Which Hero-Type is Your Perfect Match?

Hey gang!

I’ve got a new quiz for you and it’s a lot of fun! Leave me a comment and tell me which hero type is your perfect match: The Alpha Male, The Classic Hero, The Bad Boy, or the Silent but Strong Hero? 

Leave me a comment and tell me who your perfect match is!



Well, Guess What?

If you’re getting this blog post in your inbox it’s because a million years ago you signed up for my blogs to come straight to your inbox. Cool. I know. BUT the site that brings this lovely blog into your inbox is switching over, so I thought I’d pop in and let you know the best way to get book news or devotions (which is likely why you followed me on my blog way back when, is to sign up for my Newsletter Patched In!

Each month I send an email that is packed with book news, sales, exclusive material as well as book recommendations, thrills and chills for true crime lovers and all things forensic, a fun quiz–new each month, and of course a devotion with Scripture and a prayer to encourage you. So if you have a wee second just scroll to the bottom of my website where it says Get Patched In Newsletter sign up, enter your email and voila! Done deal. You won’t miss out on a single thing. I know you were sweating it. 😉 

Thanks so much! I appreciate you being with me all these years and supporting my writing. It means so much to me. And hey, if you’re just browsing my website and have read this blog post, feel free to sign up too! The more of us together, the merrier. 🙂 



Which Novel Detective Are YOU? Take the Quiz!

 Hey friend!

I’ve designed a fun quiz you can take and share your results on social media! Which novel detective are you? 

I’ll be bringing you a brand new quiz each month! If you haven’t signed up for my monthly newsletter, Patched In, you can do that now! It hits inboxes the FIRST MONDAY of the MONTH! I make sure and post the monthly quiz link there, that way you won’t miss it.

So until next month, enjoy and let me know in the comments which detective you are!