Sorry, but You’re Just Too Fat for My See-Saw!

Naturally, you read the title and you expect this to have something to do with weight…it does, but certainly not the fleshly pound…well then again it’s all about your definition of ‘flesh’. Am I talking about skin? Nope.

I find myself on the see-saw of life, not being able to find a good balance sometimes. Anyone else feel like that?

I’m not a believer in horoscopes or astrology. I don’t study the stars to predict my future. I know who holds my destiny. (It’s God if you’re saying, “Wow, who?”)  I like the stars, don’t get me wrong. They’re pretty and twinkly and all that sparkly stuff. I say all that to say this…My horoscope sign is a Libra. I don’t even know what a Libra is and if I was a good blogger, I would have researched it maybe, but quite frankly…I just don’t care. However, the picture that goes with the Libra is the scale. Even scales.

I find that proof that horoscopes are a bunch of bunk. I have a hard time balancing things. I struggle with it everyday. I know how the pyramid works. God, husband, kids, ministry and whatever else, but sometimes I find the whatever else sliding into number 2 (not poo). I learned long ago to beat my family up! Meaning I’m up a few hours before them, so I have time to spend with God and He has discussed my balancing issues with me…sometimes I listen…sometimes not so much.

One day I was  engrossed in something I was writing when I glanced up my son was standing in front of me with an exasperated expression, his empty cup held out. His words (a small moment with Myles) “Mom, I could have milked the cow already!”

My response should have been, “I’m sorry, baby. I’m on it.” Then I should have gotten up and got him a glass of milk, instead I found my first thought to be, “Well, why didn’t you?” (We don’t have cows btw…so it would have been impossible.)

What it boils down to is, God expects us to balance our time. He gives us great things to do. Not everything that keeps us unbalanced has to be a sin. Sometimes it is ‘flesh’ that weights down the see- saw bringing us to a teeter. Sometimes it’s good things–just out of order, which happens to be where I struggle.

What’s weighting down your life’s see-saw– throwing it out of balance? Maybe you need to tell those things, like me, “Sorry, but you’re just too fat for my see saw.” Shave what doesn’t need to be there off, and put those things that are good and do need to be there on a healthier eating plan, so you find the balance. Easier said than done. I’m well aware. Thus the blog. 🙂

What are you doing here?

I’m a fan of the show Smallville. I love Superman–love heroes in general, but I’ve found on every episode, especially in the earlier seasons, one of them or several of them would end up saying in an overdramatized voice, “What are you doing here?”

They would look at each other with wide eyes and then pause for effect… you see it was important for both of them to be in that one place at the same time–the right time. They didn’t understand what was going on or why the other one was there, but it always ended up that they needed each other to make it through a critical time or maybe just a shoulder to lean on. (Col. 3:16 “Let the words of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another…”)

I believe in Providence and I believe God puts us in places, even in places of crisis, for a reason and He always sends someone in His body to encourage us (Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another,”) Sometimes we’re in the crisis, sometimes we’re sent into it to sharpen. So…what are you doing here?

I hope you enjoy the randomness and sometimes seriousness of the blogs and I welcome and encourage comments, but if you’d do me a favor start it with telling me…What are you doing here?!