. BM as in Blood Mary, people.  Nevermind. I’m having a watermelon slush.
Man, I love the beach. The sand in my… toes, the crashing of waves. Sun on my
face. What do you love most about the beach?
photo credit: freedigitalphotos
LH: Like
you, the sound of the waves. There is nothing more relaxing to me than the
sound of running—or crashing—water. Sigh! Like I said above…romantic, no?
JP: Indeed
it is, Linds. Hey your shoulders look a little medium rare. I’m thinking you
need to load up again. Dude, we need some tunes. What’s playing on your iPod?
LH: You’re
going to run away screaming when I say this, but I love all the Glee
soundtracks. Especially the ones where they perform show tunes. Don’t hate!
Hate?! I LOVE the Glee soundtracks, have most of them! Crank up Defying
Gravity! But not really. It’s kinda’s messing with Jimmy. Here’s a little island treat for all of us! 

JP: Now that’s island fun and it makes me hungry. Lunch should be seafood. I’m having deep fried
crab claws, crab legs, and fried shrimp. What’s a little grease when you’re
wearing a cyber 4? What’s on your menu?
LH: Um,
yeah…the cool thing about surf and turf is YOU can have the surf and I’LL have
the turf. (Cough, seafood is of the devil). For me, chicken all the way, baby,
especially if it’s seasoned with some sort of Cajun or jerked spices. Yummy in
my tummy.
JP: And
yet again, you disappoint me. Sigh. SIGH. SIIIIGH! Oh well, more for me! Let’s
go in the water! Kayaking! Yes. Hope JAWS doesn’t get us. Ba dump…what do you
hope to see out here—minus JAWS? I’d love to see a school of dolphins. Do they
actually travel in schools? Herds? Packs? Crowds? Clicks?
LH: Yay,
kayaking is fun! I did that once in Hawaii with my hubby. And yes, wouldn’t it
be sweet to see dolphins? I might even be willing to brave my fear of the open
water and swim with them…as long as we were positive JAWS wouldn’t attack and
bite my leg off. I’d also love to see more sea turtles. We just saw one when we
snorkeled in St. Kitts (in a very secure and safe cove…no sharks!).
From the movie: JAWS

JP:  Sounds like a plan. Don’t worry, we’ll be
safe. Isn’t that what everyone says before it isn’t safe? What would you do if
the undertow kept pulling us out? Or if you were stuck on a beach island for
three months? What would you miss most? What would you miss least?

LH: I’d
miss my daily dose of Internet and social media/email, since I’m pretty much
addicted. What would I miss least? Haha, work.

JP: Yep, this is the life and it’s all in cyberville so join
us! You can hang with Linds on land too! At her blog, facebook, and twitter @LindsayHarrel.

playing on your iPod and are you Surf n Turf, or just Surf or Turf? Cheers! Don’t
forget your sunblock!

*Monday, I’ll choose the winner for my contest on facebook and share why I chose it here on the blog! Today is the last day to cast your vote and name the Saint Bernard in my newest book. Winner gets a $10 Amazon/Starbucks card (your choice) “Like” my page and leave as many comments as you like!