
Are You Ready to EMERGE?


If you’ve known me two seconds, you know that I love Heather Sunseri’s books. Her debut Mindspeak series was off the charts amazing and her newest book EMERGE in a brand new series proves to be just as amazing.

In her true to “science goes sideways” form, she presents the coolest setting, fantastic quirky cast and a story that will rivet her readers. You should be one of her readers. Just sayin.

Happy Release Day! Now go, everyone, and buy the book! 
Buy the book!

Buy the books!
Mindspeak (the first book) is FREE! 

Plus, sign up for Heather’s newsletter and receive a FREE Emerge story!

Of All The…NERVE!

Hey everyone and welcome
to Friday. Today, Bethany Macmanus is hanging out and playing a round of Would
You Rather with us as well as sharing about her new novel, NERVE!
Would You Rather…
…be super strong or super fast?
Bethany: Super fast! I’ve always struggled with time management, so it
seems like being super fast, by default, would help me with that.
Justin: Super strong. If I could cheat out of my nightly gym workouts,
it would really be a time-saver. Having buff cardiac muscles would be awesome
when I’m chasing down a hoodlum.
Wren: I agree with Bethany. Not so much on the time management thing,
but getting my pictures back to my editor faster than the other journalists
would be great. Then I would get first pickings!
… never
touch another human again or never touch a computer powered device again?
Bethany: The computer thing sounds great,
though I’m not sure how I’d do my job? Maybe write in notebooks and make
copies…but I think Xerox machines are computer-powered…doh.
Justin: Never touch another human again? I’d
Wren: Yeah, I’d pretty much shrivel up,
especially knowing how my arms respond to touch.
… be
ignorant and happy or be knowledgeable and never fully content?
Bethany: Too much knowledge can be a painful
thing, anyway. Give me stupidity.
Justin: If that would mean I could solve my
cases when first presented with them, it would make my job very boring.
Ignorance sounds good to me, too.
Wren: Oh, but I’d know what was wrong with
my arms! Surely that would make me content. Okay, not to be super-spiritual,
but aren’t we never supposed to be fully content until we reach heaven, anyway?
Hmmm. I’m liking the knowledge thing.
Bethany, tell us about your book!  Okay!
It was created to save lives.

Now someone is using it to take them.
When Lauren
“Wren” Masterson discovers her deceased father’s medical invention
has been stolen from her childhood home in Florida, she never expects the officer
assigned to the case will be Justin Breck, who asked her out two years ago.
He’s changed
since then, seems like he’s hiding something. What happened to his openness,
his no-holds-barred, carefree attitude? She wonders how this new Justin could
possibly accept her imperfections, namely the persistent nerve disorder her
father’s missing invention might cure.
Justin is
learning the darker side of Doctor Masterson’s past life. The hard part?
Proving it to Doc’s adoring daughter, while attempting to win her heart. He
might have some history with her, but Doc’s lawyer, Connor Radcliffe, has more.
As bodies begin to drop around them, will
Justin and Lauren find the invention before the thief uses it to kill Lauren?
(Jess) Whoa! This sounds so great! What are you working on next?
(Bethany) The goal is to release the next suspense
novel in my Habitations series, Seven Sentinel’s Gate, this August. Wish me the
best! 😀 I’ve already revealed the cover on my website, if you’d like to check
over there.
(Jess) I do wish you the best! And, everyone, you can
connect with Bethany in several different ways:
Answer one or more of the questions in the comments! 

I SOLD A BOOK! The story with a little help from Miley Cyrus

Sometimes songs help
tell a story.

