
Blame it On…

Come on, you know you were thinking “rain” and you’d be wrong. I am not talking about Milli Vanilli, although I am talking about choices today and they made the choice to lip sync through their career. It was bound to get out. Some of you may be asking, “Who is Milli Vanilli and what kind of name is that?”  I don’t know, but here’s who they are: Blame it On the Rain.  I know, right?

I’ve been thinking about choices lately. Especially since week one of my F.O.R.W.A.R.D. class I touch on choices when I speak on Adam and Eve.

But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10 He answered,
“I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
11 And he said,
“Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded
you not to eat from?”
12 The man
said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and
I ate it.”
13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have

The woman said, “The serpent
deceived me, and I ate.” Genesis 1
God knew exactly where Adam and Eve were. But He was doing what any good parent would. Giving an opportunity for the kiddos to come clean. To be honest with Him.
When I know my child has done something, I don’t go in all accusing. I ask, “Did you eat that cookie I told you not to?” Why? Because I want to know if they’ll come clean and accept responsibility for their actions or will they lie to my face. The rule at my house is: You tell me the truth, expect consequences. Appropriate for the “crime” of course. Without consequences, what are we teaching our children? Nothing! We’re going to have an epidemic of spoiled adults who think they can do anything they want without reprecussions. Now, if you lie to me, the consequences are going to be more severe. Why? Because I want the truth. Be truthful, I’ll show you mercy. 
But Adam did not come clean. He played the blame game. He blamed Eve, yes, but ultimately he blamed God. “That woman YOU put here with me.” (emphasis mine) In other words, he was saying, “Had you not given me this woman, I’d have never messed up. I blame you. It’s your fault.”
There are many things in our lives that happen outside of  our control. We can blame God and get bitter or we can trust Him to heal us and turn it around for good. That’s our choice. And the choices we make based on the things that happen to us, they’re ours to own.
God didn’t force that fruit down Adam’s throat. Adam chose that. Eve gave it to him, but she didn’t force it down his throat either. Adam did that. And even the cunning serpent didn’t spoon feed him. Adam chose it. And Eve made her own choice as well.
We have to own up to our mistakes/bad choices and put the blame where the blame is due. On us. Be honest with God and let His mercy shower you. Can’t say He’ll remove the consequences. He disciplines those He loves. 
But mercy will lighten it and grace will get us through it.
I’ve been dealing with a situation with a loved one who has been blamed for another’s actions. The unleashed fury on this loved one is overwhelming and lately, I’ve been living out pray without ceasing. But that angry person made a bad choice. And then took that bad choice and aired it online for everyone to see. And as a result of those choices, consequences came. 
Pride gets in the way of owning up to moments of missing the mark. Fear gets in the way. Really it’s only one of the two. Pride goes before falling and fear holds us back from moving forward. And me? I always want to be in a state of propelling forward. I never want to fall on my face because I was too proud to admit I messed up. I’ve been there though–prideful and fearful. 
I’d rather have mercy and grace.

Perilous Waters and Fun Facts with Sandra Orchard!

Suspense on the open waters! What could be cooler than that? Don’t say glaciers on open waters. I’m chatting with author, Sandra Orchard about her new Love Inspired Suspense, Perilous Waters. I asked Sandra to share with us what inspired the story (don’t say love) and to tell us 3 fun facts about herself! Thank you, Sandra, for hanging out with us today…so, what inspired Perilous Waters?

