Tag: writers
If you could mix cotton candy, an apple, and glitter together, you’d get Lacie Nezbeth! She’s sweet, sparkly, fun and good for you! I’m so excited to have her today.
Lacie Nezbeth is a stay-at-home mom with three young children. She spends her time running them all over town and loving it. Her love of books and history began when she read Little House on the Prairie as a young girl. Since then “the good ole days” have fascinated her and made her writing genre an easy choice! She loves to live “in the moment” with her family and enjoys traveling, shopping and baking decadent desserts…which doesn’t bode well for her shopping!
Must Meet Monday: Sheri Salatin

Must Meet Monday: Michelle Massaro
I’ve decided to add a new feature to my Mondays. Why? One, because I can. Two, because I know so many incredible people and have met tons of amazing writers on-line and I want you to meet them too.
Mondays have now become Must Read or Meet Monday. Today, I’m excited to introduce Michelle Massaro.
Crazy story…
I was bouncing around some ideas for a book title and wondered if what I was looking for had been used. When I googled it, it led me to a youtube. I watched the book trailer and then found Michelle’s blog. I saw she was a member of the CWG (Christian Writers Guild) and facebooked her. By the way my current WIP is not Beauty for Ashes. It’s Eye of the Beholder.
We started chatting online and became friends. We had the chance to meet in person at the CWG Writing for the Soul Conference in Denver. How cool is that? I know!
Everyone, meet my friend Michelle.
Tell everyone a little about yourself!
What do you love in a good book?
My WIP is a Contemporary Women’s Fiction called Beauty for Ashes:
What advice do you have to give others who want to write fiction.
My advice if you want to write, first of all, is start! But also, take time to learn the basic skills before you begin a full-length novel. Read blogs like this one, find articles on the writing craft, meet other writers. Get familiar with terms like POV, pacing, voice, and hooks. It’s much harder to apply skills to a manuscript after the fact. Trust me on this.
Here’s how you can connect with Michelle!
Watch the trailer: here
Find me on facebook twitter (@mochashello), and my blog Adventures in Writing Drop by any time and say “hello”.
Feel free to answer the question or leave a comment! Have a great Monday, friends!