Snow Day: It’s Every Day


“Snow Day!” Myles is thrilled to stay home. Bailey grunts, “Just one more day we’ll have to make up later.” She’s so positive.

As I pour my first cup of coffee, the best cup of the day, Myles begs me to go out and play. Bailey’s too proud to beg. I can hear the song lyrics in my head as I glance at her and pour the last of the peppermint mocha creamer into my mug.

“I don’t care.” I have no intentions of going out. I silently hope they won’t ask me to go with them. I’m certainly not offering myself up on the altar of frozen toes and fingers. I’ll be quite happy looking out the window, drinking my coffee, staying warm from the fire. No sireee, I am not an outdoors woman.

I sigh in relief because they don’t care if I come. They know by now it’s not my thing, although as they run off to gear up for the rare southern snowfall, I hear Bailey say, “Can’t wait till Daddy comes home.” Daddy likes snow. Mostly, Daddy likes pelting his children with hardpacked snowballs and watching them drop like flies. I enjoy watching from the window as they scream for him to stop.

A new cup of coffee later, the kids come barreling out of their rooms, layered up for the endless snowplay. “Mom, Bailey says not to eat yellow snow. What’s yellow snow?”
“When animals pee on the snow.”
“Eeew,” he smacks Bailey’s arm (as if she can feel it) and frowns, “Why would I do that?”
She laughs and opens the door. The gust of icy wind reminds why I’m not going out with them. “Have fun,” I call as they take off, Myles slips immediately on the patio but jumps up, “I’m okay!”


By my third cup of coffee, I hear the backdoor open and I’m all ready to yell at them, “Look, in or out. I’m not having you drip all over the floors and freeze the house out.” I walk into the living room and see Myles on the couch with a bowl of Cheetos and Bailey picking up wet clothes.

“What’s going on?”

Myles looks at me and sticks his feet out, “I got frostbite.”

“You haven’t been out long enough for frostbite.”

He shrugs, “Have you been out there?” I get his point. How would I know? I hide my grin and ignore his smart aleck remark, because it’s just Myles. He isn’t being rude or defiant.

“Bailey, are you going back out?”


“Maybe later.” I know what that means.

I know that’s a no.  I reheat my cup of coffee, come back into my room and sit down at my desk to finish the last page of a Bible study and it hits me.

We, as Christians are a lot like my family on a Snow Day. We spend a lot of time talking about playing in the snow. I like the idea of it, but I’m not willing to even try. I enjoy the comforts of my own four walls. My kids go, but don’t stay out long enough to build anything. They spent more time gearing up than going out.

The world around us is forever like winter. Cold. Bitter. Icy enough for us to get bitten, but we must venture out and DO something. The four walls of our churches are too comfortable. We talk about going out. We gear up to go– through the preaching, programs, and plans. Some spend all their time gearing up and never going. Some stay inside without ever venturing out and knowing they never will. Some go out but don’t stay long–never laying foundations, building relationships with people who need Jesus or suffering the frigid temperatures to get it done. It doesn’t feel like fun. It’s just too uncomfortable.

Only a few go out and stay out long enough to no longer feel their flesh or their noses run. They work hard. They build. They smile as they do it. They inspire. When they come inside, accomplishment glows from their rosy cheeks and cracked lips. Something wonderful has happened! It’s time to come in, get warm, get a bite to eat and a drink then go right back out.
My kids never made it back out. They talked about it throughout the day. “Maybe tomorrow.” The sun came out. And it melted the snow away, right along with their opportunity.
Don’t let your opportunities melt away.
So, what’d you do on your Snow Day?



Must Read Monday: Never Without Hope

Michelle Sutton is the “edgy” Christian fiction queen for a reason. She delivers a raw and powerful story of marital issues that most dance around or ignore.

Her novel, Never Without Hope is a very graphic (without being tacky), yet real view of a married Christian woman who gives in to sexual temptation, what keeps her in this poisonous affair, the consequences, hope, and healing.

