How to Prepare Yourself for Service
priesthood, setting themselves apart/consecrating themselves before ministering
before the LORD. The same is true today.
specific purpose also means to prepare.
vision he received. He fasted three weeks, only eating bland foods. He
abstained from meat, bread, and wine.
instance where Daniel set himself apart.
language you did not understand.
google maps, or Travelocity to give you any idea of where you were going.
friends, and were to be integrated into society. Taught the language and
customs etc…and to eat meat and wine from the king’s table.
he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with
the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs
that he might not defile himself.”
wine was like a drink offering to them, so to sit at the table and eat and
drink, meant you were acknowledging, accepting, and even worshipping their
into a prestigious training program. Refusing to follow the rules could be disastrous
at the least and at most deliver a death sentence.
the end, he purposed in his heart.
To not compromise.
be who he was called to be.
conscious decisions. It will take determining in our hearts.
ten, you’ll fall.
will not do.
had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, “Please
test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and
water to drink. Then let our appearance be examined before you, and the
appearance of the young men who eat the portion of the king’s delicacies; and
as you see fit, so deal with your servants.” So he
consented with them in this matter, and tested them ten days.” Daniel
ten days their features appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the
young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies.” Daniel 1:15
the king examined them, he found them
ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his
realm.” Daniel 1:20
something you can set apart/consecrate to the LORD?
God Is…
…answer in the comments
and take a few minutes to be calmed, filled with peace, renewed with hope, infused with joy.
Draw Near…
Even closer…
Almost there…
Wednesday, we’ll talk about consecration i.e. being set apart for service. I hope you’ll join me!
The sun came up. God is faithful. What He says He will do, He will do!
Weeping Over Fictional Characters
Over the holidays, I had plenty of time to relax and to read. And I did a lot. I still have reviews to post, and I’ll get to it.
Some of the novels I enjoyed were:
Five Days in Skye by Carla Laureno. Can’t afford to take a trip to Scotland? Just read this book and I promise you’ll be there.
Crossfire by Jodie Bailey. Need a thrill? Want to lose your breath in a good way and stay on the edge of your seat, or in my case the couch? Jump into this Love Inspired Military romantic/suspense.
The Wedding Game by Amy Matayo. Love sassy, witty banter and reality TV? Winner! A fun, fun read.
Always the Baker, Never the Bride by Sandra Bricker. I’ve read her other two out of order and I’ll tell you it doesn’t matter, but this one was my favorite. Love laughing, romance, and recipes? All three right here.
A Light In the Window by Julie Lessman. Interested in mysterious and dreamy heroes? Read her Daughters of Boston series? This book began it all. It’s a must-read.
I also read some not inspirational fiction.
A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest. Looking for interesting settings, vampires and teenage romance? Granted the back of the book had me wondering as the heroine is kidnapped and forced into a vampire prince’s harem. However…it turned out to be a really clean book. I was pleasantly surprised. This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it was an interesting read and I liked it.
But I want to talk about the last book I read over the holiday. The one that had me boo-hooing.
Gut ripping.
A Fault in Our Stars by John Green
A story about teenagers with cancer. Doesn’t sound light-hearted. It is and it isn’t. There are moments when you get a break from the C-word.
I was utterly sucked into these lives. Especially the witty hero. As a mother, I cried over and over because I can’t even imagine. As a human being, the compassion flowed like rivers.
But what had me snot-nosed weeping was while both of the characters searched for answers to an after-life (one thinking something better was there and the other never believing anything) they never found it. They found love with each other. They grew as people.
I wept into my hands and begged God to reveal himself to them and then it hit me, um…they’re fictional. But my hope-filled heart ached anyway. And I have no idea what the author truly believes. I think the thoughts and discoveries and questions the main characters asked and explored were true to human nature. Faith was never really injected. So, I think it’s safe to say that he wasn’t writing from a faith-based point of view–not even from one character. I don’t think every character needs to be a Christian when writing inspirational fiction. In fact, in my opinion, they shouldn’t be. But that’s a different blog.
I felt a renewed gratefulness, though, that I do write from a faith-based viewpoint (at least one!) And if you write from a faith-based view, you should be jumping up and down. Because we have answers the world doesn’t. I’ve read some wonderful books, including this one, that make me think and wonder and give me information on a viewpoint I’ve never heard before. But I don’t want to simply offer new questions. I want to offer solutions. Hope. Something that will leave a reader with something more than damp and wadded up tissues or the satisfied sigh of a good read (though I do want that too!).
