Spiritual Death by Asphyxiation Part 1

I have a book. Shocker, I know. It’s titled, Howdunit Forensics: A Guide for Writers by D.P. Lyle, M.D.
In chapter 8, Dr. Lyle discusses Asphyxia: Depriving the Body of Oxygen. Trust me, people, I’m going somewhere,  just hang on and breathe deep (pun intended).
There are several ways to deprive someone of oxygen, but as I read through it, the Spirit began to speak to me turning what I read into something spiritual. And I want to share that with you.
Today we’re talking about ways the enemy tries to suffocate you, spiritually.
Environmental Suffocation: “…if the oxygen content of the air is deficient, it is of little use to the body. Normal air is approximately 21 percent oxygen. When this percentage drops to 10 to 15 percent, judgment and coordination suffer…”
The enemy studies us. Creepy, I know. Our weaknesses become apparent to him. Think for a moment about some of yours. I personally have more than one.
Let me tell you one I don’t have. I’m not tempted to gamble (but I never say never and guard myself anyway). I live near casinos, but the thought of spending money, that I’ll probably lose, makes me nauseated because I’d rather spend the money on something I’ll have forever, like house décor or books!
photo credit: Grant Cochrane/freedigitalphotos   
But there are people who fight the urge to take their paycheck to the casinos every day. Those who don’t fight it, don’t understand it.  When my stomach is full, I fight the urge to go back for one more plate, because it just seems so good. And I usually lose that fight. Therefore, I may not have gambled away my money, but I have poured away my self-control and sinned. It’s called gluttony. It really is a sin and not a social faux pas. I’m guilty of it often. Those who don’t fight it say things like, “Just push back from the table. Just stop eating.” If you struggle with it, you understand the difficulty and people like that make it worse not better. An excellent bible study for this can be found here, by Dee Brestin. And here, the Lord’s Table. 
And some women and men struggle with insecurity and their identity. They want to be noticed, loved, and wanted (which is good thing–God made us that way, so we would want Him). And this is the example I’m using today because we live in an adulterous generation.
What is spiritual Environmental Suffocation?
It’s this:
Molly is in her 30’s. She’s been married over ten years, has two children and loves her family, her church, and God. She teaches on Wednesday nights–the girls’ class on purity. She reads her Bible and truly loves Jesus. She wants to do something wonderful for the Kingdom, but she’s not sure what that is yet. She’s been asking God.
Molly goes to work Monday through Friday, just like her husband and on the weekends, they work around the house, shuffle kids to programs and sports and maybe catch a movie once a month as a date night.
One Sunday, Molly fits into a new dress and she’s proud of the few pounds she’s lost. She takes extra care with her make-up and even wears a shoe with a heel! When she steps out of her bedroom, her husband, who loves her very much says, “You look nice.”
Nice? Really? Her heart plummets, but she smiles and say, “Thanks. It’s new.”
After church she and her husband decide to go for a drive, like old times. They laugh, hold hands. He even kisses her knuckles a few times like when they were first dating.
On Monday, Molly wears the same dress to work. Getting her money’s worth. Chris, an attractive man–married– drops a few papers on her desk, makes small talk about little league and as he’s leaving he says, “That dress looks great on you.”
Not nice. Great. And Molly’s heart does something odd…it skips a beat. Someone looked at her and found her attractive.
The oxygen level just went down a few percents.
It was subtle. She didn’t even realize it. But on Tuesday, she takes extra care when she gets ready and lingers before her husband as he sips his coffee. “Have a good day, I’ll be home in time for dinner. Love you.” He kisses her cheek, knowing not to smudge her lipstick, and leaves.
At ten a.m. Chris blows through the office, a frown on his face. He didn’t notice her. But Molly liked the way that felt. So she follows him to the coffee pot. “You okay?”
“Not really.”
She presses, and he tells her about the fight with his wife.
The oxygen level just went down another percent.
*You don’t share intimate details of your life with a person of the opposite sex. It bonds you emotionally.
After the conversation, and good, godly advice from Molly, Chris says, “Did you do something different with your hair?”
photo credit:
George Stojkovic/freedigitalphotos
As the weeks progress, something happens. Molly feels guilty over her feelings for Chris. She’s looking forward to work just to see him. It’s nothing, she just likes the fact she’s being noticed as more than a decade old wife and mother. And she’s helping because some of her advice she’s given Chris has worked. He said so himself. Right? I mean, she’s a Christian who loves God and would never do something like that.
“Hey, you want to grab some lunch? We can take separate cars so it doesn’t look bad.”
The oxygen level has just plummeted to about 10% causing judgment to suffer.
“Sure. Where?”
And in a few more weeks of that a full-blown affair has taken place. It’s been going on emotionally for awhile, but one day instead of lunch, they end up at a hotel.
photo credit:
Victor Habbick/freedigitalphotos
“…below 10 percent loss of consciousness occurs, and at around 8 percent death is all but assured.”
This is how the enemy suffocates us environmentally. He uses settings to trap us. It’s subtle.
He slowly takes away the oxygen level. Until we’re operating in the flesh. We like the way whatever he’s dangling at us feels. We stop praying because we don’t like the conviction. We stop reading the Bible for the same reasons. We don’t switch on praise music in the car.
The levels continue to drop. Until, we refuse to hear the wooing of God.
“… he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.” Proverbs 28:14
Had Chris come onto her in a huge flirtatious way, she probably would have seen the red flags and ran. Chris didn’t see her neediness, she was only helping him and yeah, she looked pretty and maybe he felt guilty for saying it, but she cared enough to help him. And his wife didn’t seem as interested.
Slow deprivation of air.
I don’t need to re-enact the aftermath of the affair, we all know they never turn out well. They destroy families, friendships, and ourselves.
Maybe this has been you. Maybe you’re in the aftermath. Maybe it’s not an affair, but something else you’re weak to–a setting the enemy has created to rob you of life-giving air.
Know this:
God never quits. He can take the aftermath and bring healing and beauty. It may not be in the form of getting your family back, but it could be. Either way, He’ll forgive you. He can reshape your life and who you are.
photo credit: freedigitalphotos(dot)net
He can breathe new life back into you. Bring the oxygen level up to keep you going for days, months, years.
But it’s important to pay attention. Pray God will use His Spirit to nudge you when the levels drop. To guard you against falling into temptation and give you the strength to withstand the strikes of the enemy.
“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. ” 1 Corinthians 10:12-14
God always makes a way! Don’t let the enemy hide the door to get out, don’t let him fool you into thinking you can’t escape. You can. We can.
Next Wednesday, we’ll look at ways the enemy suffocates us through smothering.
I’m over at LivingBy Grace! Come over and let’s chat about environment.
Have you ever said, “I’ll never do that.” And found yourself in that exact sin? You don’t have to be specific, just share how God brought you out and what you learned.