The inspiration for Perilous Waters began with a
newspaper article about Alain Lacoursière, a Montreal police detective who
founded one of the top art-theft units in the world. The FBI estimates that the
international black market in art is worth about $6-billion a year. It sounded
like great fodder for a story! I began gleaning articles on the Internet and
even read a biography of the founder of the FBI’s Art Crime Team, long before I
had any notion of where I would se the story. Then…
My husband and I took an Alaskan Cruise to
celebrate our 25th anniversary.
When I saw the art gallery and on-board auctions, not to mention a slew of
potential deathtraps, I knew I’d found the perfect setting for the story. Find
more behind-the-scenes tidbits, including location pics at:
The above pic is an auction I attended aboard ship. I also
had a behind the scenes tour of the ship, which provided more ideas for mayhem
than I could possibly use in the story. J
      Book Blurb for Perilous Waters:

For FBI agent Sam Steele, there’s no room for error or emotions on his
latest undercover assignment. Getting close to gallery owner Jennifer Robbins
while on an Alaskan cruise is the only way to catch her dealing stolen art. Out
on the icy seas, Jen suddenly goes from suspect to victim when she’s targeted
by a deadly enemy. And Sam’s mission goes from investigating an art crime to
protecting the woman who’s begun to melt his heart. As danger looms closer,
he’ll do anything to save her life—even if it costs him his own.

    Connect on Facebook ~
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    Buy Links For Perilous Waters ~
  • I’m a “nana”! It is soooo much fun. And the best part is
    that my three-year-old granddaughter and not-yet-one grandson live only a five
    minute drive away, so whenever I’m in need of a hug or a smile or a good belly
    laugh, I can hop in my car and escape my uncooperative characters to play with
    real ones. J

  • I love to play games, and I got to tell you that I was never one of those moms that let her kids win. Uh, uh, I’m pretty
    competitive. Around here, we enjoy a good game of Settlers of Catan, usually
    one of the extended versions to make it more challenging. And just like week a
    played hooky from writing to attend the afternoon “adult fellowship” (which is
    the code word for seniors group, which despite being a nana, I’m still at least
    a decade or two too young to qualify), because…they were playing games. We had
    a rousing game of Rook, which I didn’t lose. Almost, but I did manage to win
    the last hand which saved me from finishing dead last. J Oh, and I totally justify
    going out as “character research.” I came home totally inspired as to how to
    write my heroine’s frustration at losing!

  • Last fun fact, I’m a Jill-of-all-trades. I’ve renovated two
    houses doing everything from installing windows, doors, trim, flooring, siding,
    insulating, shingling, hanging cabinets, plumbing—even put in the kitchen sink J. I also designed and
    built a small horse run in. I’ve tried my hand at just about everything except
    the electrical stuff—that’s hubby’s department. And here’s the rest of the story. Renovating is a GREAT excuse for having a messy house. I
    much preferred building something than cleaning, because…you still had
    something to show for it three hours later! Sadly, I can’t say the same thing
    about writing. The house is a disaster, but eight hours later, I might have
    less words than when I started the day and no one sees them anyway!!!
Thank you so much for hanging out, Sandra! 

       Sandra Orchard is
the award-winning author of several inspirational romantic suspense/mysteries,
including Deadly Devotion and Blind Trust from Revell Publishing. Her Love Inspired Suspense titles have
garnered two Canadian Christian Writing Awards and a Romantic Times
Reviewers’ Choice Award. Sandra has also received a Daphne du Maurier Award for
Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. In addition to her busy writing schedule,
Sandra enjoys speaking at events and teaching writing workshops. She lives
in Ontario, Canada. Learn more about Sandra’s books and check out the special bonus features, such as deleted scenes and location
pics, at
What is one fun fact about yourself? 

Name That…

You thought tune didn’t you? You know you did.

Name that… person. 

In Biblical times, names were important. They had symbolism and meaning behind them. Children, places, etc were named based on meaning. In today’s culture, we don’t typically do that. I didn’t name my children based on meanings but names I liked. Thus my daughter is named after a Party of Five character I liked and my son is named based on what didn’t cause me and my husband into a knock-down-drag-out. 

Ah names! 

