Meet Kimberley Gardner Graham

Okay, before we even begin, let’s all take a deep breath and push the envy down. I know. She’s gorgeous. And not just on the outside. Kimberley has one of the most beautiful insides! She loves Jesus with every part of her being and it shines like a beacon. 

I rode on a plane with her to Denver last year for the Writing for the Soul conference–and never knew it! We’re from the same area.  It was at the conference, where she finaled, that we met and discovered this. 

Since then we’ve kept in touch and even had coffee at the fabulous bookstore she likes to write in. She’s witty and clever and so much fun to be around. I’ve had the chance to read the book that she’s finaled with AGAIN! It’s a beautiful story. Truly literary fiction at its finest. The winner will be revealed this Thursday! 

 Kimberley Gardner Graham grew up in Madison, Mississippi. She’s always been fascinated with the art of storytelling, but for most of her life she studied the visual arts, not the literary arts.
Before earning her BFA in Graphic Design and Photography from Memphis College of Art, Kimberley studied design at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and photography at Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon.
She now lives in Memphis, Tennessee with her husband and three wonderful children and believes that through writing, she’s able to use the creative gifts God’s given her to tell stories that bring glory and honor to the Lord.
The Rocking Horse of Tuscumbia is her first novel and is a two-time finalist in the Christian Writers Guild’s Operation First Novel contest. The results of the 2011 contest will be announced at the Writing for the Soul conference in Denver this month.
JP: Tell us a little about your book that finaled (again yay) in OFN!
KG: The Rocking Horse of Tuscumbia is a novel about a spiritually blind and deaf woman who confronts her long-buried past after returning to her hometown; the birthplace of Helen Keller.
JP: What inspired you to write about Helen Keller’s hometown?
KG: The, short but very true, answer is that the Holy Spirit inspired me to write about Tuscumbia. Before I started writing the book, I’d never been to Tuscumbia, Alabama and I’d never written anything longer than a three-page paper (and even three pages didn’t come easily). It wasn’t until after I visited a friend in Birmingham and drove through the foothills near the Tennessee River that I began to feel the first promptings toward this story, its characters, and that amazing little town.
Finally, after wrestling with the Lord for several weeks, I crawled out of bed one night and started writing in my journal what would later become the first chapter of the book. That journal entry was written on July 30, 2006 at 1:20 in the morning.  At the top of the page, in bold print, I wrote the words, “OK FINE.” That was just the first of many times throughout this five-year journey when I’ve had to open my hands, surrender, and trust God to do the rest. I stopped writing and researching after about a year and tried to remind God of my inabilities. 
Thankfully, I serve a King who doesn’t see my failures. He’s kindly continued to push and encourage me, despite my stubbornness. We’ve had a lot of “okay, fine” moments when He’s graciously helped me accept His glory-filled guidance. I’m beginning to see that it’s a whole lot easier to do what God’s prompting me to do than it is to ignore Him—go figure.
JP: I can totally see you writing “OK FINE”! I can relate to those kind of moments. And I’m praising God every day because He doesn’t see me the way I do. Love that. I think we’re getting an idea here, but what is one thing you’re passionate about, besides writing? Why?
KG: I’m passionate about my family and the work God is doing in and through my husband and each of our three kids. I’m passionate about a lot of things, and sometimes that causes me to get sidetracked and thrown off balance. 
I’m involved in several ministries in my church and in my city, but I have to be careful not to put them before my mission to glorify the Lord. When I get overly passionate about the project, I sometimes forget about the people or the call to serve. My husband keeps me in check and reminds me that my writing (like my painting, photography, parenting, etc.) is a secondary calling.
JP: Balance. That’s tough for me too! Let’s stray away from writing for a minute. If you were stuck on an island with one villain from a book or movie, who would you pick and why? 
KG: I’d have to pick the wolf from Three Little Pigs. If the third, musically-inclined, piggy can outsmart Big Bad Wolf then hopefully I can too…and wolf probably doesn’t taste too bad either.
JP: I’d guess it’d taste like chicken…like every other odd meat. Speaking of food, what food could you never live without? 
KG: Ask me after a few days on the island–I’ll probably say wolf.
JP: ROFL! You should have starred in the movie The Grey with Liam Neeson. Okay, back to writing before I bust a gut laughing at your answer. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
KG: Write what’s inside and screaming to get out…
and then go back and change all of the -ing words to -ed words.
JP: Ain’t that the truth! Great advice for all of us. Words. They make us or break us…not really–well sorta, that just sounded good at the moment, but since we’re on to words, are you working on a new project? Can you give us a peek at what it is?
KG: Yes, I’d LOVE to tell you about the project I’m working on now. The Rocking Horse of Tuscumbia is the first novel in a non-sequential series I’m calling The River Cities Series. The second book tells the story of one of the characters from the Tuscumbia book and is set in a neighborhood in Memphis called Binghampton where my family has been serving for about seven years now. I’m thrilled to be writing about a place so close to home.
JP: Me too, because we have the same home. Not literally. I do not live with Kimberley and her family, people. I’m talking area. A-re-a. And I’m so glad because it’s nice to have a writer friend so close. Our busy schedules don’t allow us to get together quite as often as we’d like. We really should remedy that, yah know?
Thanks so much for spending some time with me at my online home! Tell everyone where they can connect with you and before you go, would you like to ask a question.
You can connect with me through facebook, or follow me via my poor, abandoned Twitter account
After years of studying Helen Keller and the amazing life she lived despite being blind and deaf, I’ve become fascinated with how Christ graciously unveils the eyes of those who seek Him. I’m still trying to understand that God doesn’t JUST want me seek Him with my eyes and ears, but also with all of my heart and soul (see Deuteronomy 4:29).
So, my question is this: 
What are some of your most valued eye-opening, heart-clenching, soul-stirring moments—times when the Lord has shown Himself to you?

***Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and questions this past Friday on my first vlog! You can watch it HERE! If you still want to ask questions or throw out a topic for me to ramble about it, email me at jrpatch(at)yahoo(dot)com, twitter me a DM, or leave me a message on FB (links at the sidebar)

***Wednesday, we’ll pick up with our series on strength! Talking about how to protect yourself from an unseen enemy. 

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day tomorrow! 

Coffee with Jess: A vlog

First of all, thank you to Cheryl Linn Martin for awarding me the Irresistibly Sweet blogger award! Glad you did it before today’s episode!

Yep, I took the plunge. I’m vlogging. Thanks to Katie Ganshert for her brilliant suggestions. If they didn’t work it’s all on me. Oh, and at the end, it keeps saying “My Movie”…ignore it. I haven’t worked out all the glitches. Whatever!

 Join me on Monday when you’ll get to meet the amazing woman and writer, Kimberley Gardner Graham–an Operation First Novel finalist! (and my friend) 

Smooching Jesus

Today, I’m over at the hilarious and wonderful Melissa Tagg’s blog, Ta(g)glines! (click on “Ta(g)glines” link…it’s red. LOL) It’s romance month over there, and I’m talking about a kiss. 
It’s not just a kiss. 
Especially when 
you’re smooching Jesus. 
Yeah,come find out! Oh, and she’s introducing me by Vlog. 
How cool is that?
***Next Wednesday we’ll pick up with our series on strength and talk about piercing the heart.

Disappointing Final Chapter

Today was supposed to be the grand opening of my new online home, but some unforeseen events transpired and it looks like it’s going to be later in the week. I’m not giving out another date, you’ll just have to be surprised. 

Are you disappointed? All the hype and then…nothing.
Let’s learn a lesson from this. When we’re writing, remember to follow through. As we lead readers towards the climax, we have to keep in mind that the end has to be equal to or greater than the threads we use to pull them along.

