Urban Translation Thursday: Christmas Theme

Christmas Buzz:

A feeling common during the month of December. It is the need to buy many overpriced gifts for your family, normally on a credit card. The buyer feels no feelings of regret for the rest of the month, as he/she feels they are being a good person. The buzz is always followed by the New Year’s hangover, when the credit card bill comes in and the buyer goes on about how much money they have spent.

Christmas Graduate:

a student (usually university or college) who drops out at Christmastime when they go back home to visit their parents. Often caused by homesickness, academic failure, unpopularity, or a significant other living back at home.
Christmas Grief:
The sadness you feel inside of yourself for not getting what you wanted after you’ve opened your presents.

Christmas king:

Someone who always gets what they want on Christmas. No matter how outrageous their wish list is, every year, they will receive every single item. Christmas kings will brag to you about their Christmas list weeks, even months in advance. Upon receiving every gift they could ever possibly want, they will again brag about their great Christmas.

Know one of these folks or experienced any of these feelings? Okay, give it a go! Use the words in the craziest sentence possible! Be creative!

The Usual Suspect


My favorite Christmas toy: Age 2

I walked back into the scene to collect prints. I ran them through my heart’s database. I found the Usual Suspect.

I’ve been asked, “Have you always wanted to be a writer?”

My answer? Yes, but I didn’t know it. In 2004 I woke up in the night after dreaming about a story. No, I wasn’t in a meadow and no he didn’t sparkle!

I wrote my first novel. Sent it off-got a rejection. Gave up. I was too busy anyway( yeah right, rejection stung!)But the pull to write never left.

In 2008, the burning desire sparked and I set out writing my second novel. One that came from a heart to minister. To glorify God and to write what He gave me. Unlike the story in 2004.

A Bible study I was doing asked the question, “What’s your passion? Reflect back and see how God sparked it. You’ll know what you are meant to do.” I sat there that early morning, before the sun was allowed to shine–sipping my coffee and I let the Lord take me to the early scenes of my life. 

He took me as far back as age 2. My favorite toy. A typewriter. I remember playing with that thing for years! 

noo nee noo nee noo

In my kindergarten days, I remember stopping whatever I was doing to watch my favorite segment of Sesame Street. Yep, this was the one! That crazy typewriter putting together words!

I loved books. I loved listening to stories. One of my greatest memories comes from my great-grandmother telling me about Nancy and the Grandfather clock. I wish I would have written it down. I’ve forgotten some of the details.


In middle school, my mom brought home a typewriter. I don’t know if it belonged to someone in my family or why she brought it home, but I staked my claim on it(not that anyone else set their eyes on it). I spent hours pretending I was a famous journalist. I’d weave stories around why I was sitting at that typewriter!

In junior high, I would sit at the lunch tables, telling stories to my friends– about them and the boys they liked…how they ended up together, the conflict along the way. It was there on those white faux wooden benches I spun my first tales of romance. Junior high romance. What did I discover? I loved to tell a love story with love and mystery!

Commodore 64…Have I just dated myself!?

During the summer before I started highschool, when other girls were doing girly things, I found a floppy disk with a teach yourself how to type with two hands game. My brother thought I was an idiot, but he generally thought that anyway. In a day, I learned how to type with two hands and without looking. It came easily! It’s also, in my opinion,  the reason Ms. Nussbaum hated me Sophomore year. I already knew how to type, so I gave her a hard time. Who me? (this is me doing my villian laugh)

All the young years of my life, I thought I might want to be an actress. I made up stories and acted them out in my room. They always had mystery and romance involved. Now, I realize it wasn’t the acting that sparked my interest, it was the story behind it.

I sat in that chair, while God took me down memory lane–showing me His plan, woven into the day to day activities of my life and I cried. I cried at the fact He actually planned something for me. He planned something good. Something I love to do. Something I sure don’t deserve. (oh but for grace!) I wept because He’d been there and I didn’t even realize it.