Today, “The Climb” by
Miley Cyrus is going to help me. Just like Kutless helped me tell one in 2011. READ IT HERE!
I can almost see it.
That dream I’m dreaming…
I wrote my first book in
August 2008. I had no idea where it was going to go, but I felt compelled to
write. I gave that manuscript to my mom that Christmas. She cried, but not
because it sucked. Though, I think it might have.
I kept writing. One story.
Another. Another.
I met and pitched to my
dream agent in Feb. 2011. She offered me representation in September of 2011.
She submitted my book
(not my first but 12th) in November 2011. I thought in about a month
or two I’d have a contract, after all this was a God-given dream (insert maniacal
laughter here). I kept working. Revising. We kept pitching. Rejections came.
And came. And came.
There’s a voice inside my head saying
You’ll never reach it
Every step I’m takin’
Every move I make
Feels lost with no direction,
My faith is shakin’
But I, I gotta keep tryin’
Gotta keep my head held high
But I couldn’t quit. Because
no matter how shaken I felt. No matter how discouraged, how frustrated, how
physically painful it was, I couldn’t deny this was what I was born to do. This
is part of who I am.
Twelve manuscripts
turned into twenty.
I met amazing people.
Authors. Unpublished writers. Industry professionals. They sowed into my life.
They taught me. They corrected me. Friendships were bonded. Some of my best
friends live states away and yet a day doesn’t go by that we don’t text or talk on
the phone. A prayer team, I call the Triple Ps formed. These women pray for me
with such intensity and passion, I can honestly feel it when I sit down to
I’ve learned what true
patience, endurance, and perseverance mean. I’ve had years to hone my craft
(though I haven’t “arrived” I’m always growing and learning). I’ve had years to
discover areas where my pride is Nebuchadnezzar kind of scary. I’ve had years
to nail it to the cross. I do it daily. I’ve had years to learn how to fight fear
with the Truth of God’s word. To battle doubt and confusion.

New stories bring new
obstacles and struggles. It’s a slow climb. It’s a lesson in waiting, in a
culture where we don’t have to wait for anything. It’s a stretch where I’ve
learned balance. Balancing being a wife, mom, ministry leader, friend,
daughter. I asked, “Why so long? When, Lord? I’m doing everything you’ve asked
me to do! How much longer? I’m hanging on but…”
And I’ve cried. I’ve
been exhausted physically, emotionally, spiritually. Worn slap out and feeling
too tired to press on. Too tired to write something new. Too tired to revise what
I already have. Too tired for one more blog post. Too tired for one more
rejection. Too tired for one more person asking me when I was going to get published.
Too tired to roll my eyes when someone mentioned writing was easy. Just type up
a story and slap it on Amazon. Too tired to slap them for saying that. Too.
Too. Too. Tired. I’ve lost the fight.

But God.
Always: But God. He
never failed me. Never let me down. He presented amazing opportunities out of
the blue, right when I needed the encouragement. Every step of the way. He’s
been with me. For me. Beside me. He’s gone before me. And He’s pushed me from
behind…straight up the mountain. Not the mountain of publishing per se, but the
mountain of self-discovery. The mountain where I’m pruned. Grown. Matured.
 There’s always gonna
be another mountain
I’m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose
Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what’s waitin’ on the other side
It’s the climb
And then halfway up the
mountain, God gave me a new vision. A new direction. One I hadn’t jumped on
before. But I obeyed. Because if I’ve learned anything in 7 years, it’s trust and
obey. I wrote one more book. And you know what? I had it in me to do. Because in my weakness, He is strong. And His grace is sufficient for me.
Price of Betrayal was
born. I sent the proposal to my agent on February 27th, 2014. On
March 19th, the editor requested the full manuscript.
On March 26th,
my agent sent it to her.
And guess what? I
And waited.
And waited.
I wrote two more books
for this line while waiting in 2014.
On October 10th,
2014, the editor sent back a request for revisions. So I went to work. Again.
We sent those revisions back on November 3rd, 2014.
And guess what? We
waited. I waited. I revised. I put out a free Christmas novella to subscribers.
I decided to create a series of novellas. I shopped for presents. I checked my
email like a freak of nature.
On January 29, 2015, I
got THE CALL. My amazing, wonderful, encouraging agent sat on the other end of
the phone while I hit my knees sobbing. A week after that I had the chance to
talk with my editor from Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense. She’s super nice and
fun to talk to. And her revision requests were insightful and spot-on.
Price of Betrayal
(tentative title) will hit shelves in early 2016. Yeah, another year of waiting
while I’m working. But I’ve learned waiting is worth it.
New struggles will come.
New challenges. More mountains to climb. To make move.
The struggles I’m facing
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes might knock me down, but
No I’m not breaking