If you’re writing a romance, and the tension intensifies all through the book, let the ending be a bang! A satisfaction that leaves readers thinking about it for days.
If it’s a mystery, and you’re leading readers to an unknown murderer, make the twists and the revelation send their jaw to the floor. 
If it’s suspense, don’t peter out at the end with an easy save for the hero. Make it hard for him or her to win. 
Have I missed anything? 
Chime in, Writers.
Readers: name a book you’ve read lately that gave you a satisfying end and why?

WHEN my website goes up, I promise I’m still giving away prizes. I may have several just because I’ve left you all in suspense for so long. 🙂 



One of my favorite all-time movies is The Burbs with Tom Hanks, Corey Feldman and Princess Leia. At the moment her name ain’t ringin a bell and I don’t feel like googling it. It’s about a man who lives in suburbia, he’s lost his job and all he does is watch his neighbors. It’s hysterical really.

But that’s not what I’m going to chat about today. Instead, I’m going to talk about blog community. Blogburbia. I read How to Build a Community on Your Blog by Caitlin Muir at authormedia(dot)com on Monday. You can read it HERE

She had some great tips. But, I wondered about a few of them:

“If someone takes the time to leave you a comment, you better take the time to respond.”

“When a reader comments, talk back to them and ask a follow-up question. Probe. Find out what they really think. They have stories of their own that are worth being up on your website. Get to know them like you were sitting across from them at a coffee shop.”

I agree with these statements. Completely. More than anything this blog is my online home. A place I spend lots of time. I take care of it and nurture it and I want all who show up to feel welcome, invited, entertained, encouraged and comfortable to share their thoughts whether serious, funny, or somewhere in between.



But I’ve found that when I leave a comment on someone’s blog I don’t have time really to go back and see if they’ve responded to my comment and to go back several times for a conversation isn’t always doable for me. In fact, 8 out of 10 times, I can’t. 

I’ve seen it happen. One person commenting several times and if it’s valid that’s cool; sometimes I think it’s just to monopolize a blog, but everyone really knows this. 

Sometimes I respond to each comment on my blog, sometimes it’s a general comment to everyone, but I try to always respond to a new guest. I’m not sure any of you come back to see if I’ve made follow-up comments. Do you? I try to twitter a response on occasion and my friend Heather Sunseri uses Disquis. So…I’m curious.


Do you always respond to every comment? Do you go back to blogs and keep up with the conversation and comment more than once? How do you build a blogburbia?

Oh yeah, it just came to me. Carrie Fisher.


Do come back Monday! My home will be freshly painted, re-decorated, the coffee will be on and an assortment of creamers will await you! Oh, and chocolate…lots of chocolate, friends!

And prizes! (Real ones)