I think it’s interesting how much wisdom and insight she gives to Hope’s young son. He’s quite the encourager throughout the book. I liked seeing that.

Visit Michelle at

I laughed, cringed, cheered, and got angry often. That’s the sign of a good book to me. I want to feel what they do. Get mad when they do something stupid, and sympathize with them. I even felt sorry for the “other man.” At first, I wanted to smack him but Michelle weaved the story so well, by the end I just wanted him to be happy. In his own marriage of course!  I’m looking forward to the next book.

Anyone who thinks they’re above sexual temptation, has broken vows and needs healing, or just likes edgy Christian fiction should read this book. If you’ve never read this kind of writing before, give it a try and see how you like it! Never Without Hope is available as an ebook and in paperback. 

Here’s a teaser:
“Hope believes she is above sexual temptation; that she would never break that commandment like her husband’s previous wives had done. After all, she is a good Christian and a loving mother. She has no reason to stray . . . until her husband starts neglecting her needs and things begin to look hopeless. Though she clearly communicates her pain to her husband, he refuses to get help. She starts to wonder…Will she never have sex with her husband again? She soon learns that she, too, is capable of such betrayal when she succumbs to the unthinkable. But things that first seemed sweet and reasonable given her painful situation soon produce a bitter taste when combined with the overwhelming guilt. No substitute will ever replace her love and desire for her husband. If only he would touch her like he used to. If only they could make love again. She misses him so much and wants to tell him the truth hoping it will propel him to do something to fix their problem, but she fears his rejection. Yet, she can’t continue living such a hypocritical life. She knows it’s wrong even though she continues to crave physical intimacy. Steeped in the quagmire of adultery, Hope must find her way back to solid ground to save her marriage. But will she lose everyone she loves in the process?”

Drop back in and tell me what you thought!

The Map Says…


For a gal that’s directionally challenged, I steer clear of maps. I’ve never been good at reading them. So I don’t.

In fact, I  have other people drive me around just so I won’t get lost. It’s true. Sometimes I feel like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, when they ask which way and he gets confused, flailing his arms in all directions. That’s me.

I’m glad that God’s roadmap isn’t confusing like, well, every other map. I read the Bible and I know exactly what direction He wants me to go in to become more Christlike. Every page I read tells me where I am and how much further I need to go in one direction or the other.

 The key is actually stopping to read it and find out where you are. I’ve been the spiritual wanderer, mostly because I was too stubborn to stop and look. I’m still that way at zoos and amusement parks. I never look at a sign. I just wander aimlessly,  in complete circles…and more circles…seeing the same old things. Never experiencing anything new. Eventually, I’m confused, frustrated, and too tired to stick it out. I lose out on making memories, experiencing wonders and rides.

If you feel that way, spiritually, stop and read the “sign.” It won’t take long before you see the “You Are Here” and are pointed in the right direction. And along the way, you’ll see new and amazing things.

And maybe, I’ll take my own advice and actually read a sign when I’m at the zoo or amusement park. It’ll at the very least make my husband and kids happier!

Have a great weekend! See you Monday!

Shelf Me


I’m sitting in my chair, listening to Pandora. Missy Higgins station to be precise. I’m pondering my life. Goals God has for me personally, in my family, my ministry, my writing. I take the first 21 days of January to do that–filling up journal pages with whispers of what I need to do. Where I need to go. What I need to drop off in the refiner’s furnace.

Tonight, I’m wondering if I was a book where would I be placed? What shelf? Most of my friends would say Chick Lit, if they knew what that was. On a bad day, maybe horror. Some days I can’t find up from down, so maybe a mystery.

I wonder where God would place me? I hope to be an epic tale full of Divine romance, suspense, mystery, with some Chick Lit humor, but I have no idea where that mixed genre fits on a shelf.

Truth is, I’m an unfinished work. I’m constantly being tweaked and revised before He sprinkles out my pages to others for reading, to hopefully inspire their hearts and encourage them. To sharpen them like iron.