I may not know it, but
These are the moments that
I’m gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep goin’,
And I, I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on, ’cause
Maybe you’re trying to
make a mountain move. Take the steps. You move. And God will move the mountain.
Keep on movin’
Keep climbin’
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about, it’s all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith…
Never ever stop
dreaming. Never ever give up. Keep reaching. Keep climbing. Keep stepping.
Climb tired. Climb when it hurts. Climb when you feel rejected. Climb when you’re
discouraged. Climb when you can’t see. Climb through the tears. Climb when you
want to quit.
Push on. Press in. Pray
When you reach the summit,
you’ll look back and see God’s fingerprints all over the journey. 

It’s not
about fast. It’s about faith.

If God is in it, you can’t
Thank you to everyone
who has stuck by me and encouraged me. It ain’t over yet! And listen to the song. You’ll be glad you did. 

What are you dreaming for?

Eyes Wide Shut

It’s easy to do go about your daily life and settle into the fact that what you see is what you get. We say we walk by faith and not by sight but if we don’t daily remind ourselves of that, we forget. And what you see is what you get. 

This passage of scripture really stood out to me this past week. 

Then the Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?”
“A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied.
 “Throw it down on the ground,” theLord told him. So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back.
 Then the Lord told him, “Reach out and grab its tail.” So Moses reached out and grabbed it, and it turned back into a shepherd’s staff in his hand.” Exodus 4:2-4 NLT
All Moses saw in his hand was a shepherd’s staff, a rod…a piece of carved wood. A dead stick if you will. 
But was it? 
The minute he obeyed God and threw it down it became a snake. I’m not so sure Moses didn’t jump back like a flash of lightning over the fact it was a snake as the fact he was shocked out of his gourd. He wasn’t expecting a petrified piece of wood to become a living, moving thing.
What you see isn’t always what you get. Not when God is in the mix. 
You may think you’re holding onto to something that can’t move, breathe, live, or become something else. You may be discouraged, disappointed, and depressed over it. 
But what you see…well…it isn’t what you always get. Walk by faith. Trust God to take what you think is dead and turn it into something that will blow your mind! 
How’s your walk by faith going today? 


No, I’m not predicting the end of the world. I have super powers but that isn’t one of them. 🙂 

Nope, today is the last day you can receive my FREE Christmas novella. So click on the link at the top right corner and SUBSCRIBE to be Patched In! I’ve got a lot of fun news and some more FREE stuff coming for you. But only subscribers have access to FREE perks! 

I know you might be thinking, um…I don’t read Christmas books when it’s not Christmas. Okay, save it! Read it this next holiday season. Maybe you’re thinking, I don’t read Christmas books at all. Okay, don’t read it. But other things are coming so join my newsletter and emailing list and I promise never to give your address away, SPAM you death, or kill your puppies. See. I’m nice like that. 

Now, here’s a peek at the story. 

rowdy bar owner. A widowed pastor’s wife. And Christmas Hope that brings them
After widower Eden
Snow’s church almost burns to the ground, she’s compelled to find a temporary
place to hold services and Christmas cantata practices.
Has-been hockey player,
Knox Everhart, has a reputation for being fast on the ice and with women.
Except Eden. She’s always been a fascinating mystery to him, which is why he
agrees to let her use the back room of his bar—with one rule: No converting his
But when Eden brings
the church to the bar, it offers something the bottle can’t. Hope. And he finds
himself falling in love with a woman and a Savior he feels unworthy to pursue.

Creating an Atmosphere of Faith

Can you create an atmospher of faith? I’m talking about that today on Thoughts On Plot. You don’t have to be a writer to create this kind of atmosphere. 