Guest Blogger: Ben Adams, Hold the Basket

Ben and his beautiful family!

Today I’d like to introduce you to Ben Adams. Ben attends my church and is a dynamic leader, great speaker, and all around funny guy. He’s married to a fabulous and funny woman and they home-school their 4 girls! I’m always inspired by Ben and his beautiful wife, Lisa. I’m thrilled to have him here guest posting. I know you’ll be inspired as well.

Heeeere’s Ben!

 A few days ago my wife returned home to share her latest adventure at Kroger. As she began to tear up I was already preparing to go confront some rude checker or maybe put a GPS tracker on the person who had hurt her feelings.  As I listened further I discovered that the tears were from watching an elderly mother push her basket out of the store while her grown “special needs” daughter clung to the cart.  The mom looked tired not just from age, but probably also due to years of caregiving to her daughter.  My wife wondered just how many times over the years that the daughter had heard her mom say,”Now hold on to the basket”. It had obviously sunk in.
     These kind of scenes always tug at our hearts because we have a “special needs” daughter who is only 9 years old.  From time to time we allow ourselves to look into the future and imagine what our retirement years might be like when our Sweet Caroline is an adult. We know God will provide our needs in all situations, but some days the task seems large.  As the Kroger story finished I was quickly taken back a few years to a trip to Sam’s Club.  I have always loved shopping at that massive warehouse. I get excited not only with the size of the store, but with the fact that I can purchase office supplies and milk in the same place followed by lunch at the deli.  It was just Caroline and me on this trip.  Caroline’s delay in speech was very obvious at that time and she maybe had about 15 total words in her vocabulary.  Caroline had been to Sam’s numerous times and gotten a bit bolder in trying to wander away from the basket with each trip.
     “Hold on to the basket, Caroline.” I would tell her repeatedly. I made it to the bakery section and she wanted to look at all of the birthday cakes on display.  In the brief moments that I studied which loaf of bread would offer the most savings I turned to see that Caroline was out of view. I quickly scanned the bakery area and saw no sign of her.  I noticed an entry to a restricted worker area, but nobody had seen a small child wandering around. I began to feel my heart race a little faster as I jogged from aisle to aisle and could not find my daughter.  I worked my way from the back to the front and after 5 minutes of searching I ended up at the exit door and asked security if they had seen any small children pass by.  They said nobody matching Caroline’s description had been by.  I asked them to check every kid that moved their direction to see if they could spot her.  I don’t panic easily but I had never lost a child for this length of time.  I was already wondering how I would explain this to my wife.  How could I have been so careless with our weakest and most vulnerable little one?  God help me!!!!
As I ran back towards the refrigeration section on this 10 minute search I finally spotted a nice lady just standing in place holding Caroline’s hand. Her face said she recognized that she had a lost child and was determining her next course of action. Caroline looked quite confused as to why her dad would have disappeared from her for so long. As I drew closer Caroline used one of her few words and exclaimed, “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddd”!!!!  A baseball sized lump grew in my throat.  I was unable to even thank the “angel” lady who took the time to stand there with my girl until her Dad showed up.  I swept Caroline up in my arms and went to a private corner of the store and began to sob as I kissed those sweet cheeks a million times.  One passerby asked if everything was OK and I said, “They are now”!  Caroline seemed puzzled by my tears as she stroked my hair and asked, “OK, OK”?  I have never forgotten that experience and can’t begin to count how many times I have told Caroline to hold on to the basket every time we make a trip to a store.
As I continue to grow daily in my walk with Jesus I realize more and more of just how many times I tend to wander off from His Guidance because I see something flashy that catches my eye.  I don’t intend to wander away, but there are just so many things pulling me from where my focus should be.  Before I know it I am several aisles away in a large warehouse type world wondering where my Dad is.  I am so thankful that Jesus continues to pursue all of us the way I chased down Caroline in that store.  Jesus willingly leaves the 99 to go out in search for the ONE!!  Those reunions are just as wonderful as when I held Caroline in the corner.  The sign of maturity in our spiritual walk is when we finally learn to “hold on to the basket” because if we do , Jesus will always lead us HOME.  
That’s exactly where I want to be!!
I’m over at Living By Grace today! Come chat! 