One day, I’ll be finished. Complete. Just the way He intended for me to be. Will millions have the opportunity to read the pages of my life and be ministered to, inspired, touched? I don’t know. But some will. At least some.

I’m looking forward to the day when that last page is turned and my Author steps down sapphire stairs to greet me on crystal waters. I can hear the angelic choir softly harmonizing with the saints but I keep my eyes on the burning flames that are gazing right into my very soul–his beautiful handiwork. He’ll be careful not to dog ear me. He’ll turn the pages as if it’s a beautiful, miraculous dance. Each turn, like a soft kiss.

The last line of the last chapter will read, “Well, done my good and faithful servant. My bride. My dove. My fair one. And she entered into His joy. Glorious eternity. ”    

If you were a book where would you be shelved? What would you like the pages of your life to read like?

Must Read Monday: A Murder Among Friends

A gripper from the beginning, A Murder Among Friends, is a very entertaining, suspenseful and spiritual book with a lovely romance.

Ramona’s characters were easy to slip into. I think you’ll find at least one of them you will identify with. It’s a 269 page read. For avid readers that shouldn’t take too long. A day…a few hours. Worth the time for a fast paced action packed book.

Her dialogue is flavorful and real. I’m picky about my dialogue, so I pay close attention to other writers and how they do it.  She happened to keep it fun, flirty, and emotionally charged. A+ Her description of the writer’s retreat felt very real, down to the soggy leaves from the rainy days.

Everyone is keeping secrets, pretty much everyone has a motive and it was on page 200 that I dropped my jaw because I hadn’t totally figured out who was behind the murder. I do love surprises!

Her backstory was wonderful and well written. I felt like I knew Aaron and that made me care more about him being dead. That is NOT a spoiler alert. The book dives into the murder on page one and of course the title gives it away! 

Christians make mistakes–big ones in this book, giving Ramona the opportunity to weave God’s grace and love through every page.  I think it’s a tad over $3.00 on kindle at the moment. Take the opportunity and read it and of course, drop back by and tell me what you thought.

Here’s a teaser:

Author, editor, speaker
Ramona Richards
www(dot) ramonarichards(dot)com

“The death of bestselling author Aaron Jackson turned Maggie Weston’s world inside out. The manager of Jackson’s Writers Retreat, Maggie knew a murderer hid among her colleagues and friends. Was it actress Lily Dunne, target of a stalker’s obsession? Lily’s writer husband, struggling to make a name for himself? Money-loving Korie, Aaron’s wife? Or someone else?

Maggie herself stood to inherit from Aaron’s estate.
As former New York City cop Fletcher MacAllister piled up evidence against Maggie, only faith kept her strong. And Fletcher needed to rekindle his own faith in time to prevent the killer from claiming another victim.”

Can We Learn Anything From Fiction?


I was in the bookstore, standing in the fiction section with a friend, when an acquaintance bumped into me. She was taking back a few things she’d gotten for Christmas.

The subject of the Kindle and ebooks came up when she made this comment, “Um, I don’t read fiction. I like books that I can learn something from.”

My throat closed up; my eyes nearly popped out of my head and my friend grabbed the back of my shirt as she cleared her throat to remind me we were in a Christian bookstore and I needed to remember, Jesus lived in me.  

I’m kidding. I didn’t come unglued. I simply smiled and thought, she’s really missing out. That isn’t the first time I’ve heard a remark about someone not reading fiction because it was a waste of time. It didn’t challenge, grow, or move them. Maybe they aren’t reading the right fiction! Maybe they’re uninformed or dare I say, even closed minded. I can’t say for sure. I’m not talking about people who simply do not like fiction. I’m talking about people who don’t read it because they feel it isn’t worth their time. There’s nothing there.

During the holidays, when approached by a family member, I was given the grand gift of this question, “Are you sure that’s what you want to write?”

“Yah know…I’m not. In fact, I think after a zillion hours of hunching over a computer, crying, kicking, screaming, praying, pleading, and agonizing I’d rather write for the fortune cookie company. I’d really be helping people then! Thanks for guiding me to clarity.”(Why yes, yes that is my sarcasm dripping onto your screen.)

