Sometimes God will
ask you do something so far out there you have to ask, “God, was that you
or that extra chili dog I ate last night messing with my brain?” Those are
the times we have to lean on this verse. Be strong, take courage to obey and while
He works behind the scenes, wait, hope and expect!
ask you do something so far out there you have to ask, “God, was that you
or that extra chili dog I ate last night messing with my brain?” Those are
the times we have to lean on this verse. Be strong, take courage to obey and while
He works behind the scenes, wait, hope and expect!
I have a such a
great story to share with you about wild commands, crazy actions and a long,
long wait full of hope and expectation and yes even questioning, doubt, and
angst. So come back on Wednesday!
great story to share with you about wild commands, crazy actions and a long,
long wait full of hope and expectation and yes even questioning, doubt, and
angst. So come back on Wednesday!
Musing/Meditation Prompts: What promise has God
given you? Are you waiting with hope and expectation or are you full of anxiety
and doubt? How can you actively take courage today to revive that hope and
expectation? Strengthen yourself by musing on past victories, past promises fulfilled.
given you? Are you waiting with hope and expectation or are you full of anxiety
and doubt? How can you actively take courage today to revive that hope and
expectation? Strengthen yourself by musing on past victories, past promises fulfilled.
is one thing you can do today to take
is one thing you can do today to take
I'm looking forward to hear what you have to share! and yes, God has asked me to do lots of things that I have questioned!!!
Cant wait until Wed!
Over the weekend, God laid an incredible ministry on my heart. It's not a ministry I would normally be involved in, or ever thought I would be. But He was so clear, so in His strength, I'm courageously stepping out to fully support and partner with that ministry however God calls. I can't wait to see what He does, and to hear your thoughts on Wednesday!
Some anxiety and doubt in my personal life. Looks like I need to take a deeper look at those promises!! I'll try to remember to pop by on Wed.
That "wait for and hope for and expect the Lord" part…that's where I am now in an area or two. Can't wait to see how you dive into this further on Wednesday.
Anxiety seems to get me at times. I turn to prayer when I feel the pressure mounting. I know God is walking with me through the light and the dark moments of life.
I'm a classic worrier, but God's teaching me a lot lately about trusting Him and waiting on Him. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Looking forward to hearing more from you on Wed! Love you, friend.
Ooo, Wednesday! I am actively working on courage right now. I had a few not-so-great moments last week where I realized I am a little too much like the disciples before Jesus died (a bit clueless) and not enough like them after he rose (they got it and went forward). Praying for God to keep me focused on Him!
For me it's about the Word, coating myself in it and using it for the sword it is, because when I rely on my own feeling I'm toast. Anxiety and depression move right in an stop me in my tracks. Can't wait to see what Wednesday brings!
I keep having this voice inside me that says, "I can't do this!" and then, another one "If you could, you wouldn't have to rely on Me to get it done!" I have to reach into the Word to gain any courage at all most days!
I absolutely love the wording of that, "Take courage!"
Shutting down those monster voices. That's one.
I get nervous about the future. That comes from living in the past. God's showing me that I can trust in Him. He hasn't steered me wrong yet!
You're right about that being so hard to do sometimes. Great to meet you on Jennifer Shirk's blog today.