Pull It Together: Belt of Truth

“Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a Sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they’d have had the strength to stand”
One of my favorite songs by Casting Crowns. Voice of Truth.  Everyone in my world is a giant, at 5’0. But most of the giants that  tower over me are unseen. Huge.
What kind of strength would it take? To stand before a giant? For a young man named David, it looked like a lot. Saul made sure his armor was secured around him before going out to do what no other man would do, not even Jonathan (and he’s one of my favorite men in the Bible).
I imagine all that heavy armor, two sizes too big clanged against David like metal garbage cans.
And David knew he didn’t need it anyway. He stripped it off. Stood bare.
But did he? Stand bare?
Only a sling and a stone?
He was girded with an unseen belt of truth.
“But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says “Do not be afraid!”
And the voice of truth says “This is for My glory”
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.”
The Voice of Truth.
A belt if you will. I’m still traveling at my own pace through Donna Pyle’s, Your Strong Suit, Bible study and this week she talked about the Belt of Truth. She says, “God’s truth brings our focus back to center and strengthens us.”
Since we talked about exercising our core last week (here), I thought how appropriate that when we get lost in the lies the enemy throws at us, such as these:
“But the giant’s calling out my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I’ve tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again “boy, you’ll never win!
“You’ll never win.”
We have the truth to remind us, we only need the armor of God–unseen to us but seen by the enemy– to fight. The neighbor mowing his grass smiles and nods, the stranger on the street pays us little attention but the unseen giants we face each day, those that may even manifest in circumstances and people who hurt us, see the belt of truth glittering like sunshine off Caribbean waters around our waist.
And they tremble.
We can’t physically see them shaking in their evil boots, but we can feel it–they turn up the heat in our lives trying to melt away the truth. Those fiery darts can fly swiftly when an enemy is frightened.
Ephesians 6:14, “Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth…”
To gird in the Greek is “perizonnymi.” It means “to equip one’s self with the knowledge of truth.” Equip, gear up….get ready…prepare…
Generally, in the Old Testament to gird up meant to ready yourself for service. We see this in the NT as well, when Jesus girded a towel around His waist and washed the feet of His disciples. An intimate display of servanthood. A glorious example for us.
What is truth? Donna says, “Living truthfully is really knowing God closely and intimately.”
Truth is Jesus, Himself. “I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.” John 14:6
Truth in the Greek is, “Altheia” meaning, “What is true in pertaining to God and duties of man, moral & religious truth.”
Girding ourselves with Jesus Christ is strengthening ourselves with power we do not have. Hanes and Playtex can’t invent a girdle strong enough to fight our enemies. We can not do it in our own power.
We are but flesh, dust, vapor…weak.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
 And flesh, dust, vapor, weakness moves mountains.
John 8:44 says (Jesus speaking), “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
“But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don’t seem so high
From on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me”
He cannot stand in Truth because he has to bow at the feet of it. Of Him. He’s been defeated. At the cross. But we…we get to stand, ladies and gents.
“Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
“I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.” 
Are you a belt person? How many belts do you own?

Keep Going

This past week has been what I call a huge headache. My blog was disabled because the blah blah blah read a false positive and blah blah blah which means it thought my blog–my precious baby–was a SPAM blog. Gah! Then after the wonderful Bonnie Calhoun talked me off the ledge and had the IT guys at Blogger fix it, my email was hacked. I wasn’t in Madrid (wish I had been, but not stranded).

The security at yahoo asked me for my answer to the question. I don’t even remember using that question. So after 3 tries of answering, it locked my account up for 12 hours. Hopefully, today, I have it all fixed–but in the meantime, my website designer was supposed to send me links to the pages and whatnot. So…I set up a gmail account just to get by on Saturday. Is that sad? Do we rely on technology too much? Meh, I don’t really care and this post isn’t to ponder that. 

My point is. I had a crazy week.

But God is so great and so faithful and I just love Him to pieces. After all the drama went down on Saturday morning, I opened up my Word For You Today devotional and fell in love with the words. So much I’m sharing them with you today. This is the moment I wish I had a scanner. Nope. I’m typing it all in. For you. Be grateful. *wink wink*

“…In each of us there is a lesser self and a greater self struggling for supremacy. Your lesser self says, “Not enough people believe in me. I’ll never make it.” Your greater self says, “My faith in God and in myself is enough; I can make it.” Your lesser self says, “It’s taking too long to realize my dream.” Your greater self say, “Dreams are realized one day at a time.” Your lesser self says, “Enough is enough! I’ve taken too many hits. “Your greater self says, “I’ve come too far to give up now.” Your lesser self says, “I don’t have the strength to hold on to my dream. “Your greater self says, “Hold on a little longer; the darkest hour is just before the dawn.” ….Where does that kind of strength and tenacity come from? God! The assignment God gives you will never be greater than the grace He provides. So draw on His strength, keep pressing ahead, pursue your goals and you will prevail.” 

Whether your past week was above the clouds or shoddy (Not to be confused with Shawty–the melody in your head) God is faithful. And this, my dear friends, is a brand new day of a brand new week. Hacked, not hacked. Disabled, not disabled. Rejected, not rejected. Grace abounds! So keep going. And I will too, if I’m not stranded in Madrid and needing some fast cash. I’ve already sold my gold. 

In one more week….my new online home will be ready. I expect you all to shout, “Move that curtain!” And the unveiling will happen. Seriously. Shout. 

What do you like to do when the going gets tough and you need to de-stress? 