No, I didn’t say that and I have nothing against the fortune cookie writers. Maybe they cry, kick, and agonize over exactly what to predict and which cookie is just right for each declaration of prosperity. Who am I to judge? BUT…

I think, especially when reading Inspirational fiction, that there is much to learn. Some fiction that is not “inspirational” can have great teachings as well, but I’m focusing on Christian fiction. I think it can do things for a group of readers that amazing scholars like Packer, Tozer, Piper, etc… can’t do. A baby Christian just out of a lifestyle of sexual promiscuity isn’t going to read a scholar like them, but she might read a book like Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. She would see a painted picture of who God is and how much He loves her in a way that can be much more effective than a non-fiction book could. 

Now, don’t misunderstand me, I love non-fiction. I read the above authors. And I’m also NOT saying that fiction is only for baby Christians. It’s good for every follower of Christ no matter where they are in their walk. (and even the unsaved!) I think there is deep spiritual meat in many fictional works. God loves to reach people through words! I believe He’s an Author Himself! There is something powerful about words and how they’re used. Power of life and death…hmmm…where did I read that? (I’m joking. I really do know where that’s found and it isn’t a fortune cookie.)

Karen Kingsbury writes Life changing fiction. Michelle Sutton writes Healing Hearts- Fiction making an impact on real lives. Nancy Rue writes healing fiction. I write romantic suspense…overflowing with hope. And there are many more inspirational authors writing to minister and bring out Biblical truths to readers, praying it will speak into their lives and lead them to Jesus or into a closer walk with Him.

How do you feel about fiction? Is there a fictional work that has spoken into your life in a way that nothing else has?

Must Read Monday (on Tues): Lucifer’s Flood

“Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 lies an untold story of war in the heavens…”

A book that still stays fresh in my mind. Lucifer’s Flood was a book I happened upon at the bookstore before going to the beach on vacation in 2008.

Linda Rios Brook states up front that the book is purely fiction, but it’s based on the “what if” question that many of us authors ask before writing a story.

What if Lucifer’s Fall came between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2– known as The Gap Theory?

 I love how Linda weaved real biblical truths and scripture into her fictional story. It was a glorious picture of redemption through the eyes of an unlikely protagonist. A demon.

Many times we hear, “That was a page turner.” “I couldn’t put it down.” Those statements  hold truth in Linda’s book! I highlighted several passages, something I’ve never done in fiction before.  Linda’s take on the fall of Lucifer, the creation, and the plan of redemption is not only a beautiful picture, but a powerful reminder that we belong to God and His love for us is truly amazing.

Linda Rios Brook

While Linda’s book raises some interesting theological questions, it doesn’t hinder a wonderfully entertaining story. Her humor is delightful, her writing passionate, and her imagination–vivid. Many times, she gave me chills and I had to simply stop and meditate on His beauty and relentless love, through tears of gratefulness.

 She has three more books following this one in her Demon Diaries series. The Deliverer, The King and The Redeemer (May 2011). I’m waiting on the last one! I’ve read them all so far. While they are all good, Lucifer’s Flood is my personal favorite!

Whether you believe the Gap Theory, or not, or have no idea even what it is–doesn’t matter. This book has stuck with me long after other fictional tales have become dim memories.

I recommend it highly! Here’s a teaser.

“Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 lies an untold story of war in the heavens. Hear a chronicle of cosmic rebellion and its devastating aftermath from the perspective of a fallen angel! Dreading his coming judgment, one former servant of heaven recounts his wavering conviction—-and how he realized too late his mistake in siding with Lucifer.”

Feel free to drop back by and tell me how you felt after reading it!

Show Your Hand

Silly Bands…seriously…they are silly!

“For the last time, stop shooting that silly band at me!”

Those were my strained words as I sat in “my chair” thinking up a blog for after Christmas. My six year old son, Myles “Mayhem” stood across the living room shooting one of his BILLION silly bands at me.

