Must Read Monday: Stuck In the Middle

“That’s your big idea? Tori will show up for dinner wearing size two designer jeans and you’re going to offer to pick up his dog’s poop?”

This may be one of the funniest lines, to me, in this book by Virginia Smith. Stuck in the Middle is the first novel in her Sister to Sister Series.  Joan’s just come out of a nine year relationship, she’s still living in her own hometown (although that’s by choice), and she feels overlooked and plain.

And then she meets the handsome doctor that moves in next door and sibling rivalry, with the baby sister, takes over. It’s quite humorous as they fight for his attention, even the eighty something old grandmother flirts a little!

Joan is a Christian, but she realizes her relationship with God isn’t at all like the missionary who speaks at her church and not at all like Ken’s, the hunky doc. Her church is very traditional, but she doesn’t know anything else. I really liked her spiritual journey from just another gal sitting in a pew following an ordered service to actually having a personal relationship with Jesus.

I got misty eyed when I read how God showed Joan just how much He specifically cared about her. It warmed my heart and gave me a reminder that He always hears our thoughts and loves us without abandon. He’ll even use our favorite ice cream, but you can read that for yourself!

If you like a deep story with tons of humor and a sweet romance, then this is a book for you.

Stop back by after you read it and if you’ve already read it, what did you think? Happy Monday, Friends!

Virginia Smith

Here’s a teaser:

“Her older sister, Allie, is starting a family, and her younger sister, Tori, has a budding career. Meanwhile, Joan is stuck at home with Mom and her aging grandmother. Not exactly a recipe for excitement — or romance. When a hunky young doctor moves in next door, Joan sets out to catch his eye. It won’t be easy, but with a little help from God, Allie, and an enormous bad-mannered mutt, Joan begins to find her way out of this rut.”

Must Read Monday: Happily Ever After

“He barely escaped with his shirt.”
I gotta tell ya, that’s not a shabby way to start out a book. I’m hooked! You judge me, but you know the minute you saw that line, you wanted to read this blog.

Happily Ever After was a free book at the kindle store, check it out it still may be. It’s not necessarily the title or the cover that grabbed my attention, although I love happy endings and books with coffee or tea. It was the word FREE that snagged me.

However, that’s not what held me. I’ve downloaded tons of free books, read a few pages and realized they just weren’t my thing.

Have you ever read that one book, you know was meant for you for that particular time in your life? That’s what Happily Ever After was for me, proving once again that fiction does minister, teach lessons, and touch lives in ways other things can’t. God knew I wasn’t going to be watching TV for two days, or venturing out to hang with friends (I’m slowly getting better. Read my blog for New Year’s Plans), but He did know I’d be reading.

This book was a touching romance with humor that I found funny. The theme of the book was about dreams. Mona Reynolds had dreams of making an old Victorian house into a bookstore and coffee shop. She’d been saving for years to make it happen, and when she finally had it in her grasp, one thing after another taunted her into believing it never would.

I had a rough week before I settled in with Susan’s book. I’d had a few doubts and unsettling moments related to my dream. I switched on my kindle, and picked up at the scene where Mona is giving up. Disappointment has overshadowed all the small successes and breakthroughs. Her quirky friend, who I could so relate to if I was having a good day, told her that God doesn’t give you a dream only to yank it away and laugh at you.

I needed to read that statement. At that moment. If you have dreams, God given ones, don’t give up, and also…read this book.

Now, I will say that her twists were predictable, but she hinted enough that she wanted the reader to guess them. And even though I knew what those were, the book held me and kept me engaged. My heart swelled when the hero swooped in at the end and saved the day. Literally I whooped and laughed out loud! I love books that make me fall in love.

Susan is on the right; geez do I have to
spell it all out for you!?! 🙂
Check out amazon or any bookstore for her

It also touched on subjects of guilt, forgiveness, Down Syndrome, and faith. I had never heard of Susan May Warren before the free download, but I’ll be sure to mark her as an author to read and follow. I hope you will too! You can click on her name and read her first chapter on her website, if you don’t believe me…but…you know trust me!

Here’s a teaser:

“A bookstore in a Victorian house on the shores of beautiful Lake Superior. Mona Reynolds can’t think of a better storybook setting for a happy ending. Until someone starts to sabotage her plans. Could it be the drifter handyman she hired to help her? Just what will it take to make her dreams come true? “

Must Read Monday: Until Forever

“Where will God draw the line at allowing circumstances into our lives that lead us to Him?”

This is just one of the many questions raised in Darlene Shortridge’s debut novel, Until Forever.

I’ve had the privileged opportunity to read Darlene’s book before it hits the bookstores and online shelves later this month.

In the first chapter, she gripped my heart with a tragedy feared by all mothers.  She held it as her characters journeyed down a tough road filled with alcoholism, death, divorce, and prison.