No Sleep for the Saints

Photo Credit: graur razvan ionut 

It makes me sad to say I finished Donna Pyles’ Your Strong Suit Bible study this past week. It was truly a wonderful study. If you haven’t done it, I encourage you to!
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— ” Ephesians 6:14-18
We’re down to the last part of the passage.
When I think about “praying always…being watchful…with all perseverance and supplication…” I think about a man who spent the night in a beautiful garden with his Master.
Exhaustion from traveling, rising early, going to bed late, fishing, not to mention emotional exhaustion pulled at his eyelids, his limbs. I bet he couldn’t even think straight, yet his Master begged him to stay awake.
Something was about to happen, about to change the world in a epic way and the turmoil raging inside the Master was overwhelming. He needed this man, not as a student but as His friend. He needed Peter.
“My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.”  Matthew 26:38
I think Peter tried. He’d finished telling Jesus earlier that he’d go to the grave for Him, surely staying awake would be easier.
But he couldn’t.
What was going to happen in several hours overwhelmed Peter’s Master.
“He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39
Photo Credit: Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

When He raised up, He found them–His friends–asleep for the second time. “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26: 40 (emphasis, mine)

Peter didn’t understand. What temptation? An hour? An hour seemed like days this late. And he fell asleep again.
Jesus asked His Father to take the cup that was about to be poured on Him away, but then He asked for the Father’s will to be done. Again, He came back. Yet, He said nothing. In that moment what do you think Jesus thought? After going back to pray, He awoke them a third time.
The hour had come.
We know after that, Jesus was arrested. Peter denied Christ as many times as he had fallen asleep. Three. I wonder, had he stayed awake, watched, and prayed what would have happened.
Peter swore he’d die with Christ. His spirit was willing. But he failed to gear up through prayer, and his flesh was weak.
We scoff at Peter, shake our heads and think, “How could he spend three years with Jesus and leave Him at the worst hour of His life?”
But I’ve known Jesus more than three years, and I’ve turned my back on Him as well. I can relate to Peter.
When you feel tired, lazy, indifferent that’s when you’re at your most vulnerable. When you don’t pray,  you open wide the door to attacks.
Pray in the Spirit. Let the Spirit who lives inside you, guide and direct your prayers. Let Him take over dreams that hold glory for yourself and shape them into dreams that glorify the One Who prayed alone in the garden, to gear up for becoming your sin, and mine. The One Who stayed awake. Not only in the garden, but on the cross. When He refused the gall. When He chose to feel the pain, the sin–to keep a clear mind.
I need to work on staying awake.
 How about you? 
photo credit: bela_kiefer / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This is Holy Week. A time to remember what our Savior did for us. To remember how beautiful the Passion was–is. Still, Jesus intercedes for us. He knows the mind of the Spirit (His spirit) that lives within us and prays God’s will for our lives. Just like He did for Peter. He has confidence in us. Shocking isn’t it? 

 “And the Lord said,“Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” Luke: 22:30-32

Just like He had confidence in Peter, knowing the mistakes he would make before returning. That’s a God I wan to worship. That’s a God that inspires and motivates me to pray.
So what about you? Could you stand to stay awake more? Ever found when you didn’t pray over something the outcome was a failure?

**What’s the Point of Passover? I talk about it, HERE

I’m over at Living By Grace! Come by.

