Cause like, that’s a crazy question, right? |
That’s a
question that comes with two answers: Yes. And no.
Before I
get the police called on me, I’m talking about writing inspirational romantic
Does that
even go together? Inspiration and murder? You might ask the question (and yes,
I’ve been asked this before) why do you write about murder and mayhem since
you’re a Christian?
question. One I asked myself. Why do I do this? (I also write contemporary
I think
it’s complex but I’m going to try and break it down like this.
I can’t
write a single book without including romance. It’s not an after thought. Or a
sub plot. I love romance! We’re built each and
every one of us to love romance. It comes from God. You may disagree. I
think the entire Bible is God’s love for us. He speaks to us as his Bride. He
is the Groom. It’s page after page of him pursuing us. A divine romance. Love that song by Phil Wicka-wicka-Wickham!
I love the
dance of romance. From the first flutters to the first kiss to the
hope-ever-after. Romance. Easy enough.
Here’s few
questions: How can we entertain ourselves with serial killers, abductions,
heinous evil–whether in books, movies or TV? Seems wrong.
When we find the thrill in the evil side of life. When we glorify evil.
I believe
we, humans as a whole, love puzzles. Love to figure things out. By nature we’re curious to seek things out.
Truth. Answers. We want to solve things. That’s why my stories never give up
the killer/villain right off the bat. They’re more of a mystery. Because I like
to solve puzzles. I’m not a box puzzle kind of person, but I do love to answer
riddles, go on scavenger hunts…discover answers. Discover truth.
I love the
Word of God because it can be very much like a treasure hunt. Read, dig,
search…find answers. Truth.
Shows like
Criminal Minds, Law & Order, Insert favorite crime show here __________ are
all about solving a puzzle. Finding truth. We find it entertaining, engaging.
Our minds
are curious. How could someone be that demented? So far gone? Completely
depraved? We cover our eyes then peek through spaces between our fingers. We
gape. We cringe. Sometimes we even turn off the TV or toss books that cover
hard subject matter. We want to pretend evil doesn’t really exist. Innocent
people do not die. Revenge, power, greed do not motivate people to take drastic
and frightening measures. And monsters aren’t really lurking in the darkness or
the broad daylight.
If we can’t see it or hear about it, we can live in our happy bubble.
Yet it
does exist.
death, despair, pain, torture. Abuse, assault, the list goes on. Every day it
gets worse. We can’t turn blind eyes. Can’t wish it away.
But there is hope. Even amidst the evil. There is good. God is good.
As a
Christian writer, I want to take that evil, create a puzzle to solve and bring
readers along with me. Let’s solve this. And while we’re at it, let’s throw in
some really flawed characters we can relate to, identify with– who are also
searching for answers. For some truth. For some hope.
It’s not
just about good conquering evil. It’s about God saving, rescuing, loving,
holding, guiding, loving, touching, healing, blessing, showing grace, showing
mercy and compassion, loving, strengthening, renewing, restoring, directing,
teaching, comforting, loving…it’s about a God we can’t always understand, but
we can trust.
In green
pastures where the sun shines and still waters beckon us to rest. And in the
valley of the shadow of death.
Do I love
to create a sick, twisted villain–yet crafty and smart? Yes. The grittier the
villain, the more depraved the better.
Because no matter how big and swallowing the villain is. God is bigger.
God is greater. God is stronger. God is an all-consuming fire.
I’m a Christian writing from a Christian point
of view (not in every character! And not in a Bible-thumping manner). I can’t
write without hope. Sorry. No. Can. Do. Because I’ve experienced it (Him!) in
my life. Every day. Over and over.
So when
you find me hunting down ways, or doing research, to make things bad or
terrifying for a character/s, I’m doing it so I can show God bringing good,
administering peace and hope.
Because he
does. He will. It’s who he is. And my prayer is that readers, who are
experiencing some of the same feelings as my characters, will discover that the
same hope in the pages of the story, is available and real to them and that
they will grab hold of Him, our anchor in this evil temporary place called the
world, our Hope for better things to come.
Do read romantic suspense or watch suspenseful shows/movies? What’s
favorite of yours?