When we constantly tell ourselves we can’t do something, when we let every negative word said about us rule our thoughts, we’ll never succeed. We may never even try. 

Maybe you’re about to throw in the towel today. Maybe you’ve given up on a dream because someone (or so many) has told you it can never be done–at least not by you. Maybe you’re in a state of paralyzing fear and can’t move forward, even a baby step. 

It’s time to create an atmosphere of faith. 

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV

“Watch, stand fast in the faith,be brave, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 NKJV

Now, come by Thoughts On Plot and see what creating an atmosphere faith can look like. 

You still have time to enter and win Falling For Texas a contemporary romance by Jill Lynn. Click HERE to enter.

Have you subscribed to my newsletter, The Patched In? There’s only a short time left to receive my FREE Christmas novella before the offer ends. Also, a sneak peek of my new novella is coming to those are patched in this week! So join  now! CLICK HERE. 


Giddy Up with Jill Lynn!

Howdy partners! I say
that because today’s book is set in Texas. I doubt Texans really say that but
whatevs. I’m so stoked to have Jill Lynn on the blog today. I had the chance to
read her debut Love Inspired novel, and it was wonderful, fun, deep, emotional.
All sorts of good vibes coming out of this book! Let’s play a round of our favorite
game with her and her cast!
Would You Rather…
…go back in time and change something in
the past or know something important about the future?
Jill: Neither! Might
sound crazy, but I think everything happens for a reason. And if I knew
something about the future, that would totally mess with me!
Olivia: As you get to
know Olivia, you’ll find she’d do anything to erase the past. Until she begins
to realize that God can use it for good.
Cash: Though Cash
doesn’t hide things like Olivia, he definitely has things to let go of. I’d
have to say change something in the past for him also. Although… he’d love to
see that his sister Rachel’s okay in the future. Tough one!
…spend a week in the mountains or a week
on the beach?
Jill: Beach. Hands down,
no question. J
I love, love the beach.
Olivia: I have to say
mountains for Olivia because she’s moved to Texas in the book and is missing
her Rocky Mountains.
Cash: Mountains. I don’t
see Cash as a beach sort of guy. J
…unearth secrets or bury lies?
Jill: I’m going to say
unearth secrets. And on that note, I must digress into a story. When my son was
around four years old, he had a week when he wasn’t eating very well. I wasn’t
sure what was wrong, but when it came to meal time, he just wouldn’t eat. He
wasn’t hungry. At the end of that week, I found the wrappers for some Z bars
under his train table. When I started looking, I found wrappers stashed
everywhere in our basement. He’d eaten almost a whole Costco-sized box of bars
over a few days. While I was laughing inside, we had to work and work to get him
to tell us the truth. He actually got disciplined more for lying more than he
did taking the bars. I always tell my kids they’ll be in more trouble if they
lie than if they tell the truth. (Me here: That is our rule too!)
Olivia: Bury lies. She
definitely doesn’t want her past found out!
Cash: Definitely unearth
secrets. He’s not a fan of lies of any sort and would rather hear the truth.
Thanks for playing,
ya’ll! Now, Jill, tell us what inspired this story?
Before I became a stay
at home mom, I worked at a crisis pregnancy center. Shame is so prevalent, and
I wanted to write a story of a woman starting over hoping to leave the past
behind, eventually realizing that she doesn’t need to because grace covers
What are you working on now?
I’m working on a second
book to submit to Love Inspired. It’s about the younger sister in this
book—Lucy. Her story is about learning to accept help, and I have to say, she’s
been a fun character to write.
What is your story about? 