Take a Stab but Wear a Helmet

The world did what it thought was right in its own eyes. Brothers fought brothers, innocent lives were slaughtered and given to demons. Orphans’ bellies swelled with hunger, but blind eyes were turned. Widows starved in their homes while young women took men who did not belong to them to their bed.
Greed, lust, hunger for power dripped like honey from the lips of men. Lies and deceit fueled the people. Dead men living in desolate places, groping as if they had no eyes to see light–only walking in darkness.
Those who attempted to depart from the great evil became prey.
Truth failed.
Justice and righteousness disappeared like vapor.
No one to help the people, to intercede for them. And it displeased the Lord. Jealousy for His beloved moved Him to action.
He would bring salvation by His own arm.
His put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak.
Bringing fury to His enemies. To redeem. To send the enemy to flight when he comes in like a flood.
To make a covenant. (prophesy from Isaiah 59)
He came and was rejected by His own people, who mocked His helmet of salvation by crowning Him with thorns, ignoring His cloak of vengeance that He wanted to use to avenge them and covering him with cloak of purple to demean Him. They stripped His torso naked; they did not care He came in righteousness.
Yet compassion and joy pressed Him on and He allowed them to take His life. When His blood and water flowed, they were freed. All were freed.
Truth would not fail again. Law was banished.
Under a new covenant. In blood. At a cross.
It’s no secret that when Paul watched the soldiers guarding him, he remembered the prophecy in Isaiah. He would know the scriptures well. He may have sat against the cold, dirty walls of the prison and studied those men as the Spirit of God showed Him a picture to use in teaching us. Today.
Put on the whole armor of God. Except there is no cloak in the armor of God. Because vengeance belongs to the Lord.
“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit…” Ephesians 6:17
He wore them first. He’s giving them to us. A gift to help us. The world hasn’t changed. It’s still a place where man does right in his own eyes, where greed and lust propel men to do evil.
But we are not under the law. We have the Spirit of God in us to guide us. We have nothing to fear. And the enemy knows this. He’s still coughing up dust from having his face shoved in the ground when Jesus won the battle.
The mind is an amazing creation. What it can do is a miracle. That’s why it’s so important to guard it. The enemy loves to mess with it. One stray thought can become a fixation, messing with our emotions–our innermost parts.
Thoughts become actions.
That’s why Paul says whatever is just, pure, lovely, of good report, anything praiseworthy or of virtue–think on these things. Philippians 4:6-8
Paul not only tells us to take the helmet of salvation, a free gift giving you liberty, but to also take the sword of the spirit.
The Bible–the Word.  When the enemy comes in like a flood (from the prophecy in Isaiah) the Spirit of God sets Him to flight (raises a standard–that’s what the word standard means). Resist the devil and he will flee.
When he says, “You’re alone.” The sword slashes at the enemy with “My God never forsakes me, lo He is with me until the ends of the earth.” Matthew 28:20
“You’re weak.” Raise the sword and cut his throat. “His grace is sufficient for me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
“Your dreams are ridiculous. Unattainable.” Cut his tongue out with, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
When the enemy tempted Jesus in the desert for 40 days, Jesus fought with the Word. With the sword.
I have a hard time with numbers. Phone numbers, SS#, dates. It’s ridiculous and as I was trying to memorize scripture, I became frustrated because I couldn’t remember the references.
I sat outside on my patio morning in tears and said something like, “How can I fight when I can’t even learn!” I will never forget what happened next.
The wind picked up, the leaves rustled and the Lord said to me (not audible but they might as well have been), “When I fought, I never once used a reference. I said, ‘It is written…’ You know the words.”
My heart sped up, my eyes swam with tears as Jesus unlocked my fears and doubt and encouraged me.
This wasn’t license not to work hard and learn the references. We should and I have. We may need to give them to another person at some point.
Sometimes, I forget, but I know when the enemy attacks my mind, the Spirit brings the Word to my mind. God says….
You see, I scared him. I was learning how to fight. Memorizing scripture and meditating on it. Letting it become real in my life, not just rehearsed words to a play.
The only way to stop me was to make me believe if I didn’t know the numbers/references, it wasn’t valid. A forfeit in the fight.
Protect the mind. We’re saved–by grace. Under the blood. The past is drenched in it. Our future swims in it. We have the promise of forever with the Lover of our soul.
Pick up the sword and use it. Remember to practice with it. Take it out daily and use it. Get the feel of it in your hands. Improve your craft of wielding it. When war comes, you want to know how to use your only weapon. It’s the only thing that will wound the enemy. Everything else is for protecting you.
The sword puts the enemy to flight.
How are you at memorizing scripture? Do you work on learning new passages daily or could you stand to take out the sword and practice with it?
Practice makes progress!
I’m over at LivingBy Grace today, on facebook! Come by and share with over 200 women your favorite scripture! 

Raising Faith

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16 ESV
I’m nearing the end of Donna Pyle’s Your Strong Suit Bible study. I’ve moved slowly, as I’ve pinged off her notes, scriptures and quotes.
We’re talking strength on Wednesdays. So far, in the armor of God series, we’ve learned about truth, righteousness, and peace.
Today is all about an item that doesn’t clothe us, but surrounds us. An item we have to pick up and carry with us into battle.
The shield of faith. 
“Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God.
Because of our faith, we know that the world was made at God’s command. We also know that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.” Hebrews 11:1-3 CEV
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 
It’s hard to believe in something you can’t see. Promises that have been spoken to the heart, but can’t be tangibly touched…yet.
But when you experience Jesus…a taste even, a thousand eyes aren’t necessary to believe He is real. That is His power is mighty, His love overwhelming.
That’s why the shield of faith is so important to carry. To remember to take up.
The enemy lurks, waiting for our arms to get tired or for us to forget all together to raise the shield. A single arrow, tipped in fire can burn away at our faith, our trust in God and His goodness, His mercy, compassion.
Shields used by Roman soldiers, as Donna Pyle teaches, “were about four feet tall and approximately two feet wide…door-sized…”
The outside of the shields were covered in leather and then soaked in water. The point? To quench fiery darts.
We need to take up our shields, and daily soak them in the water of the Word.
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
The fight is daily. The enemy does not tire. He’s prepared, in position, and ready to pounce.
But we get tired don’t we?
When God nudged me to write and began giving me promises, at first I believed! It was exciting as I wrote one story after another. Thirteen full manuscripts of hope.
And as time wore on, I questioned God’s promises. I couldn’t see anything happening.
“This is your dream, not God’s dream for you. You know there’s a difference. You’re not a bad writer, but you’re not good enough. You’re a nobody, you know that, right? You will fail. And you’ll be a laughing-stock. Your church won’t back you. They don’t care what you’re doing.”
Those are just a few of the burning arrows the enemy directed towards my innermost parts.
During those times, God used His Word to confirm and encourage, helping me raise my shield of faith to fight off and extinguish the fiery darts of doubt and fear…the bright burning darts full of fiery lies.
But I had to soak the shield. I had to prepare for the attacks.  I had to do my part.
It was in the long periods of waiting that God used the same words He’d spoken to Abram (Abraham) to remind me no matter what happens in this temporary world. No matter what my eyes could see. This was true:
“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1
Raising faith is raising up Jesus Christ to the enemy. Who can be against us, when Jesus is for us. When He covers us as a shield and deflects the darts.
“But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3
The Great I AM says, “Don’t lie to her.” And he covers us with His might. A shield of glory and beauty.
“If you want her, you’re going to have to go through Me to get her. And you and I both know how that turned out last time.”
It ended with Jesus publicly humiliating the enemy as He drug him around the streets in the dirt and ended with a Holy boot to his sick, sad, little neck.
For you. For me.
 “…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2
We were the joy. We are the joy.
Sometimes the weariness of walking out this thing called faith can be overwhelming. The enemy even uses that to hurt us. “No faith? Tired? You don’t really believe. What a disappointment you are to God. All He’s done for you and you can’t even stand. Pathetic.”
I remember a man who said to Jesus, “I believe! Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24)Did Jesus turn, disgusted? If I remember right, Jesus healed that man’s child. He’s compassionate. He understands we’re but flesh. We get tired. That’s why  He insists we love those in His church. He begs unity.
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10
In the movie, Troy, a fight scene took place on the beach. Achilles’ army came together and locked their shields creating a huge force field protecting the soldiers.
The shields were designed that way. Together, their shields could prevent injury more than one soldier and one shield.
When our brothers and sisters in Christ feel shaky in their faith, that’s not the time for us to abandon them or judge them, using scripture to condemn rather to uplift.
It’s time to lock our shield of faith into theirs and stand beside them. In unity. To help them fight. To believe with them and for them. 
 “…that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel…” Philippians 1:27
Even Moses needed strength in battle, and his friends held his arms high.
And they won.
So will we.
Have you ever had a friend help you in your faith battle? Ever helped out a friend?
I’m hosting at Living By Grace today, over at Facebook! Come by and join in the discussion on faith.