“Commit your works to the Lord
and your thoughts
will be established.”
Proverbs 16:3

As my tiny hands mashed the keys of that plastic typewriter, I believe He was grinning and nodding–knowing someday, in His time, He was going to replace that tiny toy for a laptop. He was going to fulfill all His purpose. He would accomplish what He began when I was knit in my mother’s womb.

I cried… because His fingerprints could be lifted off every area of my life.

“Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works Which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them,they are more than can be numbered.” Psalm 40:5

Have you taken time to look back and lift the prints of God from the scenes in your life? What have you found? How did you know what it was you were meant to do?

Gifts For a Child: A fictional tale based on Biblical truth

Have you ever wondered what it may have been like for our Savior as He grew from an infant into a Man?  I’ve always dreamed about what it was like for Him long ago, on a starry night, when three Wise Men came for a visit…
The star was shining bright in the East as the three men traveled in expectation to see the young child– the King of all Kings.  They had been traveling for a long time and being very careful, for Herod the great earthly king desired to see this young babe slaughtered, unable to grow and usurp his throne.
They came upon the place the bright star shined down on; it was quiet throughout the sleepy town of Bethlehem.  A soft knocking was heard throughout the modest home of Joseph and Mary.  They both looked at each other and then at their darling toddler who played quietly in the floor at their feet.
Hesitantly, Joseph opened the door to see three extravagant men descending from their camels. “May we come in,” the man standing in the middle asked. “We’ve come to worship the Child.” The other men nodded as they craned their necks to see inside the home, to simply get a first glimpse.
As Joseph opened the door for the men to enter, they saw the young child sitting on His mother, Mary’s lap.  He was as precious as they had anticipated.  His raven locks covered His head like soft feathers and his rosy cheeks glowed with delight in seeing visitors.  His eyes, that matched his hair, were round and wide with wonder and shy curiousity as the men reverently entered. 
Mary put her Son down and stood as the men of wisdom came before her.  The toddler clutched his mother’s tunic with His tiny chubby hands and peered at the men from behind her.  She smiled gently and spoke softly, “Come, Yeshua, you have guests. It’s okay.”  She coaxed her Child to let go of her, He was but barely two.
The men knelt down and continued to stare in awe at the small Child.  Their lips trembled, and their eyes sparkled with wonder.  The same man who had asked to come in the home spoke worshipfully. “We’ve brought You gifts, look!”  Each man opened up their box before the little King and chuckled as the small baby boy clapped His hands with excitement.  The boxes alone were stunning;His eyes flickered with joy. 
“Go ahead, Yeshua, see Your gifts.” 
The baby Lord toddled closer to the men, looking each of them in the eyes, their hands began to shake as if he was looking right into their hearts.   The larger man of the three took from his box a crystal bottle, expensive and exquisite.  He carefully took the lid from it and motioned for the tiny Boy to come.  “This is frankincense.  Can You say frankincense?”  Yeshua looked at him and only smiled, showing all eight of His perfect little new teeth. 
 “Smell it! It smells good.”  He held the bottle of oil out for the Messiah.  He leaned in and instead of sucking in through His nose, He blew out, like all little ones do when learning to smell. 
The room’s silence was broken in laughter and the King looked about and squealed with delight.  “He enjoys being the center of attention.  You’ve just made His day.” Mary shook her head and chuckled at her Firstborn. 
He turned His attention to the smallest man, the quietest of the three. He toddled over to Him, His balance still unsteady from only learning to walk, and looked into his box.  It shone with brilliance.  “Gold, Child. This is for You.”
Yeshua looked at the gold, touched it, and then looked at the man with earnest eyes.  “Pretty,” He said as He touched the man’s hand, and a tear rolled down his cheek. The Child moved closer to the man and tried to reach out to touch it. 
Mary noticed the confusion on his face and picked her Son up.  “I’m sorry.  He saw you cry and He wanted to kiss you.  He’s a very tenderhearted Child.”  She looked at her Babe and kissed His nose. “Beloved, not everyone wants a kiss. The Baby puckered his mouth and a few silent tears streamed down His face.  It was as if the rejection had broken His little Baby heart. 
“Wait, I would love nothing more. It’s just, His touch…I can’t explain it.  I felt—something…”
She sighed with overwhelming love for her Child, “He has that effect on all of us. Just a touch.”
  She sat Him down and He hurriedly yet awkwardly ran to the man.  He touched his face and kissed him on the cheek.  The wise man tousled His hair and wiped another tear away.
After He delighted in His last present, the men stood to leave.  “We appreciate you bringing our Son these gifts.  May your travels home be blessed and safe.”  Joseph held the door as the men started to file out.
“Wait!” Mary called out after them.  She picked up her Son and brought Him to the door.  Though He was the Son of God, she still had a responsibility to teach Him. “Yeshua, what do you tell the nice men for bringing you presents?”
He clapped His hands and wiggled in her arms.  He was overjoyed at the gifts His new friends had brought Him.  He blinked a few times and stretched His hands out to His sides, showing them just how much He loved them and their gifts—identical to the way He would stretch His hands out to show His love for the world, as He hung on the cross– a man yet fully God.
“Thank you.” 
Mary nodded with approval at her Son for being polite.  They waved the men good bye and gave their own thanks to God the Father for supplying them with all their needs, in most unexpected ways. 
“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
He’s not a baby anymore, but He still desires to touch you. He still desires to be the center of attention. He still delights in the gifts you bring Him.  The greatest gift you can give Him this season is yourself.  May your holidays be Christ filled.
*a fictional story written from biblical truth