Just when I thought things were looking up, Darlene threw the curve ball and struck my heart again. Sometimes, it takes God allowing many painful experiences to bring His babies into His kingdom. I enjoyed Darlene’s story and her writing style.

www(dot)darleneshortridge(dot)blogspot(dot) com

 This book is the first in Darlene’s Women of Prayer Series. I look forward to reading the next one.  

Here’s a teaser:

“Until Forever is a story of a young family that is torn apart by the devastating effects of alcoholism. Can healing take place in a relationship when an unforgivable act is committed? Will Jessi’s pain and Mark’s guilt keep them apart forever, or will unforseen circumstances bind them together?” 


Must Read Monday: Never Without Hope

Michelle Sutton is the “edgy” Christian fiction queen for a reason. She delivers a raw and powerful story of marital issues that most dance around or ignore.

Her novel, Never Without Hope is a very graphic (without being tacky), yet real view of a married Christian woman who gives in to sexual temptation, what keeps her in this poisonous affair, the consequences, hope, and healing.

I think it’s interesting how much wisdom and insight she gives to Hope’s young son. He’s quite the encourager throughout the book. I liked seeing that.

Visit Michelle at

I laughed, cringed, cheered, and got angry often. That’s the sign of a good book to me. I want to feel what they do. Get mad when they do something stupid, and sympathize with them. I even felt sorry for the “other man.” At first, I wanted to smack him but Michelle weaved the story so well, by the end I just wanted him to be happy. In his own marriage of course!  I’m looking forward to the next book.

Anyone who thinks they’re above sexual temptation, has broken vows and needs healing, or just likes edgy Christian fiction should read this book. If you’ve never read this kind of writing before, give it a try and see how you like it! Never Without Hope is available as an ebook and in paperback. 

Here’s a teaser:
“Hope believes she is above sexual temptation; that she would never break that commandment like her husband’s previous wives had done. After all, she is a good Christian and a loving mother. She has no reason to stray . . . until her husband starts neglecting her needs and things begin to look hopeless. Though she clearly communicates her pain to her husband, he refuses to get help. She starts to wonder…Will she never have sex with her husband again? She soon learns that she, too, is capable of such betrayal when she succumbs to the unthinkable. But things that first seemed sweet and reasonable given her painful situation soon produce a bitter taste when combined with the overwhelming guilt. No substitute will ever replace her love and desire for her husband. If only he would touch her like he used to. If only they could make love again. She misses him so much and wants to tell him the truth hoping it will propel him to do something to fix their problem, but she fears his rejection. Yet, she can’t continue living such a hypocritical life. She knows it’s wrong even though she continues to crave physical intimacy. Steeped in the quagmire of adultery, Hope must find her way back to solid ground to save her marriage. But will she lose everyone she loves in the process?”

Drop back in and tell me what you thought!

Must Read Monday: A Murder Among Friends

A gripper from the beginning, A Murder Among Friends, is a very entertaining, suspenseful and spiritual book with a lovely romance.

Ramona’s characters were easy to slip into. I think you’ll find at least one of them you will identify with. It’s a 269 page read. For avid readers that shouldn’t take too long. A day…a few hours. Worth the time for a fast paced action packed book.

Her dialogue is flavorful and real. I’m picky about my dialogue, so I pay close attention to other writers and how they do it.  She happened to keep it fun, flirty, and emotionally charged. A+ Her description of the writer’s retreat felt very real, down to the soggy leaves from the rainy days.

Everyone is keeping secrets, pretty much everyone has a motive and it was on page 200 that I dropped my jaw because I hadn’t totally figured out who was behind the murder. I do love surprises!

Her backstory was wonderful and well written. I felt like I knew Aaron and that made me care more about him being dead. That is NOT a spoiler alert. The book dives into the murder on page one and of course the title gives it away! 

Christians make mistakes–big ones in this book, giving Ramona the opportunity to weave God’s grace and love through every page.  I think it’s a tad over $3.00 on kindle at the moment. Take the opportunity and read it and of course, drop back by and tell me what you thought.

Here’s a teaser:

Author, editor, speaker
Ramona Richards
www(dot) ramonarichards(dot)com

“The death of bestselling author Aaron Jackson turned Maggie Weston’s world inside out. The manager of Jackson’s Writers Retreat, Maggie knew a murderer hid among her colleagues and friends. Was it actress Lily Dunne, target of a stalker’s obsession? Lily’s writer husband, struggling to make a name for himself? Money-loving Korie, Aaron’s wife? Or someone else?

Maggie herself stood to inherit from Aaron’s estate.
As former New York City cop Fletcher MacAllister piled up evidence against Maggie, only faith kept her strong. And Fletcher needed to rekindle his own faith in time to prevent the killer from claiming another victim.”