The Devil Wears Prada; We Wear Peace


These Prada shoes cost $790.00 I know because I own them. Sort of. Okay, one of my characters in a novel does, but that’s kind of the same thing, right?

I’m going to admit something. These shoes look so much prettier on than a  pair of Roman Soldier cleat-like shoes. At first glance, and probably tenth, I’d choose these suede, sling-backs.  

There’s a phrase that shoes make the man. I believe this to be true.
Shoes for day. Shoes for night.
Special shoes for runners, baseball players, soccer players, going to the beach, scuba diving, etc…
And shoes for Christians
A couple years ago, I was walking “Jane” out to her car after a day of hanging out. I was barefoot. I’m not a barefoot kind of girl. Never have been. My sister could run on gravel, but I barely grazed a pebble and thought I might die.
I stepped off the concrete and the Lord spoke as clearly as He could without being audible. “You’re about to step on a bee.”
I should have stepped back. Instead, I took one more step and the pain that entered my foot and shot up my leg was insane. I hollered out and “Jane” helped me back inside. I made a baking soda paste like I remembered my mom had done when I was a kid and attempted to play in the sprinkler.
The lesson I learned then was listen and obey when God spoke. I’d been going through a “Hear My Voice clearly” time in my life. Second stage: Obey. I’d failed and got stung. Lesson learned.
But I remembered that incident while studying Donna Pyle’s Your Strong Suit Bible study. (click the red link to purchase!) She says, “In our spiritual battles, stability and balance prove essential in remaining upright….Wearing these shoes endues us with God’s strength.”
She’s referring to the way Roman soldiers’ shoes were made. With spikes along the bottom, similar to a cleat. To dig into the ground, to balance.
Special shoes even for war.  Combat boots.
Now, I’ll admit, the Prada shoes look prettier. I’m a fan of pink. But they wouldn’t hold up in war. In fact, most things the enemy entices us with are beautiful but in the end leave blisters on our flesh and aches and pains and cost more than we can afford.
Ephesians 6:14 says to “shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Shod in the Greek is “hypodeo” and it means “to bind under one’s self.”
The gospel of peace goes under our feet. It’s our foundation.
What is the gospel of peace? It’s the glad tidings of the salvation through Christ. It is good news!
Preparation in the Greek is “hetoimasia” and it means: “the act of preparing; the condition of a person or thing so far forth as prepared, preparedness, readiness” When we’re about to head out, the last thing we do is put on our shoes. It signifies readiness. It shows we’re about to leave.
I’ve said it a million times, “You have your shoes on? I’m ready to go.” It’s how I know if my kids are ready to walk out the door or are still lollygagging.
We have to be ready with our spiritual shoes. The gospel of peace. Wherever we go, we’re walking on the foundation of Jesus Christ–His death, resurrection and the hope and peace of eternal life, that we can never be separated from His love, He never leaves or forsakes us. Peace that passes all understanding.
It’s what defines us from everyone else who’s walking around barefoot.
The world is a dangerous place. We have no choice but to walk it’s evil streets. But if we’re prepared and ready. If we’re wearing the right shoewear, we can walk with ease.
It reminds me of the movie Die Hard. Bruce Willis is cleaning up in his wife’s office–wife-beater tank, a pair of pants and that’s it. At that moment, hell breaks loose in the business tower and he has to move quickly. Unprepared.
The enemy looks down at the floor in one point. A shooting match had just taken place, and he notices blood on the floor. He realizes, Bruce is barefoot. He grins and shoots out the glass windows leaving Bruce no choice but to walk on broken glass.
Bruce makes it to a bathroom where he picks shards out of his feet, the pain excruciating. He binds them with cloth, but that’s not enough.
He wasn’t ready for the havoc that had been unleashed. But to survive, he had to fight unprepared. It came at a cost. It came with insurmountable pain. It came without sureness and peace.
A scene or two later, he takes a pair of shoes from a dead guy and gets his hero on. Taking out the bad guys and winning.
The point?
“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” 1 Timothy 4:2
This doesn’t mean hand out tracts to homeless people, but let their stomachs continue to be empty. Nor does it mean stand on a corner and wave your Bible at prostitutes and remind them they’re going to hell. They’re already living in hell. In their minds, it can’t get much worse. It doesn’t mean shout at the drug-addicted that God can set them free, then shake the dust from your feet when they aren’t instantly delivered.
Patience with people.
In love.
When their lives are turned upside down, when your life is upside down– the shoes you wear convince them something about you is different.
That can’t be explained.
Yet…it can.
The Gospel of Peace.
Jesus Christ.
Your foundation.
Bound to the soles of your feet.
You walk down littered streets, scorching beaches, bee-infested grass, boiling pavements, glassy alleyways, gravely roads…
 with ease.
Light in your eyes.
Rain or shine. Snow and sleet.  Tornadoes and hurricanes raging. War and threats of war. In deceiving times. Through the wild jungles where the lion hunts his prey.
You walk.
How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” 
Isaiah 52:7
Tell me, ladies, are you more of a pretty shoe or all about comfort? Guys, do you even care about what you put on your feet?