The Monday Must Read: Almost Forever

“Unearthing a lost memory may cause her to lose everything she holds dear… but could it also set her free?”
Deborah Raney delivers in the first book in her Hanover Falls series! She can tell a story in a way that makes you forget you’re reading.

I could feel Bryn’s thoughts and feelings, smell what she was smelling and I may have even shivered when she was out in the snow!

Not only was it a great read, but it carried a deep message of forgiveness and hope. Not everyone likes fiction, and that’s okay…but I do! It’s why I write it!

Fiction can carry powerful truths like that of nonfiction books to an audience who may never read Tozer, Piper, Bridges, and other great biblical scholars.

Deborah Raney did just that!

The romance was the kind that makes you sigh, and cringe when the conflict arises. It was deep and meaningful as well as entertaining and lovely. You won’t put it down!

Deborah Raney

A Must Read Book! 
any local bookstore
Here’s a description:
“Bryn Hennesey, a volunteer at the Grove Street Homeless Shelter, was there the night the shelter burned to the ground and five heroic firefighters died at the scene. Among them was her husband, Adam. Like the rest of the surviving spouses, Bryn must find a way to begin again. But Bryn must do so living with a horrible secret.…

Garrett Edmonds’s wife, Molly, was the only female firefighter to perish in the blaze. As her husband, it was his job to protect the woman he loved.… How can he go on in the face of such unbearable loss and guilt?

And what started the fire that destroyed the dreams and futures of so many? Investigators are stumped. But someone knows the answer…. “

Amazing & Unfathomable Part 3

The Way of a Ship on the High Seas

“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand; the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock,
       the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden.”

 Proverbs 30:18-19

The question is what is so amazing about a ship on the high seas and why does Agur (the author of this passage) use the word “high” seas and not just “the sea”?  Obviously, there is something more…

Let’s look at the definition of “high seas” first. 

High seas is defined as open; unenclosed waters of any sea or ocean.

A ship in Agur’s time would be made simply out of wood.  It would be built to get where it needed to go only.  Now days when we think of a ship we think of something wonderful and grand with lots of decks and luxury galore, but not in the Old Testament days. 

Even the Egyptians in all of their technology at the time couldn’t create a ship that was beautiful and built simply for luxury…no, ships were made common.

They were built for a destination. They were made to be efficient.

I think Agur was alluding to faith. What does faith have to do with a ship in the ocean? Let’s imagine for a moment!

Let’s go back and look at the Mayflower, a ship that set sail for a new life. A new beginning.