Raising his orphaned
teenage sister isn’t easy for Texas rancher Cash Maddox. The girl tests his
parenting—and patience—at every turn! But when he asks new teacher Olivia
Grayson for help with his sister’s grades and attitude, Cash realizes he’s
facing the toughest trial of all. He made a promise that he wouldn’t date and
get distracted from his mission of being a good father figure. Yet Olivia’s
quick wit is drawing him unexpectedly closer to the caring beauty every day.
Could it be time to make a new vow…one that’ll last a lifetime? 
Jill Lynn writes
contemporary inspirational romance for Harlequin Love Inspired, with her first
book, Falling for Texas, available now. She has a Bachelor’s degree in
Communication from Bethel University and is a member of American Christian
Fiction Writers. In 2013, Jill won the ACFW Genesis award. She lives in
Colorado with her husband and two young children and has a penchant for great
books, boots, and thrift stores.
with her at

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Letting Up on Leah

So, I’m a romantic. I can’t help it. I think I was born this way. Or my mom at least contributed by allowing me to watch endless soaps from birth to like 4 years. But that might be my love for melodrama not romance. That’s another blog post. Or a trip to the therapist’s couch. Either way.

I am a romantic and there’s something about this story that makes all gooey inside. Jacob is coming to Haran after running from his older brother (twin by a minute) Esau. 

 “While Jacob was in conversation with them, Rachel came up with her father’s sheep. She was the shepherd. The moment Jacob spotted Rachel, daughter of Laban his mother’s brother, saw her arriving with his uncle Laban’s sheep, he went and single-handedly rolled the stone from the mouth of the well and watered the sheep of his uncle Laban. Then he kissed Rachel and broke into tears. He told Rachel that he was related to her father, that he was Rebekah’s son.” Genesis 29:9-12 MSG

Let’s not miss Rachel was a Shepherdess. I think that’s cool. Anyway, Jacob rolls this stone away single-handedly! A stone that took all the shepherds to do. Talk about a major adrenaline rush! She’s coming toward him with her hook in hand, sheep all around, and she’s beautiful. Knocks the breath right out of him and gets his blood pumping so hard he does rolls that joker away. And my heart pitter-patters. I’m instantly rooting for them!

Then Jacob asks for Rachel. He’s been struck by her since the moment she stepped into the pasture.

“Now Laban had two daughters; Leah was the older and Rachel the younger. Leah had nice eyes, but Rachel was stunningly beautiful. And it was Rachel that Jacob loved.” Genesis 29: 16-17 MSG

Okay, we might say here that he’s going on looks alone and that’s shallow and that would be. But I think it was more, because he always loved her best. She was the most important to him. And he was willing to work 7 years for her. 

“So Jacob worked seven years for Rachel. But it only seemed like a few days, he loved her so much.” (v. 20 MSG)

Pitter patter! It only felt like a few days! 

But then his uncle tricks him and he ends up marrying Leah. He must have been sloppy drunk on the wedding night to mistake them but it happened.

And he was sorely disappointed. I wonder if Leah begged her father not to make her do this as she worked to tug free from his arm. “He doesn’t love me, Father! He loves Rachel!” But deep inside, I wonder if maybe she was taken with him all along. Wishing he loved her enough to put down 7 long years just to make her his. She was the eldest. She should be married first. 

And poor Rachel, like Cinderella locked in her room, maybe she banged on the door and wept and shouted. Seven years she’d gotten to know this man. Builded up to this one moment. A mild-mannered man (says so. Esau hunted but he stayed in the tents and was a mild mannered man). Gone. In a night.

However, Laban did give Rachel to Jacob for 7 more years. 

And to be honest, I just want Leah out of the picture so Rachel and Jacob can be together. I don’t want him married to her, sleeping with her, or having children with her. I’m disgusted that he would! I don’t care if it’s culture! He worked 7 years for Rachel! He loved Rachel. 

But this read around, I felt terrible for Leah. How miserable to know that you’re unloved and unwanted. You’re decent to sleep with and have some kids with, but his time and attention other than an occasional night belonged to someone else. 

Ever felt unwanted? Unloved? Miserable? Wishing life could be different? That you were adored and cherished and thought of. Ever envied someone else for having those things?