In the Bible, God changes many names. Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of many nations).  Jacob (deceiver) to Israel (because he struggled with God and overcame), Sarai (princess which may denote spoiled/quarrelsome) to Sarah (noblewoman) Solomon (peace) David was seriously needing peace with God after what transpired to bring Solomon into the world and after having the first child taken right after birth. God said to call him Jedidiah (beloved of Jehovah)

And there are times where God specifically told a parent what to name their child. He had specific names with specific meanings for these children:
Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, Lo-Ammi (Hosea and Gomer’s kids)
John (as in the Baptist)
The list goes on.

I started a Bible study last week and one of the questions was to write out what my names meant (first/middle). My parents didn’t name me based on a meaning. I was named after my great-grandfather, Jesse. And I’m not even sure where my middle name came from–probably a soap opera star’s name! 

But God knows our name. And maybe it has significance and maybe he wants to rename you spiritually! 

Jessica: Rich (gotta be in spirit) and also, God Beholds
Renee: Reborn

My daughter’s name means Baliff. And I had to wrinkle my brow but as I really ponder it…yeah…she’s a lover of justice and mercy. She’s always rooting for the underdog so to speak. And her middle name is the same as mine.

My son’s names mean: Warrior and his middle name means Arrows. I had no idea when we named him. I like to believe he’s going to be a spiritual warrior with many weapons to fight against our enemy. 

Regardless if we feel like our name is special, God knows us and he sees us much differently than we see ourselves.

Jesus called Simon, Peter–rock. “Oh, you may just have a trendy name, Simon, that comes from Simeon (one of the 12 tribes) but I say you’re a rock.” And this was before he denied Christ three times! 

No matter what, you mean something to God! He knows your name. And He hears you when you call!

What does your names mean? 
Care to share? 

Taken Down!


Okay, we should all do this to at least one person today! Isn’t that great?! Some of my heroes are pretty bad to the bone and can pull this stuff off. However, I’ve never tried. But my daughter gets out of school at 2:30-ish so…

Also, if it were a bad guy I was doing this to, I wouldn’t stick around to ask him, “How did that feel? Did you see a white light?” I mean I’m not the six-fingered man, right?


Do you love heroes who have these certain skill sets? Think Liam Neeson. And will you try this on someone? Please say yes!

Unstoppable Love


“So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how
can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us,
embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own
Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who
would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare
even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for
us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you
think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love
for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger,
not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst
sins listed in Scripture: They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one. None of this fazes us because
Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead,
angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or
unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the
way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Romans 8:31-39 MSG



Well, when you put it like that…


What is something you can/will do differently because you believe this truth?

A Little of This and That


I’m in between books, which always makes me feel a little naked. Like when I forget my wedding ring. Or clothes. 

But during my break, I get to catch up on reading and I’ve been barreling through some books. I pick one book on my eReader and I only get to read while I’m at the gym, so hello extra motivation for going to the gym. I’ve read two books so far.

And I’ve been reading hard copy books in the car line and at night before I drift off to sleep. I’ve enjoyed them all. 

Also, I’ve been watching the Gilmore Girls. Thank you, Charissa, for having all 7 seasons on DVD. My husband wants to kill you thanks you too! I’m almost halfway through season 6 so when I get done, I’m sure a blog post and a debate between who Rory really belongs to will come. Right, Melissa Tagg? Anywho, I’m addicted to the show and can’t believe I didn’t watch it when it was actually on TV. Craziness I tell you.

Let’s see…my daughter is going to be bass captain next year which is so awesome and I’m excited for her! She finally gets to boss people around and not get grounded for it! 

I think my laptop might have a virus. It’s not puking or running fever but it’s super slow. Joint pain, maybe? I probably should have put some anti-virus software on it, but alas, I did not.

The weather is gorgeous here which makes for great days out on the patio, minus the wasps and bumblebees which just keep me in a state of anxiety so relaxation doesn’t actually come but I’m getting a little sun and exercise. 

My new favorite drink is the hazelnut macchiato at Starbucks. Not too sweet. Just loaded enough to keep my mouth running–as if I need any help. Ask anyone.