Celebrating a Crapper

I dare not lie when I say today is the official holiday to celebrate Thomas Crapper. And yes, this is where we get the term, “CRAP.” A word I say often.

So I’m delighted, to be able to celebrate this day and share this crap with you! 

Thomas Crapper is mostly known for inventing the modern flush toilet. 

But he didn’t.

I don’t know much more than that, but what I do know is this:

There’s a legend that says U.S. soldiers stationed in England during WWI saw toilets that said “CRAPPER” on them and came home using that word interchangeably with “bathroom.”

But that’s just a legend. Not fact. 

So Happy Crapper Day, everyone! I think in honor of this man we should all flush our toilets simultaneously at 5:00 p.m. CST! Who’s with me?

And be honest, you know you feel dumber having read this! 

It’s all I got. Except I heard it’s also National Chocolate Day today too. I thought that was every day. Who knew?!

Have a great weekend!
*All information came from Snopes (dot) com

If you could make up 
one national holiday, 
what would it be and why? And what is your favorite chocolate candy?

Core Strengthening: 4 Must-Do Exercises

The human heart fascinates me. I’ve watched surgeries (on tv), I’ve researched procedures for a book. How God fashioned us, is truly amazing. This week while moving through the Bible study, Your Strong Suit, by Donna Pyle,  she led me to a verse in the book of James.Chapter 5. Verse 8. “Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”
After the movie clip from Clue bounced out of my head–you know where J. Edgar Hoover shows up and tells them the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand then Mrs. Peacock slams the door in his face and calls him a beatnik–the word “establish” stuck with me.
What exactly does it mean to establish your heart?
The Greek word for “establish” is “sterizo.” It means “to make stable, to strengthen, to render constant.”
I’m working on strength for this year. You can read about it, HERE. Not just physical strength but in every area of my life. So, I wasn’t surprised to find the word “strength” in this little nugget that God flicked at me.
This Greek word, “sterizo” is a derivative of “histemi”–which happens to be a Greek word Donna Pyle comes back to often in her study, because it means “withstand” and Your Strong Suit is all about the armor of God and withstanding in the evil day. I had to smile about that, how God is using her study to minister to me and then pinging other scriptures off of that for my life. He works like that often.
My question was, “Lord, if you want me to strengthen my heart, I’m down with that, but what exactly do you mean?”
In the Bible, the word “heart” isn’t always meant as an organ. The Greek word for “heart” is “Kardia.” I bet reading that you immediately related it to our English word, “Cardio.”  That’s where we get it. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t. No one is judging!
“Kardia” refers to the actual organ, but also denotes “the centre and seat of spiritual life.”
The center. The core.
Strengthen the center, the core, 
of your spiritual life.
Last year, I did P90X. I’d like to tell you how fit and trim I am, but the truth is the minute I stopped doing it, the muscle tone fell away. Quickly. But I learned something of importance in this program.
It’s all about the Core. 
In an article on core fitness, Elizabeth Quinn states, “To build a strong core you need to exercise a variety of muscles…The core muscles also make it possible to stand upright and move on two feet. These muscles help control movements, transfer energy, shift body weight and move in any direction.”
Interesting since my study is talking about wrestling, standing, and withstanding.
To establish a heart, means to build strong spiritual muscles (by exercising various muscles), thus creating balance, (controlled spiritual movements), and the ability to move in any direction–(flexibility) when God asks you to step out and do something you might be uncomfortable doing.
As I looked at the passages above this particular scripture,  I found some exercises that can help build core spiritual muscle.
  1. 4. Be generous with wealth and remember where your true treasure lies.
    1. James Chapter 5:1-6 talks about fattened hearts–those who have been corrupted by their wealth. Nothing wrong with wealth, as long as it doesn’t turn you into a selfish monster.
 3. Include God in all your plans
James Chapter 4:13-17 talks about boasting in what you will or will not do, never considering that tomorrow may never come, after all we are but a vapor in the wind. Instead, we need to say, “If the Lords wills we shall live and do this or that.”  Now, that doesn’t mean every time we make plans for the next day, we tell our BFF, “If the Lords wills, we shall have lunch.” It means, don’t go about planning life and forget who holds our destiny. Include God. Even in a shopping trip! You never know when you’ll just “stumble” upon a deal. 😉
                    2. Do not Judge 
James Chapter 4:11-12 talks about speaking evil or backbiting. It’s not our place to condemn. Jesus has much to say concerning us, but it is the time of seeking and saving what has been lost. But one day–or night–He will come. As Judge. Until then, we should get on board with the program and “snatch souls from the fire” not send them there behind their backs. Ouch! I know. I got the whammy first, so…
         1.  Go Low
James Chapter 4:7-10 talks about submitting to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, He’ll draw near to you. Be sorry for your sins. Weep over them. Sometimes, we focus so much on mercy, we forget to be repentant for our sins. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. I find when I go low, God soars in my life. And if I work my core muscles, I can squat for days, not just over nasty public toilets.
These are just a few exercises, but they have to be done daily. More than just your #30minaday. It won’t be easy by any means, but what real in-depth workout is? If it was easy, we’d all look like Jillian Michaels. I was going to say Billy Graham, but…whatever, you get my point!
What do you think is tougher: Working out physically or spiritually? Why?

