I met Donna Pyle at the Writing for the Soul Conference this past February. Donna’s one of those people you feel like you’ve known forever.
Donna’s story is amazing. She gave her testimony on Jennifer Slattery’s blog last week. Click here to read it. Donna and I still keep in touch daily by facebook, twitters, or texts. I’m thrilled she’s here today. Let me tell you a little about my favorite Texan and her ministry.
Donna is a soul-stirring, engaging speaker, author, Bible teacher and worship leader, who has a passion for studying and teaching God’s Word. Her clear, down-to-earth messages encourage women of all ages to passionately love, serve and live for Jesus Christ.
Donna has authored 17 Bible studies, is currently writing her first book, and also preparing to tape her first DVD-based Bible study series before a live audience. She attends Salem Lutheran Church in Tomball, TX where she serves in the worship ministry. Donna enjoys traveling, reading, singing, and driving her cats crazy with feather toys.
Donna, you know cats terrify me! Tell us a little about the book you’re currently writing?
taken from Donna’s website |
I’m so excited about it! “Living Water for a Parched Soul” provides a roadmap on how to journey from spiritual dehydration toward a life fully hydrated by Christ.
I’m excited about it too. To know Donna is to truly see a hydrated life. Since you write non-fiction, how do you plan and where do you write?
Most of my serious writing is done at the desk in my study, but I also write wherever I land – park bench, home dining table, local coffee shop – you name it! Since I frequently travel to speak, I find that plane rides provide the perfect escape from electronic distractions to get some writing done. J
Since I write non-fiction and don’t have characters to develop, I actually name the book’s chapters first and tie key Scripture passages to each. Those few words trigger the progressive journey toward the goal and it just rolls right along!
What’s a typical writing day look like for you?
Each day starts out with quiet time in the Word. That focuses my heart and mind for the day ahead. I block out time each day to write based on that day’s schedule. Unfortunately, there’s normally not a “typical” day, but when it’s all said and done, there’s something new on paper!
Tell us what else you have in the works besides your book?
I’m currently writing the study guide that will accompany my upcoming DVD-based Bible study series on the armor of God is an exciting adventure into Ephesians 6:10-18 as we unpack each piece of armor and the protection they provide to us. If you’re in the Tomball, Texas area on May 6-7, 2011, join us at Salem Lutheran Church for the live taping. I would SO love to see you there, ladies!
I would love to come and be a part of that! I need to see how far away that is from me. I’m all about a road trip. Donna, you’re a busy woman in the kingdom. Share with us why you wrote Living Water for a Parched Soul.
This topic is close to my heart. Since I didn’t grow up in the church or have a relationship with Christ, I know what it feels like to be spiritually parched. I was drowning in the world’s well until someone introduced me to Christ at age 23. Now 20 years later, I am blessed beyond measure to live a life fully hydrated and tethered to Him. Even through heartbreaking, unexpected divorce, God’s wellspring of life fostered true forgiveness and restoration in my life. I don’t pretend to have all the answers. But I believe that the lessons learned along my journey will provide hope and draw readers to the only One who can satiate us: Jesus.
When you aren’t writing, what do you like to do?
I love music and am passionate about worship, so it is such a joy to be very active in my church’s worship ministry. Music has always been a part of my life, so to use those gifts to praise God is just the best thing on the planet!
We all want to convey a message to our readers. What would you like for them to take away from your book?
I’d love for them to walk away knowing without a doubt that no matter what storm hits their life or the desert seasons that descend on us, Jesus is the canteen that never runs dry. He will always provide the hydration we need when we keep our face plastered on Him.
I think that’s amazing and so are you, Donna. Even if you do have cats! 🙂 Tell everyone how they can connect with you and read your inspiring and encouraging blog.
I’d love to meet as many readers as I possibly can! Visit my website,
Artesian Ministries. Click
here to visit my blog. Connect with me on
Facebook, as well as
Twitter. Stop by and say “hi!”
Donna is represented by Rachelle Gardner. Click
here to read Rachelle’s blog!
Donna, thanks so much for popping in and sharing your heart. Can’t wait until your book is published and you can come back and share some more of your journey, as well as give a book away!
Question: What bible study/studies have you done that have been life-changing?