I’m over at Living by Grace today! Come by!

Wanderlust: It Starts in the Stomach

Wanderlust by definition is the intense longing to travel. For the last 3 weeks, we’ve talked about the breastplate of righteousness and why it’s so important to wear it. It protects the innermost parts.
The Stomach–seat of appetites
What is appetite?
According to Webster, it’s an intense craving. A few synonyms are: hunger, greed, desire and yearning.
It’s imperative that we put on the breastplate of righteousness (Christ’s righteousness) to protect our stomach and the appetites it craves.
When we think of lust, our brains immediately bee-line to sex. And yes, sex and lust can go hand in hand, but there are so many other things that we lust after. It’s not the same for everyone.
Donna Pyle, in her Bible study–Your Strong Suit–says, the enemy knows our weaknesses. He can’t read our minds but he studies our behavior. That’s deep, people. And true.
For some of us, our lusts come in the form of food, material goods, shopping, keeping up with the Jones’, vehicles, electronic toys, attention, beauty, the need to be wanted, power and authority–yes, even in ministry, competition–to be a better mom than so and so, or baker, teacher, writer, speaker, etc…
I guarantee you there’s something you lust for, and if you do not protect your innermost part–your seat of appetites, you will wander.
And you will travel to places you need not go. Dangerous places.
The big question: How do we put on the breastplate and protect ourselves? 
We put on, by putting off, first.
Before we ever get to Ephesians 6: 10-18, the armor of God passage, we have to travel through some other important verses. These former verses teach us how to accomplish Ephesians 6:1-18.
“But that’s no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It’s rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you. ” Ephesians 4:21-24 MSG (emphasis mine)
In the NKJV, it says, “that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts…”
Great! We know what we have to put off. But it has to be conscious. You don’t just wake up and go about your day without purposefully praying and asking God for strength to help you be the new creature in Christ.
You’ll fail if you don’t consciously put off and put on. I promise you. You will. I’m living proof.
“Therefore, remember that at one time you were Gentiles (heathens) in the flesh, called Uncircumcision by those who called themselves Circumcision, [itself a [a]mere mark] in the flesh made by human hands.
    [Remember] that you were at that time separated (living apart) from Christ [excluded from all part in Him], utterly estranged and outlawed from the rights of Israel as a nation, and strangers with no share in the sacred compacts of the [Messianic] promise [with no knowledge of or right in God’s agreements, His covenants]. And you had no hope (no promise); you were in the world without God.
    But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were [so] far away, through (by, in) the blood of Christ have been brought near.” Ephesians 2:11-13 AMP (emphasis mine)
The key word: Remember
We wear invisible protective covering, but the enemy sees it clearly. In the color of crimson.
Remember you no longer walk as a child of darkness, but of light. (Eph. 5:8)
Remember you do not have to satisfy the wanderlust that urges you to travel places unbecoming a bride of Christ.
Remember you are protected. You have strength. You have covering.
Great verses to help you understand what is becoming and what is not can be found in Ephesians4:25-32 and chapter 5.
Our innermost parts are so close together, we have to be cautious. One dart pierces our heart and we become emotional, another punctures our lung and we cease praise, and the stomach stirs us up to listen to fickle emotions, ignore who we serve and go places that beckon to rob us of joy, peace, and true abundant living.
We must nail down those lusts every day. Galatians 5:24-25
“But it’s hard! I’m not seeing any benefits. I struggle! In fact, at this very moment my life is total mess. Complete disarray.”
Sweet one, you’ve been pierced in the seat of your emotions when you cry these things. And we all have. Be of good cheer, someone has fought for you!
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 (FACT)
“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” Galatians 6:7 (FACT)
Gear up, friends. In a world of “no you can’ts” The Holy One covers you with a shield made from His beauty, His love, His righteous blood and He says…
“Yes, you can!”
Do you notice when you don’t consciously remember to put off and put on, you lose a battle that day? Care to share an encouraging word with readers? Could be a life lesson, a scripture etc…
Join me today as I host Living By Grace! I encourage you to pop over there and share a favorite scripture you use to battle the fiery darts of the enemy!