My niece is getting married soon and I’m stoked to be there, though I’m reading some off-the-wall poem I still can’t understand and I’ve read it at least a hundred times. I’m not sure they get it or anyone will get it but I’m prepared to hear dozens of attendees ask me, “Was that about (insert interpretation here)?

And I will say, “It was about one minute of my life I’ll never get back.” (I’m kind of kidding but not really.) Nah, I’m glad to be able to participate in the wedding. It’s going to be gorgeous!

Then I’m going on vacation. With my family. In case you weren’t sure. Not my family that got married. Then it would be the honeymoon.

And now the winner of Liz Johnson’s Stolen Memories is: Grove’s Photography!! Please email me at jrpatch(at)yahoo(dot)com so I can send the book to you! Congrats! 

What’s going on with you? 

It Should Still Be Easter!

I don’t think Easter should be celebrated just one day of the year. I think it should be a celebration every day. That is, in reference to a risen Savior. I’m completely okay with not hunting for eggs or dying them every single day. 

I’m thankful today that Christ died for us and rose from the dead. And I’m thankful He ascended to the Father so that He could leave us His precious Holy Spirit! 

“But if God
himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of
yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible
but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking
about. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still
experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s
terms. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who
raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you
that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and
breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered
from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive
as Christ’s!” Romans 8:11 MSG

The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives inside every believer. Wrap your brain around that today! 

What will you do differently today, knowing you truly are alive in Christ!? The impossible is now made possible!

I leave you with a favorite of mine.

How did you celebrate Easter yesterday? 

*You still have time to enter the giveaway for Liz Johnson’s romantic suspense, Stolen Memories. Check out the details and a sneak peek of the book HERE. 

Things You Don’t Know About Liz Johnson and a Giveaway!

everyone, I’m so excited to have my friend and author Liz Johnson here today!
Liz and I bonded over a favorite Monday night TV show. Teen Wolf. Don’t judge!
Great cast, great writing, great romance and suspense…speaking of romantic suspense
Liz is sharing the inspiration behind her newest Love Inspired Suspense, Stolen
, sharing some fun facts about herself as well as giving away a copy of
the book! Liz, thanks so much for being here! Tell us what inspired this story.
(Liz) “Stolen Memories came about
in an entirely new way for me. A little over a year ago, I received a call from my
literary agent. The editors at Love Inspired Suspense were putting together a
continuity series featuring books from six of their authors, and I had been
invited to participate. My agent asked if I was interested. Of course, I was. I jumped at the
chance to work with the talented authors writing the other books in
the series. We were each assigned a book in the Witness Protection series and
worked together to keep the overall story arc flowing smoothly between books
about the different characters. It was a brand new writing format for me. I’d
never collaborated with other authors like this, and, while there were some
unique challenges to keeping all the story lines and secrets in place, I really
enjoyed the camaraderie and encouragement of working together.”
(Jessica) That
is so cool, Liz! Now I have to read the other ones. Now that we know how the
story came about, tell us three fun facts about yourself so readers can get to
know better.
3 fun facts about Liz:
I played
the alto saxophone from 5th to 10th grade. And there’s a
very good reason that I haven’t picked it up since then. (I wasn’t very good.) J But I
always wanted to have a musical talent.
When I was
a kid, I wanted to live during the American Civil War. Now that I know it
wasn’t as romantic as the books made it out to be, I’m glad to be alive in
modern times. But I’m still fascinated with the 1860s and love to read fiction
and nonfiction about the people and places of the era. And since I moved to
Middle Tennessee, I love visiting the historic plantations that played a part
in America’s history.
I’m a
terrible cook, but I made a commitment to get better at it this year. So far
I’ve conquered BBQ chicken in my slow cooker and tacos and frozen…just about
Ha! I’m good at frozen anything too and I just made BBQ in my crock pot on
Monday. Great minds, eh?!
Thank you
so much for visiting with us today and congratulations on your new 3-book  Contemporary Romance contract with Revell. Can’t
wait to read them!
Buy the Book! 
Sneak Peek
at Stolen Memories:
and left for dead, “Julie Thomas” has amnesia, and doesn’t know why
anyone would want to hurt her. But when surveillance video of that night shows
Julie holding a baby—a baby nowhere to be found—she panics. Is the child hers?
Where is she now? With no answers and no place to go, Julie accepts Detective
Zach Jones’s offer to help her solve both mysteries. The handsome, loyal cop
makes her feel safe. But someone is trying very hard to make sure her memories
stay buried forever.
Protection: Hiding in plain sight
Liz has graciously offered to give a
copy of Stolen Memories away! To
enter, help us out by entering an easy and favorite recipe in the comments. For
extra entries, share on facebook and twitter and tag me so I can enter you!