He’d shoot. I’d twitch my right eye and flinch. Ignore him. Shoot. Twitch. Flinch. Ignore.
Finally, I’d had enough! “Myles, shoot that snowflake in the other direction and I mean it!”
He obediently (odd, yes) turned and shot a few times. I engrossed myself in preparing the blog (one to appear at a later time!) when I was jerked up from my writing to hear his outburst of sobs.

“What in the world is wrong with you?”

He blubbered and babbled in a way that only a mother could understand. My interpretation was, he’d shot the silly band behind our TV. It was gone. Lost. Forever. Those were his words. Melodramatic? A tad. Did he come by it honest? A tad.

I took a deep breath and stayed calm (odd, yes) then these words came out of my mouth without any thought. “Myles, instead of crying, why didn’t you just ask me to help you? Did you not think I could?”

“N-n-no.” Hiccup. Crocodile tears. Hiccup.


“I don’t know! It’s gone. Forever.”

“Well, guess what? I can do things you can’t. I can reach behind that TV. All you had to do was ask. Now, stop crying.” I went over to the TV, stretched behind there and with the tips of my fingers grabbed his ridiculous silly band.


And that’s when the Lord used my own words and spoke to my heart. “I can do things you can’t. I can reach behind what’s blocking you and take out what you’re reaching for. Now stop crying.”

“And the LORD said to Moses, “Has the LORD’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not.” Numbers 11:23

Truth be told, as touched and comforted as I was to hear Him, it probably won’t be long before I’m feeling all may be lost, before I’m reaching with my tiny arm that can’t go very far and before I’m boo-hooing again, (I’m but dust) and no doubt, He’ll lovingly give me another reminder to keep going and show me how strong He is. But for now…I’m recharged, calm, and ready for another round.

For those of you out there, who have been promised that your book will be in print to minister to others or whatever your dream is will be fulfilled–don’t give up. Stop crying in disbelief and keep knocking. Be persistent. Be still while you wait. Hope. Keep dreaming. Keep writing or whatever it is you need to do to press on toward what God’s shown you. And in the wait, let’s encourage and remind each other that He’s going to do what He says He’s going to!


 Do you believe God can do what He says He can? Has it been so long, you wonder if He even spoke a promise to you or breathed a dream inside you?

Anyone out there have a testimony of God’s miraculous hand reaching into the impossible and pulling out the possible!?

Be blessed and I hope you all had a very Merry CHRISTmas!


                                                               “If I tattle-tell, I’ll die till I’m dead!”

One of my favorite lines in the Disney Classic, Robin Hood. Every now and then, I find myself whistling Alan O’ Dale’s song or quoting a line.

A scene that speaks to me, is when the children are shooting arrows and one lands in Prince John’s court where Maid Marian and Cluckie (her maid) are playing Bad Minton.

Skippy tries to be brave going into the enemy’s camp, but when he’s spotted he melts. His little furry lips quiver and his knees knock together in fright.


It’s only when Marian reminds him of who he looks like–his hero, Robin Hood, that he stands straighter and becomes bold. Fear–gone.  

I think sometimes, we can be an awful lot like Skippy. We’re ready to fight the enemy–go right into his camp and as the song says, “take back what he stole from me.” But once we get inside, we lose sight of our hero. Fear gets ahold of us and brings us to our knees! Cancer. Failed marriages. Sick children. Lost jobs. Lost homes. Unsaved loved ones inches from rock bottom. They become our focus and we need a reminder that we have a Servant Hero, that loves us. Who’s bigger than any sickness, situation, or slip up. Who never leaves us or forsakes us.

“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.”
Ephesians 5:1

We need reminded of whose likeness we possess.

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27

We need reminded of what we’ve been transformed into.

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

He’s greater than your worst nightmare. Stronger than any storm. Stand firm. Fight the good fight. Take a breath. Take your arrows of faith, aim. Shoot. Pierce the darkness that surrounds you. You’re not doing it alone! Remember who you belong to! Be confident. He has you!

Ooodalalee Ooodalalee golly what a day! Have a great weekend!