Your view may not be the same and that’s okay. But this is why I write. It’s personal to me. I don’t begrudge anyone who writes for other reasons. This book affected me. In so many ways. I 100% recommend it. Stellar writing. Amazing story.
But mostly I was hit with what wasn’t written. What wasn’t in between the lines or even subtly on the pages.
It reminded once again why I write. Who I write to. And who I write for.
Catch the Vision
Wednesday, everyone!
resolutions, some do one-words. For the past few years, I’ve been a one-word
kind of girl. I focus on that word throughout the year.
my word was JOY, the year before it was STRENGTH.
definition, the word can mean several things:
- the ability to see : sight or eyesight
- something that you imagine; a picture that you
see in your mind
- something that you see or dream especially as
part of a religious or supernatural experience
in having a vision in order to see victory in your life. Some may even call a
vision, a goal.
holds the most famous verse on vision.
vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”
Habakkuk 2:2
in order to write a vision, you must first have a vision. This is where I like
to set aside the first part of January to fasting and praying for that. I think
many of us probably set aside a designated time for direction for the new year.
see for this year? Moreover, what does God see and what will He reveal to me
for this new year? It takes time, prayer and yes, even fasting to discover.
at Daniel chapter 10.
the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, whose
name was called Belteshazzar. The message was true, but the appointed time was
long ;and he understood the message, and had understanding of the vision.”
Daniel 10: 1
given a message/vision and God revealed to him what it was. He understood. We
need to seek God to give us vision and to understand it.
vision (regarding a great war) moved Daniel to spiritual action. “I,
Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine
came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were
fulfilled.” (2:2)
ever heard of a “Daniel fast” this is where they get it from. He
fasted. He denied himself rich foods. He didn’t live to eat, but rather he ate
to live during this time.
fasting and prayer come great reward.
on the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great
river, that is, the Tigris, I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, a certain
man clothed in linen, whose waist was girded with gold of Uphaz! His body was
like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like torches of
fire, his arms and feet like burnished bronze in color, and the sound of his
words like the voice of a multitude.” (10:4-6)
imagine!?! Many scholars believe this to be Jesus Pre-Incarnate, since other
scriptures describe him the same. *the angel that speaks afterward who was
fighting the Prince of Persia is not thought to be Jesus, but simply an angel.
experienced the glory of God in a way no one else around him did.
I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the
vision; but a great terror fell upon them, so that they fled to hide
themselves.” (verse 7)
had prepared himself. If we want
to experience Christ in even more glorious ways, we’re going to have to
prepare ourselves for it.
I want the “ability to see” Christ in new and even more glorious
ways. I want a fresh vision. I want the vision of Christ–Christ-colored
glasses on at every moment.
- Consecration.
- Inspiration.
- Motivation.
- Dedication.
- Saturation.
- Maturation.
- Even at
times an Operation (on my heart and mind) if I want VISION.
I really, really, really do. This year we’ll look at the “-tions”
together. We will catch the vision of Christ for our lives. As the body of
Christ, and for our personal destiny.
I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD…”
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Feel free to pin this to your Pinterest board as a reminder! |
let’s get to steppin and get God’s vision for us this new year. I’m all about
good plans and a future of hope.
want more of?
A Year of Promises!
another new year, friends! I hope you’ve enjoyed your Christmas holidays.
Followed through with old traditions, made new ones. Enjoyed our wonderful
saying HAPPY new year, I’ll say something else. (I have said Happy New Year and
begrudge no one the saying, I’m making a point.) You see, some woke up this
morning still in physical and emotional pain, still struggling financially,
still grieving lost loved ones, still afraid or uncertain of the future. What I
will say is, here is to a promising new year. Here are just a few of those
promises. Happiness may not come, but the joy of the Lord is deep and abiding
even when things aren’t happy.
you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My
Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you,
that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” John
I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I
will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry
wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against
you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the
Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17
praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with
every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with
Christ.” Ephesians 1:3
God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and
whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming
of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable.
