Just a Little Jesus Spit


Have you ever been in a situation and you feel there’s no
way out? You give up believing. You take on the motto: It is what it is.
In Mark chapter 8, there was a blind man who lived in
Bethsaida. It says, “…they brought a blind man to him.” It never says the blind
man asked for healing. Or that he used his walking-stick to find Jesus. Maybe
he did, but it never says.
What if this man finally had succumbed to his condition? It
is what it is.
Sometimes when our friends lack faith, it’s up to us to
believe for them. To exhort them. To raise them up to Jesus, to take them to
Him. And let’s be honest, isn’t it easier to believe for someone else than for
It says, Jesus took the man out of the city. Why not do it
on the spot? Why take him out? I think sometimes when we’ve been in a condition
it becomes the norm. No one really believes we can be more than we are. Maybe
the town was full of skeptics, other than a few friends. Or maybe the man was
comfortable being blind. It didn’t seem that he was searching Jesus out on his
God will often take us out of our comfort zone to do the
miraculous. To prove who he is.
After Jesus spit in his eyes (gross, Jesus! But I’d take His
spit. I tell you I

would.) he asked him what he saw.

The man answered, “I see men like trees, walking.” 
Did Jesus make a mistake? Had he lost too much sleep and wasn’t on his A 
He wasn’t only healing this man. He was doing two
things: Jesus was forcing the man to trust. And He was teaching the disciples and
us a lesson. Prior to this event, Jesus fed 4000 bread. He’d just walked on
water on his way to Bethsaida. But his disciples didn’t fully understand. 
During this feeding, they worried about provisions. Afterwards, the Pharisees
wanted to see a sign. Jesus departs with his disciples and warns them to be
aware of the leaven (sin/corruption) of the Pharisees. But they didn’t get this
They thought he was making a point about forgetting bread earlier.
Jesus says, ““Why do you reason because you have no bread?
Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? Having
eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not
remember? When 
I broke the five loaves for the five
thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?”
They said to Him, “Twelve.”
 “Also, when I broke the
seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you
take up?”
And they said, “Seven.”
So He said to them, “How is
 you do not


His disciples saw…but dimly. We
see things dimly too. Sometimes we don’t understand what Jesus is up to. That’s
okay. We don’t have to understand it all.
We do have to trust.
He will perfect that which
concerns you.
He told the man who was now seeing
blurry to look up. Sometimes we just need to look up—to him. When he did this,
he could see clearly.
I read a story about a man named
Virgil. He was 50 years old and had been blind since birth. He had a “successful”
eye surgery, but “he often felt more disabled than he had felt when he was
blind.” He saw things but he had a hard time making sense of what he saw. Trees
ran together, the trunks and leaves. Dimensions were skewed.
Apparently, motion and colors are
inherent in the brain; they need not be learned or relearned. We just see them.
They are just there. But this is no surprise for Jesus. He knew the newly
healed blind man would have no depth perception or ability to synthesize shape
and form (much like Virgil). The man’s brain had to be recalibrated—renewed.
One amazing second! And in that moment he knew what you and I have since
childhood—how to see.
We’re born into sin. It distorts
our view. What we need is to look up. Have Jesus renew our minds to His. Like the
blind man, it’s a process. But one day, in an instant we’ll be changed and see
so clearly!
We have to exercise our brain and
tell our eyes what they’re really seeing. 
How do we do that? By the washing of
the water of the word. In Revelation 3:18 Jesus says, “…anoint your eyes with
eye salve, that you may see.” That Greek word for “salve” means a remedy for
tender eyes. He is our remedy! 
Jesus will never leave a work
“What do you see?” Jesus asks.
Only you and I can admit our
He is always willing to help us
see things more clearly.
Do you need a recalibration? Have
things been looking a little blurry lately?