I’m hosting at Living By Grace today! Come by and chat or offer some encouragement to others!

Get out of Dodge with Erica Vetsch!

I’ll start off with a secret. I’ve never read a Western. But I won A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas by my friend Erica Vetsch and how could I not read it?
You know what? It was good. Really good. Another secret? I didn’t realize this was where we get the phrase, “Get the heck out of Dodge.” Also? I said this for days after reading it! My husband nearly told me to get the heck out of the house!
So…let’s talk Erica Vetsch. She writes one of my favorite blogs. I always learn something and I always leave smiling. Her Friday Five proves we have tons in common! If you don’t follow her blog, you won’t regret popping over there and joining the site!
 Erica is a transplanted Kansan now residing in Minnesota. She loves history and reading, and is blessed to be able to combine the two by writing historical fiction set in the American West. Whenever she’s not following flights of fancy in her fictional world, she’s the company bookkeeper for the family lumber business, mother of two terrific teens, wife to a man who is her total opposite and soul-mate, and avid museum patron.
JP: Minnesota? Wow that’s gotta be cold right now! But enough about weather. Your novel includes real historical figures, which is so neat. How much research did you do for those people, setting, and the occupation of Addie?
EV: I did a boatload of research. I knew nothing about photography in the 1870’s, so I had to start from ground zero. I also read lots of biographies of Bat Masterson and histories of Dodge City. There is so much folklore surrounding Dodge, thanks to Gunsmoke, that it was difficult to wade through what was true and what wasn’t.
JP: Gunsmoke! That was in Dodge City? I droned when my dad watched that!  I did NO droning when reading your book! Which character did you relate to most and why?
EV: Probably Miles, because we both want to please people and we’re less than bold about sharing our faith.
JP: I could identify with him very much and I keep wanting to correct the spelling of his name! My son’s name is Myles. Okay, moving on.  What one thing other than writing are you passionate about?
EV: At the moment, homeschooling. I’ve homeschooled for many years now, and I’m down to one child at home. We’re deep into his 10th grade year, geometry, biology, American Lit, etc. Also basketball which is ruling our lives at the moment. He’s having a great time, and so am I, except for a serious case of bleacher-butt.
JP: OMG! I so know! Karate bleachers leave me walking like Frankenstein and trying not to cry when I stand up. It bugs. Speaking of, when did you get the writer’s bug?
EV: I’ve always been a story-lover, reading copiously and spinning stories in my head. A few years ago, I tried my hand at writing some stories down, and I was well and truly caught. I can’t imagine not writing now.
JP: Tell us your favorite line from the story and tell us why?
 Spoken by Bat Masterson “…If you don’t bring in the killer yourself, Miles, you’ll never have the respect of this town or the cowboys who ride in here. You might as well hang up your badge and get out of Dodge.” I LOVED being able to use “get out of Dodge” as originally intended.
JP: Loved that line! A lightbulb went off in my brain at that moment. Though, I added heck for some reason. LOL Name one place you’d like to go that you’ve never been and why?
EV:  I’ve always wanted to visit New Zealand. When I was about 14 I discovered Essie Summers romances. They are all set in New Zealand, and I’ve read every one of her 51 novels. I would love to visit the settings of her stories. She was a big influence on me and my dream of wanting to be a writer.