Rocks Really Can Cry Out!

But he
said, “If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.” Luke
How in
the world do rocks cry out?
This particular scripture was fulfilled in Matthew 27:51
after Jesus finished the work on the cross.
behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the
earth quaked, and the rocks were split,…”
What if
there’s more to it?
Let’s get into a little quantum physics, shall we? And let
me start off by saying, I am in no stinking way an expert in physics.
According to an article written by John Keely circa 1893, (whichyou can read here) he stated the following:
Second: In the aggregation of matter,
force or energy is stored up or conserved.
Third: In the dissociation of
matter, force is liberated.”
So, matter is a whole formed by many. In its whole form,
force is stored up. He says, “matter is force in bondage.”
Hang with me, troops. I’m gonna bring it all together soon.
Apparently there are subdivisions of matter. He says, “The
atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which fills all space and is the
transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial forces.”
Ether is the upper regions above the sky. Supernatural.
Which we know there is. God in the heavens, sitting on his throne. We know
there are angelic hosts, they rejoice when sinners repent. They sing—choirs of
angels. We know the seraphim circle God’s throne and they cry out (like the
rocks could) Holy! Holy! Holy!
But with our human ears, we can’t hear it. Nor can we, with
human eyes see it.  2 Samuel 5 tells us, “Therefore David inquired of the Lord,
and He said,“You shall not go up; circle around behind them, and come upon
them in front of the mulberry trees.  And it shall be, when you hear the sound
of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly.
For then the Lord will go out before you to strike the camp of the
Heavenly troops marched above the trees! God allowed them to
2 Kings 6 tells us, “Then
Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the
LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was
full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”


So how
does this relate to rocks crying out?
In Japan, they designed a supramolecular nanofiber that
aligned with 
harmony in music. Yeah. Wild huh? They played Mozart and Beethoven
and that little nanofiber danced in harmony to the music. I have no idea about
the physics behind it other than it was proven. You can read about it HERE.
Which is interesting because Keely also says, “All motion is
synchronous; no sound or movement can be made but all that moves or sounds does so in harmony with something.”
If this is true, that all that moves or sounds does so in
harmony with something, then imagine if everyone stopped praising God. Not one
praise from a human being.
What would happen?
force in bondage would break open and be liberated.
would explode, like quaking—like mountains moving– in harmony with the praise
already going on in heaven! Like that nano fiber jiving to Mozart. The rocks would
indeed have to cry out if ALL that moves or sounds does so in harmony with
Don’t make a doctrine out of this, but think about it, that’s all I’m doing…thinking. How
ironic that physicists try to discredit God all the time yet Jesus may have
been standing there giving a lesson in physics on that day!
These rocks will cry out. If you won’t move in harmony with
the sounds in heaven, they will. Physics demand it!
Crazy huh? Speaking of crazy. The Hebrew word for “rocks cry
out” in Luke 
19:40 is krazo. Which totally had me laughing as I said, “Oh, God,
do you get it?! That’s krazo—crazy!” Pretty sure he got it.
Truly, he is the Great I AM.
“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing
was made that was made.” John 1:3 

If he says the rocks can cry out…they can.