“Praise the Lord!
For it is good to sing praises to our God;
For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.” Psalm 147:1
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6
Last week we talked about the heart–the seat of emotions. We discussed how important the Breastplate of Righteousness is because the heart is one way the enemy attacks us.  You can read about the heart, HERE.
Today, we’re talking about another innermost part of our bodies that needs protected.
The lungs. The seat of praise.
The breastplate of a soldier would cover this area of the body as well. One dart to the lungs can result in the very least, a puncture. At the most–a full collapse.
Lungs are vital to our survival. They take in oxygen and distribute it to our body, releasing carbon dioxide. Inhale. Exhale. No lungs. No life.
Why would the enemy want to strike so forcefully at our lungs–seat of praise?
I guess we need to know why praise is so important. We know God tells us to praise Him. We know we ought to. He’s good. He’s done good things for us. He’s the Most High. Creator. All good reasons.
He finds it beautiful, when done with purity. It’s a wonderful fragrance to Him. But what does praise do for us? Like oxygen benefits every part of our body, so does praise.
Praise is our way of personally acknowledging God and Who He is.
“I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness,
And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.” Psalm 7:17
“For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.” Psalm 47:7
“To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, My God of mercy.” Psalm 59:17
Praise puts God and us in the proper place.
Exalting Him
“Be exalted, O LORD, in Your own strength! We will sing and praise Your power.” Psalm 21:13
“For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.” Psalm 96:4
“Let them praise the name of the LORD, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven. ” Psalm 148:13
Humbling us
“Oh, do not let the oppressed return ashamed! Let the poor and needy praise Your name.” Psalm 74:21
So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, Will give You thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations.” Psalm 79:13
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14 
Praise brings peace.
“But I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more. ” Psalm 71:14
“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance.” Psalm 42:5
“To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3

Praise creates an atmosphere of worship and change.
“But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.” Psalm 22:3
“He has put a new song in my mouth— Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD.” Psalm 40:3
“Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.” Psalm 66:2
Have you ever felt at your lowest? Wit’s end? I have. And I’ve found when I turn on worship music and I begin to open my mouth, let my lungs expand with praise something in the atmosphere changes. A holiness sweeps in, my words begin building an altar, and I know His Majesty abides within in.
My heart fills to the point of bursting, my eyes fill and overflow like a glorious fountain, my bones and muscle feel weak and I know it’s because the power of the Most High is enveloping me…I have nowhere to go but to the floor. Flashes of wondrous things He’s done for me flood my mind and gratefulness I hadn’t felt before overwhelms me.
Sometimes sobs are enough, I know He’s carefully bottling them. Sometimes I cry out and no words come, but He understands the language of the heart…He responds with lavish love. And I praise!
God, You are holy, majestic, wonderful in power and love. You love me like no one can, you’re with me when I’ve been abandoned by everyone else. You hold my life, my thoughts, my heart. You are mighty and glorious. I don’t deserve you.
A breakthrough happens within. I can’t contain it. I don’t want it to end. I might jump up and dance, alone in my living room, for my King. I may quietly lay out in the floor while I let His soothing balm cleanse me, cover me, love me.
And it’s then, I know I’ve changed. If only a little. It’s under the umbrella of praise, I know I can’t. But He can.
And He will.
That’s worth protecting.
Jesus has given us His righteousness in the form of a breastplate. To keep us strong. To keep us praising.
We can’t afford for the enemy to cease our praise–to puncture or collapse a lung. It does so much for us. Let’s fight back a little today.
What is one thing you want to give Him praise for today? Let’s flood the comments with glorious praise, for praise is a beautiful thing.
I’m hosting over at Living By Grace, the facebook online community and I’d love for you to pop over and engage in conversation! Lift a fellow sister up! 🙂 

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Heart

“He has said in his heart, “I shall not be moved; I shall never be in adversity.”  Psalm 10:6
“But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.” Psalm 13:5
“The troubles of my heart have enlarged; Bring me out of my distresses!” Psalm 25:17
“The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart…”Psalm 34:18
“When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
“So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, To walk in their own counsels.” Psalm 81:12
“For I am poor and needy, And my heart is wounded within me.” Psalm 109:22
 “Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord.” Proverbs 6:14
“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. ” Proverbs 12:25
“Say to those who are fearful-hearted, “Be strong, do not fear!” Isaiah 35:4
Last week, I said we were going to pick apart the innermost parts to help us prepare for attacks from the enemy. You can read about it HERE.
Notice how many emotions come from our heart? These are just a few. Now, technically, in ancient times, people believed the seat of emotions were…wait for it…the kidneys. I have another lesson about that for another time.
But in today’s world, the seat of emotions lie deep within our hearts. Look at how much we feel within our hearts? Ever heard any of these lines?
“Follow your heart.” “Wear your heart on your sleeve.” “Trust your heart.”
Truth is, we can’t afford to do any of these. Not without the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our hearts. Without it, we’re at risk. Roxette got it wrong with Listen to Your Heart. (I do like that song, though.)
 Our hearts take us places we don’t belong. Our hearts are shaky. And wearing our emotions for everyone to see is ridiculous and a fast way to become like lepers. (There’s a difference between wearing your heart on your sleeve and being transparent. Yes, yes there is.)
What we feel is fickle. And the enemy knows it. That’s why he consistently attacks our emotions. He’s got it down to an art.
God made us to feel…to feel deeply, passionately, tenderly, generously. He made us sensitive. To Him. To His glory.
The enemy twists the emotions of the heart to veer us away from God and His will. Some of the above scriptures are ways he messes with our hearts. For today, I’m picking the top 2 ways he strikes our hearts. In my opinion, of course.
Fear keeps us from moving forward. Paralyzes us into the mundane. Or even worse–into doing nothing. Jeremiah didn’t want to prophesy because he was afraid he was too young. Moses was afraid to speak. God’s people were afraid to cross into a glorious promise. Peter was afraid to stand up for Jesus at a crucial time.
And God told each one of them, I AM with you. That’s enough. You can’t. I can. God is always moving us forward. He has an agenda and it includes me. It includes you.
What do you fear? Failure? Success? Uncertainty? The unknown? A person, place, thing…a circumstance that could occur? Maybe it will. But, maybe it won’t. Here’s one: God? Growing closer to Him? Ever taken strides toward Him and everything seems to go to pot.
Do you fear the enemy more than you trust God?
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.” Psalm 9:10
I did a series on Doubt using an acrostic. If you’re plagued with it, you can read Part 1, HERE and Part 2 HERE.
Doubt is really a lack of trust in God. I think everything that keeps us from moving forward can be peeled back layer by layer to one thing. Lack of trust. Don’t believe me? What are you doubting, what are you afraid of? Peel it back asking why. Too afraid? Don’t believe it? Our hearts can deceive us. That’s why God tests them. Not for His sake. For ours.
The enemy throws fiery darts of doubt straight to our hearts. He wants us to doubt our identity in Christ, His love for us, doubt what God is asking us to do. He likes to use a double-headed arrow with this one: Fear/doubt.
Nothing puts you into cardiac arrest like an injection of fear or doubt.
If he can get us to doubt, he can put us at a standstill. Drop us like a fly. And chuckle while he does it. It’s not even his most fiery dart. It doesn’t take but a spark.
“And He (Jesus) said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?” Luke 24:38 Parentheses mine.
“Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”” Mark 9:23
“God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.” Hebrews 4:12-13 MSG 
When you can’t trust your emotions (heart) and your faith is shaky at best, you have to go with the facts. You can’t argue with truth. And you can’t afford to go a day without the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect your heart. 
God is God alone and there is no one besides Him. Psalm 86:10 Isaiah 45:5
He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
He has great plans for you. Jeremiah 29:11
You have nothing to fear. Nothing to doubt. Luke 24:38
He is doubtless about His ability. Isaiah 50:2
What are other ways the enemy attacks the heart? 

