A small moment with Myles

Myles laid on the couch, whimpering over a rotten headache he had while watching Tom and Jerry. After several minutes, he sat up and asked, “Hey, Mom, are you going to have another baby boy?”

I half laughed, half snorted, “No.”

“Another baby girl?”

“No more babies, Myles.” I tried to get back to reading an interesting blog by an aspiring author.

“Well why not,” he asked slightly irritated.

“I have all I need. Why do you ask?”

“Well,” he sighed, “everyone’s doin’ it.”

As if having babies is a trend! Have a great weekend everyone and I leave you with a quote from The Word for Today devotional.

“Every accomplishment starts with a decision.,,Unless you’re willing to take prayed-over, carefully-considered and well-advised risks, you’re not operating in faith. And ‘without faith it is impossible to please God…’ Heb. 11:6. It means putting all your eggs in God’s basket (don’t worry, He won’t drop them!). When you step out in faith, God moves and extraordinary things happen.”

It was definitely the word I needed for today! See you Monday!

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