The Mayflower sailed on the high seas (unenclosed water) for two months and many things happened on that voyage.  According to historical documents and journals, the first part of that voyage was smooth, maybe because they could see the land. That might’ve brought some comfort for awhile, but then the wind and the weather changed and huge storms began to overwhelm the passengers; it caused leaks in the ships which in turn caused many of them to become cold and damp. 

In fact, during one storm, the main beam cracked and some of the passengers and crew wondered if the ship was strong enough to make it, but the ship’s Master and the carpenter who built the ship knew that the it was capable of making the journey regardless of the damages inflicted.

Again, what does all this have to do with faith?

We’ve been built like a common ship, with a destination. But it takes getting out on the high seas to arrive where we’ve been built to go.  Those open waters can be frightening. We lose all human security when we lose sight of the land, but II Corinthians 5:7 says, we live by faith not by sight!  We don’t need the false security, we’ve been given one navigation tool…the Word of God!  When we keep that open allowing it to give us our coordinates we don’t need anything else!

Will storms come?  Will we be tossed and bumped around?  Will we be crushed, hard pressed, and struck down? 

Sure…but the Master and the Carpenter who built us know they’ve done an excellent job and that we are strong enough to make it all the way. We’ve been equipped with everything we need.  We’ve been blessed with every spiritual blessing!

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4: 8-10
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

When we turn our eyes to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith we can endure any storm, any tossing of the open waters!  If He’s the Author then He wrote it, if He’s the Finisher then we aren’t left to float around with nowhere to go, it means He brings what He wrote for us to pass! Beginning and End! Alpha and Omega! 

Oh yes, you have a destination, your course has been set!  He’s built you for a purpose! He’s carved you out of common wood to do uncommon things!  His thoughts to you are countless! He longs to lead you out past the land that keeps you dry and take away everything that holds your attention other than Him!

The waters are open; unenclosed but not uncharted! No, He’s been there before…all the waters we cross, all the storms we encounter, He’s experienced it and defeated it all on the cross!

By faith let Him lead you where He wants you to go. Stop looking at what you cannot see and look to Him Who has seen it all before! Sail the mighty waters by faith made possible through Jesus Christ! It’s Amazing and Unfathomable.

Christmas Gifts That Keep On Giving!

Every day, girls as young as 12 are sold into sexual slavery. Exploited. Treated like animals.

Every night in the redlight district, small children crawl under their mothers’ beds while they “work” for a living. A job they never applied for. Many of those young girls lie under that bed and close their eyes, knowing they’ll never get out. Never get away and some day their children will be lying under their bed, while they “work.”

It’s something we don’t want to think about. We don’t want those thoughts in our minds. But it happens. It’s real. It’s hiding in plain sight.

However, there are Christians who are dedicating their lives to rescuing women and children from the brothels in India. Project Rescue is one of them. Headed by David and Beth Grant. Missionaries who’ve dedicated their life to the people of India. The following is taken directly from their website, which I encourage you to look at and read their blogs. In the dark clouds of sexual slavery, rays of hope do shine through! You can be a part of that HOPE.

Project Rescue:
“We exist to rescue and restore victims of sex trafficking through the love and power of Jesus Christ.
We believe that each child has been created by God with God-given purpose and the innate abilities to accomplish that purpose. We exist to help her discover that purpose and empower her to fulfill it.
We recognize the primary role of the local, national, and global community of faith in the restoration process and are committed to empowering them to fulfill it.
We provide global awareness and opportunities for concerned partners to help bring freedom and a transformed future to those imprisoned in sexual slavery.”

A testimony from Anita:
“When I was 12 years old a couple that I trusted promised me a job. They convinced me of a dream opportunity to work as a domestic helper along with the chance to pursue my studies. The idea of a secure job thrilled me, as it would any young girl in Nepal. Believing that I could trust this couple, I left my home in pursuit of a future.

After drugging me, the couple took me to a movie theater where a brothel owner met us.

Two hundred dollars was the price that sold me into forced prostitution. For the next 18 years I lived and worked in the red light district of Bombay.
It was here in the red light district that I first heard the Gospel from those involved with Bombay Teen Challenge. My brothel owner and I had a life changing experience by accepting Jesus into our lives. After this I soon decided to return to my home in Nepal.
Ten ladies, including myself, now live at the Kathmandu Home of Hope. God is continuing to work beautifully in each of our lives.