“When God realized that Leah was unloved, he opened her womb. But Rachel was barren. Leah became pregnant and had a son. She named him Reuben (Look-It’s-a-Boy!). “This is a sign,” she said, “that God has seen my misery; and a sign that now my husband will love me.”” (v.31-32 MSG)

But he didn’t.

“She became pregnant again and had another son. “God heard,” she said, “that I was unloved and so he gave me this son also.” She named this one Simeon (God-Heard). She became pregnant yet again—another son. She said, “Now maybe my husband will connect with me—I’ve given him three sons!” That’s why she named him Levi (Connect).” (v. 33-35 MSG)

Years have gone by and Rachel has gotten the lion’s share. And her womb has stayed closed.Therefore, she became envious. In fact, she kind of turned into a pimp. Yeah, she pimped out her husband for some love-apples (mandrakes). 

“One day during the wheat harvest Reuben found some mandrakes in the field and brought them home to his mother Leah. Rachel asked Leah, “Could I please have some of your son’s mandrakes?”
Leah said, “Wasn’t it enough that you got my husband away from me? And now you also want my son’s mandrakes?”
Rachel said, “All right. I’ll let him sleep with you tonight in exchange for your son’s love-apples.”
When Jacob came home that evening from the fields, Leah was there to meet him: “Sleep with me tonight; I’ve bartered my son’s mandrakes for a night with you.”” (30:14-21 MSG)
What a dysfunctional nightmare. 
Today, my heart isn’t rooting for Rachel and Jacob. It’s rooting for Leah. It’s rooting for me–when I feel rejected or let down. When I feel like others have it better than me in any area of my life.  Today, I’m rooting for you–if you’re feeling unloved, unwanted, shunned.
And I’m here to tell you, that God HEARS. SEES. CARES. And He loves you. Just like He heard, saw, and cared for Leah.

Summer Stalking

Guess what? I’m really excited to be a regular contributer at Michelle Lim’s Thoughts on Plot! Today, we’re taking the Super Sleuth Challenge. One true story. Three different ways the villain could have been caught with one right answer and you get to try and guess!

It’s a lot of fun and this particular challenge takes place right outside my back door in Memphis! So pop over and play. If you leave a comment you’ll be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card! 

photocredit: freedigitalphotos/gualberto107

Lakeside Redemption

Do you believe this? I do. What a beautiful quote from my friend Lisa Jordan’s newest release, Lakeside Redemption. 
“Can a woman
forget her nursing child,

And not have compassion on the
son of her womb?

Surely they may forget,Yet I will not forget you.

 See, I have inscribed you on the palms of
My hands;…” Isaiah 49:15-16 NKJV
God’s love for us is intense. So intense that He’s carved our names into His palms. He can’t uncarve them. He doesn’t forget us, even when we feel like He has.
what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God
didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition
and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything
else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with
God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger?
The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of
God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be
able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not
trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying
threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
None of
this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that
nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or
low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get
between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced
us.” Romans 8:36-39 MSG
Nothing can keep us from God’s love. What I love so much about fiction is while the characters and even the setting might be pretend, the message is truth. It’s hope. It’s grace. And it can help us see God in a way we didn’t before! So I encourage you to pick up Lisa’s book either online or any in bookstore (they’ll only be in paperback on shelves this month then you’ll have to order it as an ebook or a paperback online). 
Here’s a peek! 
Buy the book! 
Zoe James is starting over. She’s worked hard to get past
the foolish mistakes that landed her in trouble four years ago. Now the young
mom is back in Shelby Lake and ready to reconnect with her son. When she bumps
into old friend Caleb Sullivan and his two adorable girls, she sees the
possibility of a happy future. Caleb has always secretly loved Zoe, but her
turbulent past brings up tough memories of his own. As they spend time together
training his girls’ new puppy, Zoe and Caleb will learn that if they can
forgive themselves, they might have a chance at a new life— and new
Visit @lisajordan on twitter,
facebook, and her website

If you were sitting in one of those chairs on the cover of the book, who would you be sitting next to and what would you be chatting about?