I’m hosting at Living By Grace, an online devotional community for women. Come by and chat or encourage someone who needs it! 

**Next Wednesday, we’ll talk about the lungs: the seat of praise

Protect Yourself

DH playing in the sand
with DD 10 years ago
…notice how she copies
his stance and moves?

“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children…” Ephesians 5:1

If you have children, you’ve noticed them imitating you. This is where half of you smile and half of you groan. Jaws is one of my favorite movies. I love the scene where the little boy copies Brody (his father and really…do I need these () because everyone should know who Brody is b/c surely everyone has seen Jaws. Tell me you have. Please. For the love!) It’s a precious scene. Child mimicking father.
So what does this have to do with the Breastplate of Righteousness? I’m glad you asked.
“God looked and saw evil looming on the horizon—so much evil and no sign of Justice.
He couldn’t believe what he saw: not a soul around to correct this awful situation.
So he did it himself, took on the work of Salvation, fueled by his own Righteousness.
He dressed in Righteousness, put it on like a suit of armor…” Isaiah 59:15-19 MSG 
If God Himself dressed in righteousness, like armor, and then in Ephesians 6:14, tells us through Paul, to put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, and we know from Ephesians 5:1 to imitate…then I think it would be wise to figure out what it means and do it. It’s part of our Strong Suit.
I’m still working through Donna Pyle’s, Your Strong Suit, Bible study. This past week she talked about the Breastplate of Righteousness. She says, “Righteousness (Greek, dikaiosune) refers to the character or quality of being right or just..with Christ giving us His righteousness, our actions (as seen through our values of integrity, virtue, and uprightness) reflect God’s righteousness dwelling in us.”
“not a soul around to correct this awful situation.” “So He did it Himself.” 
The breastplate is a piece of armor that, as Donna says, “protects neck to navel”.
I read about several different kinds of Roman armor, all of which could have been worn during the time Paul was in prison–when he wrote to the Ephesians, using the armor of a Roman soldier as an example. I sure love analogies!
Listen to this:
The Lorica Squamata, which translates into “scale armor” was worn early on by important Roman soldiers. It was worn with a belt to help take off the heaviness of the metal breastplate.
Isn’t that what the belt of truth does for us? When we feel we have to be righteous on our own. Can we do enough good things? Act right all the time to earn God’s graces…the belt of truth takes that heaviness from our shoulders, revealing it is Christ in us that makes us righteous. There is nothing we can do on our own. That’s why the belt and the breastplate go hand in hand.
The belt of truth lifts the heaviness of self-righteousness. We wear Christ’s righteousness to protect our innermost parts.  So what are those innermost parts that need protecting from the fiery darts of the enemy?
The Heart
The Lungs
The Stomach
What do they represent spiritually?
The Seat of emotions
The Seat of praise
The seat of appetites
Next Wednesday we’ll begin picking apart each innermost part and talking about ways the unseen enemy tries to take us out by destroying them. If we are aware of his tactics, we can see him coming. We can plan for attacks. We can defend ourselves. With the Breastplate of Righteousness. Join me next week when we talk about the Heart–the seat of emotions.
Today I’m hosting at Living By Grace and I’d love for you to stop by and “like” the page and share some encouragement or join in the discussion with a community of believers who have the same goal as you do. To live a life pleasing to  God. 

Name one person in the Bible you would like to do an in-depth study on. If you use Jesus/God, be specific. Jesus and His compassion, as Teacher…God as the Father/Healer/Judge…etc.