I am currently attending literacy classes and sewing classes and hope to one day have a tailoring shop of my own.”

You can help! You can pray and you can send donations!
In partnership with Project Rescue is The Jubilee Market. Young girls learn trades to help them become self-sufficient financially, when rescued out of brothels and sexual slavery. At this site, you can purchase items made by these young women!
What a great Christmas gift!
I emailed Liz Glover with Jubilee market and she said that they ship the items that day or the next, and priority shipping is 2-3 business days…which means you and I still have time!
Here are just a few of the hand crafted items, but there’s much more! How awesome to give a gift that really means something. Christmas is all about HOPE! By purchasing these gifts, for reasonable prices, you’re giving HOPE and an amazing story behind your gift. A constant reminder to PRAY!
Aren’t they fabulous!?
If you have problems clicking the link, a direct link is on the righthand side of my blogsite.
If you do choose to buy a gift, and I hope you do…drop a comment and share what you purchased!!!

Amazing & Unfathomable Part 2

The way of a snake on a rock…

“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden.” Proverbs 30:18-19

The young woman had been running on her usual route. She was tired as she panted but pressed on the last half mile. She looked up ahead to see the forest she had to pass each morning. She noticed something beaming from deep within the dense and dark trees. 
Generally, she would pick up her pace when she came to the small wooded area.  It was eerie and quiet and sometimes she could feel the hair stand up on the back of her neck leaving her with slight shudders, but this day something drew her. 
She brought her full run down to a walk—her lungs burning as she entered the woods.  A small whisper told her not to go, but what was near finger’s reach was beckoning her.  She reacted to the stunning shimmer with an exhilarating gasp. Her heartbeat that had evened out began to sprint again as her stomach began to twist and turn in anticipation of actually touching the beauty that lay only a few feet away.  She still couldn’t make out what it was, but it was magnetic.  Glimmering.  Beautiful.
Curiously she bent down to pick up and cradle the beauty that had pulled her off the path; it hissed and plunged its fangs deep into her heart before she could turn back.
This beautiful light had only been masquerading as such, for what had hold of her heart was nothing more than a venomous snake.  She cried out in shock and terror. She couldn’t release this thing that she had thought was so breathtaking from her body. 
She wrestled with it for what seemed like hours. Days. Years.
 What could possibly tear this wretched serpent from her?  She began to weep and in despair, she slowly made her way home, carrying this deceiving culprit along with her for the duration.
Did you know that the Hebrew word for snake is Nachash?  It not only means snake or serpent but it also means “shining one”.  We always represent the snake with sin, as the devil came to Eve as a serpent, or snake, in the garden and deceived her.  In 2 Corinthians he, the devil, masquerades as an “angel of light”. 
Sin comes to us as false light.  It seems beautiful and wonderful, we long to touch it and hold it. It calls us off the path we’ve been on only to plunge deep into our hearts. Only then do we see it for what it really is.  It brings pain, despair, and much heartache. 
So what is the “way of a snake on a rock” and why is it amazing and unfathomable? 
If we deduct that the snake is a representation of sin, then we must see that the rock is the representation of…Jesus! Psalm 19:14 says, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

 1 Corinthians 10:4 says,”… for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.”

In the Old Testament the Israelites were bitten by venomous snakes and then a serpent was formed from Bronze and fashioned on a pole for those who were infected and dying to gaze into. (You’ll see this sign attributed to the medical profession) As they did, they were healed. This is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ our Rock and Healer becoming the snake that bit us to heal us of sin and disease. You can read about this in Numbers 21.
When Christ, the Rock, allowed Himself to be hammered onto the cross out of His passionate and relentless love for us, He became sin so that we could be free from it through Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
He literally had to experience the loneliness and abandonment that sin produces, except that in His case, it was not His sin – it was ours. Yet He willingly, obediently did it, so that we could live—truly live and be free.  There is a way to remove the fangs of sin in our lives and it’s through the Rock who was lifted up for us! 
“He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By His wounds you are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24
Sin comes to us, calling us, looking like light, but it only masquerades.  We must be alert and paying attention to the Spirit to prevent us from going into the “woods” and touching the “light”.
The real light is the Light of the world and that is Jesus…our Rock, who paid a price so we wouldn’t have to. Who became sin for us! That is amazing and unfathomable.