Must Read Monday (on Tues): Lucifer’s Flood

“Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 lies an untold story of war in the heavens…”

A book that still stays fresh in my mind. Lucifer’s Flood was a book I happened upon at the bookstore before going to the beach on vacation in 2008.

Linda Rios Brook states up front that the book is purely fiction, but it’s based on the “what if” question that many of us authors ask before writing a story.

What if Lucifer’s Fall came between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2– known as The Gap Theory?

 I love how Linda weaved real biblical truths and scripture into her fictional story. It was a glorious picture of redemption through the eyes of an unlikely protagonist. A demon.

Many times we hear, “That was a page turner.” “I couldn’t put it down.” Those statements  hold truth in Linda’s book! I highlighted several passages, something I’ve never done in fiction before.  Linda’s take on the fall of Lucifer, the creation, and the plan of redemption is not only a beautiful picture, but a powerful reminder that we belong to God and His love for us is truly amazing.

Linda Rios Brook

While Linda’s book raises some interesting theological questions, it doesn’t hinder a wonderfully entertaining story. Her humor is delightful, her writing passionate, and her imagination–vivid. Many times, she gave me chills and I had to simply stop and meditate on His beauty and relentless love, through tears of gratefulness.

 She has three more books following this one in her Demon Diaries series. The Deliverer, The King and The Redeemer (May 2011). I’m waiting on the last one! I’ve read them all so far. While they are all good, Lucifer’s Flood is my personal favorite!

Whether you believe the Gap Theory, or not, or have no idea even what it is–doesn’t matter. This book has stuck with me long after other fictional tales have become dim memories.

I recommend it highly! Here’s a teaser.

“Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 lies an untold story of war in the heavens. Hear a chronicle of cosmic rebellion and its devastating aftermath from the perspective of a fallen angel! Dreading his coming judgment, one former servant of heaven recounts his wavering conviction—-and how he realized too late his mistake in siding with Lucifer.”

Feel free to drop back by and tell me how you felt after reading it!

The Monday Must Read: Almost Forever

“Unearthing a lost memory may cause her to lose everything she holds dear… but could it also set her free?”
Deborah Raney delivers in the first book in her Hanover Falls series! She can tell a story in a way that makes you forget you’re reading.

I could feel Bryn’s thoughts and feelings, smell what she was smelling and I may have even shivered when she was out in the snow!

Not only was it a great read, but it carried a deep message of forgiveness and hope. Not everyone likes fiction, and that’s okay…but I do! It’s why I write it!

Fiction can carry powerful truths like that of nonfiction books to an audience who may never read Tozer, Piper, Bridges, and other great biblical scholars.

Deborah Raney did just that!

The romance was the kind that makes you sigh, and cringe when the conflict arises. It was deep and meaningful as well as entertaining and lovely. You won’t put it down!

Deborah Raney

A Must Read Book! 
any local bookstore
Here’s a description:
“Bryn Hennesey, a volunteer at the Grove Street Homeless Shelter, was there the night the shelter burned to the ground and five heroic firefighters died at the scene. Among them was her husband, Adam. Like the rest of the surviving spouses, Bryn must find a way to begin again. But Bryn must do so living with a horrible secret.…

Garrett Edmonds’s wife, Molly, was the only female firefighter to perish in the blaze. As her husband, it was his job to protect the woman he loved.… How can he go on in the face of such unbearable loss and guilt?

And what started the fire that destroyed the dreams and futures of so many? Investigators are stumped. But someone knows the answer…. “

Book Review: The Familiar Stranger by Christina Berry

What if your spouse was keeping dark secrets? What if a tragic accident brought them all out into light? Could you forgive him or her?
I found Christina Berry’s debut novel, the Familiar Stranger, when hunting down books comparable to mine. This is a superb story about a woman coming to grips with her husband’s hidden past. It was one of those books that I couldn’t put down, and didn’t. I read it in one sitting!
I loved how she switched from the husband’s perspective to the wife’s.  The surprises just kept coming! When you think you have it figured out–she proves you wrong!

I encourage you to pick up your copy or give it as a gift! Discussion questions for book groups are in the back and if you would like to have Christina on conference call at your discussion, you can contact her at the link provided! I’ve had the opportunity to chat with her by email a few times and I can tell you that talking to her over the phone would be insightful, fun, and inspiring!

Here’s a teaser from the back cover:

Craig Littleton’s decision to end his marriage would shock his wife, Denise … if she knew what he was up to. When an accident lands Craig in the ICU, with fuzzy memories of his own life and plans, Denise rushes to his side, ready to care for him.

They embark on a quest to help Craig remember who he is and, in the process, discover dark secrets. What will she do when she realizes he’s not the man she thought he was? Is this trauma a blessing in disguise, a chance for a fresh start? Or will his secrets destroy the life they built together?

author, Christina Berry

For a limited time–until December 7th, you can get this book autographed by Christina! What a great Christmas gift for yourself or someone else!