Hey friends!
Right now it seems like everything is upside down as we grapple for a new kind of normal. Extroverts are not doing okay. Introverts have some social breathing room, but everyone is uncertain of what is ahead and that can be a scary time.
Let me encourage you: “Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, you are God.” Psalm 90: 2 NLT
From beginning to end, You are God! That gives me such comfort and hope. That tells me that God was there at our beginning–and before. He’s in the middle. And in the end. He’s in control and He’s good.
There’s a lot of speculation on why all this is happening. The enemy’s tactics. God’s judgment. I don’t know. What I do know though, is that these circumstances don’t change the faithfulness and goodness of God. I know He is with us. He’s ahead of it. And this gives us, yet again, another opportunity to trust Him. To take Him at His Word. To return to Him if we’ve been away awhile. To reach unbelievers, who do not have the hope we have, with the gospel message in a myriad of online ways.
Is it just a trial and tribulation? Maybe. But I know that Jesus has overcome the world and given us the promise that through them He will be with us.
Is this the end? I don’t know. Maybe. But in the end, all is restored and made new, including us. And we’ll be with Him forever.
I take comfort in the promises. And I’m praying for you out there who are fearful. I’m praying for you out there who have legitimate concerns like what to do with your children while you have to work because you’re essential personnel, or how you’ll pay your bills because you’re not working right now. How will you tackle educating your children, supplying for your family, and providing for their needs.
God is with you. This is the time for the church to rise up and take care of people. I trust somehow, some way, God will get you what you need when you need it. That’s what I’m praying.
Me? What can I do? Not a lot but encourage you and offer you some escape, some entertainment, some laughs, a little romance, and some hope through two of my books that I’m making free through March 25th.
If you haven’t read them, snatch them up. If you have, share the free deal with your friends and family. And know I am praying for you!

Unleashing Love is FREE right now! For a limited time. Click Here to purchase.

A Messed-Up Match is also FREE right now! For a limited time. Click Here to Purchase.