Amazing and Unfathomable Part 1

“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand:  the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden.” Proverbs 30:18-19

This particular proverb was written by Agur, the son of Jakeh.  Other than this we know nothing else about him.  I find it interesting that the four things he finds amazing and cannot understand are a bird, a snake, a ship, and a man and woman.  Of all the things to be amazed by he chooses these four.  Why? What exactly does this mean?  Is it symbolic of something else?  I believe it is—something that when really pondered is beyond wonderful and amazing and truly unfathomable!

Let’s look at “the way of an eagle in the sky” today.
To understand the meaning we have to study the creature known as the eagle and how it flies. An interesting fact about baby eagles is after they are born they will attach to whatever gives them attention. 

This is called imprinting.  (this has nothing to do with Twilight…just sayin)

The eagle will mimic its mother and of course when it is time to fly the mother has a way of teaching that no other animal or human can; in fact if an eagle is born in captivity it will attach or imprint to the human caregiver.  This can be dangerous for the baby eagle when it does come time to fly.

When we are born again it is important to attach to the right Caregiver, Jesus! Just like the mama eagle gave life to the baby eagle, our Savior gives us new life.  If we mimic or imprint to other things it can be just as disastrous and dangerous for us.  Ephesians 5:1 says to be imitators of God as dearly loved children.

When we think of eagles in flight we automatically see them soaring.  It also reminds us of the famous verse in Isaiah 40:31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings as eagles.  They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”

The reason we picture eagles soaring is because that is exactly what they do. 

They were CREATED for it! 

The wing span of an eagle is about five feet in length and even though their bones are hollow inside the wings, the multi layers of feathers cause a severe heaviness which makes continual flapping very WEARY for the eagle. You may think feathers are light, but 7,000 of them accumulate some weight, especially when about 7 feathers are the equal weight of a penny!
So how do eagles keep from flapping those wings and becoming tired? How exactly can they soar?  How do they fly miles and miles without ever flapping a wing?
Would God make a creature so wonderfully just to see them fail at what they were made to do? 
Of course not! He made a way for them to soar! 

They find something called thermals to fly in. Thermals are currents of warm air and updrafts generated by terrain, such as valley edges or mountain slopes.

Catch this! Not only do the mountains generate updrafts for the eagle to keep going, but even in the valleys they are there to lift the eagle up and out. Soaring IS possible even in the valleys!
When we stretch out our “wings” in surrender to God and place our hope in Him, His grace and mercy become our thermals or updrafts for us to soar out of valleys.  It is because of His grace and mercy that we don’t have to try and flap our own way out.

He made a way for us to soar in this broken world.  He made a way through Jesus Christ!  He wants us to fly and to be free! Whether on the mountains or in the valleys of our life He sustains us!

Let’s remember this holiday season, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord, that we soar because of Jesus Christ and that is amazing and unfathomable!
Part 2, “the way of a snake on a rock.”

Book Review: The Familiar Stranger by Christina Berry

What if your spouse was keeping dark secrets? What if a tragic accident brought them all out into light? Could you forgive him or her?
I found Christina Berry’s debut novel, the Familiar Stranger, when hunting down books comparable to mine. This is a superb story about a woman coming to grips with her husband’s hidden past. It was one of those books that I couldn’t put down, and didn’t. I read it in one sitting!
I loved how she switched from the husband’s perspective to the wife’s.  The surprises just kept coming! When you think you have it figured out–she proves you wrong!

I encourage you to pick up your copy or give it as a gift! Discussion questions for book groups are in the back and if you would like to have Christina on conference call at your discussion, you can contact her at the link provided! I’ve had the opportunity to chat with her by email a few times and I can tell you that talking to her over the phone would be insightful, fun, and inspiring!

