If you can’t something nice…

…pray. Nope it’s not, “don’t say anything at all.” You need to say something. To God. And not in the context of, “God, please keep them away from me before I kill them! Please don’t let me have to work with them, minister with them or quite frankly, see them!”

This Wednesday, we’re going to look at what this verse means and how it applies to our actions and our prayer life and why it’s so important for us to bless those who may not bless us so much. 

This video below gives us a hint at our lesson. I kept today’s post short so you can pause for just a teeny tiny minute and let the words minister to you, focus you and give you an opportunity to worship our great God! Take it! 🙂 

Tomorrow my daughter will be fifteen! FIFTEEN! Leaner’s permit. Gulp! Pray for me, please. 🙂

Have you ever felt persecuted? May not have to do for Christ’s sake, but in general? How did you handle it? 

Faith Readers Group Review: Made to Last by Melissa Tagg

Yeah, us wild and crazy Faith Readers mixed up this month. Not only did we meet on Tuesday instead of Monday, we did dips instead of desserts. We live on the wild side, don’t we? Rotel, cream cheese and pepper jelly–do you know what pepper jelly is? Because I didn’t until I moved down here nearly two decades ago.

It’s been a fun week around here! Monday, we played Would You Rather with not only Melissa but her hero, Matthew and her heroine, Miranda. And on Wednesday, Melissa shared a moving devotional

Oh, and not only did we discuss the book on Tuesday, we Skyped with Melissa, and maybe our connection was horrible (our end’s fault not hers) so I just called her and we talked on speaker. Which was actually better than her having to see our faces contorted in frozen display and vice versa, though it would make for some great laughs, I bet! 

But she answered some questions like inspiration for the story, how did she come up with the little girl’s medical condition, when her next book is coming out and what we can expect to see without giving anything away, her own personal traits in her characters, and her very personal connection with Blaze! 🙂 

Thank you, Melissa, for hanging out all week and giving us a great conversation on Tuesday!

Here’s a peek at the book:

Woodruff has it all. At least, that’s how it looks when she’s starring in her
homebuilding television show, From the Ground Up. So when her network begins to
talk about making cuts, she’ll do anything to boost ratings and save her
show–even if it means pretending to be married to a man who’s definitely not
the fiance who ran out on her three years ago.

When a
handsome reporter starts shadowing Miranda’s every move, all his digging into
her personal life brings him a little too close to the truth–and to her. Can
the girl whose entire identity is wrapped up in her on-screen persona finally
find the nerve to set the record straight? And if she does, will the life she’s
built come crashing down just as she’s found a love to last?

Reader Comments: 

I laughed out loud a few times.
I thought her last name was clever!
I really liked the romance.
I thought Miranda was going to end up with the other guy for awhile!
When Miranda said, “God I’m coming back to you when this is over.” That stuck with me because I’ve said that before. (Jess, here, that brought up our spiritual conversation for night, as most of us has said something along those lines before.)
I liked the brother and the little girl. I’d read more about him.
I wasn’t sure what Blaze looked like. 
I liked Blaze best. (Good, his book is up next lol ~Jess again)
I got confused at first because so many people had pet names for her and I’m not good with names to begin with so I had to concentrate on if Miranda was Randi and Randa. 
Rating based on 5 stars:

4 stars!
MelissaTagg is a former reporter turned author who loves all things funny and
romancey. Her debut novel, a romantic comedy titled Made to Last, releases from
Bethany House in September 2013, with a follow-up slated for summer 2014. In
addition to her nonprofit day job, she is also the marketing/events coordinator
for My Book Therapy, a craft and coaching community for writers founded by
award-winning author Susan May Warren.
During her
reporting days, Melissa interviewed presidential candidates and llama farmers,
rode a hot air balloon and flew a plane, and once found herself face to face
with a buffalo. But today she gets her kicks by letting her characters have
their own fun. She’s passionate about humor, grace and happy endings.
The answer to where I was last week is: Maldives!  I will draw for a winner to receive the $10 Amazon card the last week in November!
What is your favorite romantic comedy whether movie or book and why?