If he said it, he’ll do it!” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels
nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even
the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above
or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to
separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” Romans 8:38-39
be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20
these promises spoke to your heart most? Or if you have a promise you plan to
“stand” on this year, feel free to share it!
Abundant Blessings
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I’m all about spending time with the fam and getting my slice of pumpkin pie! I’m thankful for so many things.
God has blessed me so much this year with abundance. Soul abundance. What about you? In honor of Thanksgiving, I’d like to revisit an old post–one of my first posts as a blogger.
I’ll be taking a blogging break for the month of December, but will be back with a look at 2013 and my one word, along with my new word for 2014! I encourage you to spend some time in December focusing on the vision God has for you in the coming year and write it down! Without a vision, the people perish.
Be blessed, everyone and have a very Merry Christmas indeed.
A Moment In His Presence
My BFF “Jane” shared a video with me last week. It was about 5:30 a.m. when the text came through and it was THE perfect end to my study time with the Lord.
Praying you take a minute and bask in His presence. Read Psalm 139:6-8 from the Message translation while listening. We have so much to be thankful for today!
I’m thankful for His abiding presence.
investigate my life;
open book to you;
when I leave and when I get back;
everything I’m going to say
behind me and you’re there,
too much, too wonderful—
any place I can go to avoid your Spirit?
to the sky, you’re there!
on morning’s wings
me in a minute—
said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
fact: darkness isn’t dark to you;
night and day, darkness and light, they’re
all the same to you.
What are you thankful for today, concerning God?
And the Word of the Year Is…
No, it’s not “pics” that’s just some letters that hint at th word. A word not chosen by me.
So this is what it’s come to:
The word “selfie” (which I may or may not use or have done) has made it as the word of the year according to Oxford Dictionaries.
Think of all the words it beat out…yep, “twerk” is one of them. According to this article.
What about a selfie twerking? Yeah, I agree, please don’t.
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Why yes, this is a SELFIE! Although, it does kinda look like my head floating on some red fabric. But hey, at least I’m not twerking. |
I think in honor of the word, we should all post selfies on our facebook pages today. I already have one up! 🙂
And if you want to, here are the top 5 things I’m thankful for! I was going to do a new top 5, but I’m still thankful for all these things–even if #4 didn’t happen this year, it did happen one year. 🙂 Hope you get a good ha-ha!
This ought to be good…and go!
Keep It Humble Part 8: Don’t End up Grazing
another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do
not be wise in your own opinion.” Romans 12:16 NKJV
series on humility according to the passage here in Romans. I hope it’s
benefited you and you’ve applied it in your own life.
around, I’m sure we’ll talk more about humility and pride. It’s something everyone
wrestles with.
of the same mind i.e. agreed together, cherish the same views, be harmonious
cherish the Lord as you do and are of low esteem—humble. Not
time so badly? So you’ll become more like him.
opinion. In the KJV it says, “Be not wise in your own conceits.”
says, “Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with
nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.”
we are nothing. We can do nothing. We need his grace. His mercy. His
they are the ones we should be spending time with. Associating with. You and I?
We don’t have it all together. We don’t know it all. And the moment we think we
do, we could end up growing hair all over our bodies while our nails shoot out
like claws and we settle for grazing in pastures!
book of Daniel?
hardened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his
glory from him. Then he was driven from the sons of men, his heart was made
like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys. They fed him with
grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till he knew that
the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men, and appoints over it whomever He
chooses.” Daniel 5:20-21
fan of pastures or dew. Or grass—of any kind.
that He may exalt you in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6
have Him bring me low. Amen?
Application: Spend some time asking God to search your heart
and help you to see if you think you might be too big for your britches.
Evaluate your friendships/networkings and ask God to reveal to you your motives
behind them. If it’s about what they can do for you, how they make you look, if
it’s about the value they bring to you based solely on who they are…you might
want to pray through that. Who do associate with?
we ask for a clear picture of our motives. Bring light to areas that are
darkened by deceit and denial. Help us to learn to humble ourselves through
your word—by being more than hearers but doers—so that we don’t have to be brought
low through hard experiences. Give us grace when do have to. Teach us your
ways. Guide us into truth. Let it illuminate each step we take. For your glory,
In Jesus’ name, amen.
dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love
deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled
and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit
in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in
hospitality. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your
happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with
each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great
somebody. Romans 12:9-16 MSG”