Here’s a teaser from the back cover:

Craig Littleton’s decision to end his marriage would shock his wife, Denise … if she knew what he was up to. When an accident lands Craig in the ICU, with fuzzy memories of his own life and plans, Denise rushes to his side, ready to care for him.

They embark on a quest to help Craig remember who he is and, in the process, discover dark secrets. What will she do when she realizes he’s not the man she thought he was? Is this trauma a blessing in disguise, a chance for a fresh start? Or will his secrets destroy the life they built together?

author, Christina Berry

For a limited time–until December 7th, you can get this book autographed by Christina! What a great Christmas gift for yourself or someone else!

I don’t wanna see your girls, dress appropriately! A guide to quality childcare


Mary Lange (this isn’t the pic she sent, but I couldn’t download that
one) But really, this is the REAL Mary! Tons of fun and


Today’s guest blog is from a very dear friend and former colleague of mine, Mary Lange. Mary has taught me how to run a financially tight ship! She can squeeze blood out of a turnip! (not literally, if so I never got to see it!) Every time I entered her center, equipment flowed and she was NEVER over budget! Thanks, Mary!


My name is Mary Lange.  I am a wife, mom of 3, stepmom of 2.  Currently, I attend ASU and substitute teach at the local school district. I was lucky and had the opportunity to stay at home for the last three years with my youngest child.  She went to preschool this fall at the old age of three.  My oldest daughter, who is now 19, went to day care at 6 weeks of age.  My son, now 16 went to an in home daycare until he turned one, then he came to the center that I worked at.  So, I have been there, done that too.    I worked in a licensed childcare facility for 14 years beginning as a toddler teacher and working my way up to academy director and I must say that I enjoyed my time as a teacher more than I did as an administrator.   I have cared for and taught children of all ages, infants to high school.  The greatest achievement as a teacher is when you see that light bulb go off above the child’s head.  I believe that teaching is a calling from God and all people are not meant teachers. 
When speaking of a teacher, yes they can be male or female, but I normally use the feminine term especially when speaking about teachers in childcare facilities.
One of first things that most people look at when they walk into a teacher’s classroom is her appearance.   The teacher should be dressed appropriately.  Appropriate is a word that can be interpreted in different ways.
This is my idea of appropriate dress for a childcare facility.  If the facility mandates uniforms for their employees, does the teacher adhere to the policy?  Is her uniform clean?  Does it look like she slept in her clothes or didn’t take a shower that day?   I feel that personal hygiene is very important in a childcare facility.  If she doesn’t take pride in or care of herself, how can you expect her to take care of your child?  If uniforms are not worn, appropriate means that they are dressed ready for inside and outside active play and bending and stretching without showing any extra skin.  By extra skin, I mean cleavage and the upper thigh area that can and will expose the booty cheeks when bending over. Is she dressed sloppy?
 Are her clothes excessively baggy or so tight that it appears that she has been poured into them?    Clothes should fit well and be easy to move around in.  Shoes should be clean and low heeled.  The only high heels that should ever been worn in a preschool is by the preschooler playing dress up or the Director.  The preferred shoe of choice is a tennis shoe or a comfortable low heeled dress shoe.   Yes, some ladies do like to wear skirts or dresses.  This is okay too, as long as they are able to sit on the floor and play with the children.   Hair should be neat and clean.  Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. 
Remember to look at more than what she is wearing, appearance goes beyond the clothes.  What does her face say when you walk in the room or when you are peeking in the window before entering;  does she look happy, tried, frustrated, or  is there a blank look on her face?   What does her classroom look like; does she take pride in her room?
If you are concerned about what the teacher is wearing, you can and should talk to the Director about you concerns.  I know personally, I do not want to go into my child’s preschool class and see the teacher bending over exposing themselves to the children or to other parents.  (Me either, Mary! -jess)
What are your thoughts? What do you expect? Any stories you’d like to share?


Have a great weekend! See you Monday!