Today, one of my best friend’s mom will be sharing a devotion. Debbie sends out encouraging devotions to almost 100 people weekly/bi-weeklythrough email. I loved the one she did this week and asked if she would share it here in my corner of cyberspace! Welcome Debbie!
Good morning, I was listening to the Christian radio station the other day, (KLOVE) and they were interviewing a woman who wrote a book titled, “Made to Crave.” Her name is Lysa Terkeurst.
As she spoke about her book she really peaked my interest. She explained that she had a problem with food, more specifically, controlling the amounts of food she ate. Now before I lose you because you may not have any problem pushing
away from the table, you may have a problem pushing away from something else.
I am always drawn to books, stories, and shows about health and fitness. I really love it. Now most of you have never seen me in person, but I don’t look like a person who is obsessed with this subject.
I am not obsessed, I am passionate about it, and I do like to share my passion with others. But just because someone reads and studies a subject doesn’t always mean they carry out what they learn.
I think the Lord revealed that to me by comparing what I also read and learn from His word. I don’t alway carry that out either. But one of the things that drew me in was she acknowledged the fact that she knew from scripture…
We are made to crave.
The dictionary’s definition of the word crave is, “to yearn for, to want greatly, to have a strong inward desire.” So is God trying to play a trick on us? He made us to crave and when we do, we end up in trouble.
Now you know God is not like that right?
Let’s take a look at the scripture that she quoted. “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
He placed a deep need and desire in our hearts for Him. The problem is that we fill that hole with other things, drugs, alcohol, food, sex, whatever. We’ve talked about this before, but I thought it might be a good time to do it again because people usually try to make changes in their lives around this time of year.
What do you crave?
What physical desire are you trying to meet outside of the will of God? What material desires are you trying to meet outside of His will?
The last thing she brings to our attention , do we try to get our needs for significance met outside the will of God? I know, she really asks hard questions. It is worth thinking about.
The Bible is clear, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world”. 1 John 2:15-16.
In the first scripture we are told it is right to yearn and want greatly a relationship with God. But it is not right to yearn and want greatly the things this world has to offer. Now you know what I am talking about when I say the world. All the things that look great on the outside but can lead to destruction.
An intimate relationship with someone outside of your marriage– seems harmless but ends in disaster. Taking some pills to help get you through, next thing you know you can’t get through the day without them. You get the picture.
Again, I enjoyed reading this book because it’s a subject that I am passionate about. But even that can get out of control. If I spend more time reading and studying about health and fitness and thinking about it more than the Lord, that is when I have crossed a line.
Even something good can be bad if you cross the line.
This year let’s all crave a relationship with Lord. Put Him first in your life, and see what happens. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
In other words, let us stop trying to fill our own needs and desires. Focus on God and let Him fill you up. What do you think?
Debbie Cerise |
About Debbie
Just a bit about myself. I have been married for 37 years to my first love and really only love. I met my husband in the 5th grade and just thought he was so awesome. I have never loved anyone but him in my life. We married 2 years after I graduated high school, and he joined the Navy. We later had 3 incredible children and 7 even more incredible grandchildren, one of them lives with Jesus. They call me “Mia”. I love being with family. We have so much fun together now that they are grown and have a little “clue” about life. They have truly become my best friends. I work for my youngest brother who is actually 19 yrs. younger than I am. He could have been my son. My mom was pregnant as I was planning my wedding. His business is Kidcam Summer Camp and I help him manage 18 summer camps from his corporate office. I enjoy teaching bible studies in my home and have a passion to help families who are affected by drugs and alcohol.I am so privileged to say that my entire family knows and loves the Lord. That is the biggest blessing since my husband and I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. Such is my life!