JP: Wow! That’s like me reading all of Francine Pascal’s Sweet Valley High books! But not really. What genre do you like to read? Do you write that genre?
EV: I love to read historical romance and mystery and the best of both worlds for me is historical mysteries with a touch of romance. Authors like Ellis Peters, Elizabeth Peters, Anne Perry, Kathy Lynn Emerson. I would love to write more mystery, but it’s so hard to keep track of all the criminals and clues!
JP: If you could pick one villain from any book to be for a day, who would you choose?
 EV: Probably Moriarty because how cool would it be to match wits with Sherlock Holmes and be able to hold your own?
JP: That could possibly be the best villain pick yet.  Well played, Vetsch! Since we’re talking characters, who would play your characters?
Miles Carr
EV: I didn’t use to use pictures, but with the last few novels, I’ve found it very helpful. Easton Corbin was the template for Miles Carr, Amy Adams played Fran Seaton, Dylan Bruno was Jonas Spooner, and once I saw the cover art for A Bride’s Portrait, Alyssa Milano (but with blue eyes) became the template for Adeline Reid.
Fran Seaton
 JP:  Was it Alyssa? I thought it looked just like her! Well, I’ll be! Great choices, Erica. What would your characters say about you if they had the chance?
EV:  Probably “Stop being so mean to us!”
Bat Masterson for real
JP: LOL! Well in their defense, you were! Tell us what you’re working on now?
EV:  My next novel is called A Bride Sews With Love in Needles, CA. Here’s a brief overview:
Jonas Spooner
With her brother already on the front lines in France, Meghan becomes a Harvey Girl in Needles, California. Ready and willing to wait on the hundreds of doughboys heading for Europe, Meghan deems this service her way of contributing to the war effort. When her brother is injured in battle, she enlists the Harvey Girls into sewing a Red Cross signature quilt to raise money for wounded soldiers.
Horse breeder Caleb McBride makes his living by selling stock to the US Calvary and keeps his pride by remaining a loner. When Meghan meets Caleb, she senses something mysterious and wounded about him, piquing her curiosity. But when the townsfolk scorn him as a coward and profiteer, Caleb feels her pity and becomes even more guarded.
When Needles is hit with an influenza epidemic, the Harvey Girls’ hotel is made into a temporary hospital. While tending a stricken Caleb, Meghan discovers his shameful secret. Will both Caleb and Meghan find a way to kill their pride before their chance at love rips apart at the seams?
JP: Sold! That sounds intriguing! Thanks so much for coming by today, Erica. I truly loved your book–the plot, the solid characters, their quirks. I’ve already loaned it out! 
 Here’s a sneak peek at A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas.
Quench your craving for good fiction with this wonderfully written Old West adventure. Hoping to leave the shadows of her shady yesteryears behind, Adeline Reid is focusing on her photography career. But when her ex-boyfriend’s compatriot in crime shows up in Dodge City her entire past is threatened by exposure. Can Addie keep her secrets while helping to catch a killer? Deputy Miles Carr’s investigation into a shopkeeper’s murder leads him to Addie’s door. Will his attraction to this female photographer keep him from catching the true culprit? Or will Addie lead him off course in more ways than one? 
Before you go, Erica, would you like to ask everyone a question?
How do you feel about finding historical characters mixed in with your fiction? Love it, hate it, depends on the story?
You can connect with Erica on her blog, facebook, twitter, and the web