Brings a whole new meaning or a richer meaning to this song
doesn’t it?

Looking on Love

You drive me crazy…
but I adore you.

When it comes to romance, the looks say it all. Don’t ya think? Whether it’s in animated film or not. We read romance in facial expressions. Sometimes it’s harder to capture the exact expression in a book, but that’s what we, writers, work to do. 

I know many writers, including myself, that study movies, YouTube clips etc…poring over and over an expression an actor makes that portrays falling in love, admiration, flirtation, longing, desire, angst. 

Here are a few pictures that capture an expression. No words needed (but I’ll probably give you some anyway) to convey what’s going on. 



What do you see in his face? Does he need to tell her
how much she means to him? The hand at the
back of her neck is tender. A soft moment.
Longing. Desire in a non-fifty shades kind of way.



Whether you’re  fan of  Twilight or not,
this facial expression he’s making is killer
 (ha pardon the pun or don’t). This is
intense. Angst. And in context of the movie,
a struggle in self-control on Edward’s part.
Ah! We all love Princess Bride, don’t we?
Westly is about to leave. But this expression, it’s
almost like he’s imprinting his promise to return,
his loyal devotion and love to her. He. Will. Be. Back.
And not Terminator style! 
Here, Westly is back! It’s been forever and
at this moment she knows it’s her farm boy
and not the dread pirate Roberts. This expression
conveys, “I came back. My love, my loyalty, my devotion
has never wavered. And…I missed you.”
Okay, Matthew C. really knows how to express
falling in love. I love the lips on lips smile. It expresses:
You make me happy. Love is fun. Whimsical. And it’s
about to crank up to something so much more.
Yeah, here he is again. Okay,
so they fought. So they had a misunderstanding.
It’s resolved. It’s a quiet expression, isn’t it? Full
of apology. Hope. Even pleading a bit. And longing,
as well as desire. We all know what happens next.
Plus the sweat just adds to it, doesn’t it?
Paul Rudd in Clueless. Cher doesn’t realize he’s
sneaking a peek at her. But check out those eyes.
I want to be with her. She’s so out of my league.
He’s almost willing her to see him, really see him,
with that look. You’re beautiful. And more than the outside.
Again, he’s really looking at her. If she can’t
see how he feels about her in those eyes, in that lopsided
grin, she’s…well….clueless! Right? Right? 
Good gravy, I adore the closed eye hug. This is Elijah
and Hayley from the Originals. This says, you’re safe.
You’re in my arms and I’ll never let anything ever happen
to you.  Flood of relief. You belong to me (in a non-Silence of the Lambs
kind of way). It’s so intense, he has to close his eyes.
A favorite prince for me. What’s this say?
I’m cute. Admit it. And I’m worming my way out of
something. Ariel is smitten with him over his boyish
flirting. It’s effortless to him. 
Check out the same-ish look in Hugh Grant’s expression.
This was Two Week’s Notice. He’s playful. Teasing.
But behind that, look at the admiration, the desire,
the…love he has for her. He’s every bit as smitten
as Eric in the next picture below.
Here she’s working her charm, naive as it is, on him.
Nothing else in the world is going on. Not dinner. Not the world.
Nothing but her. He could stay right here like this forever.
And she’s not even noticing.  
We all love Mr. Darcy! Rain helps set this mood.
Nothing like a hero with we hair matted to his forehead,
dripping down his cheeks. This is I love you but…see the pain.
The agony there. Not like Edward Cullen. Because it’s a
different king of pain a different kind of control.

Something about the trapped expression. His jaw’s set.
Look closely. He’s determined. He knows exacty what he wants
and it’s not slipping away. His hands shield her from it.
Pay attention to her face! She knows it. He’s a wolf (cue Duran Duran)
but not the kind that will devour her in a bad way. In fact, maybe those arms
are there to reveal she’s safe…sort of wink wink…

What hero/movie/book stands out to you as a sigh-moment in relation to romance?