not a lumberjack. I’ve never chopped wood with such determination that my ax
flew from my hands. I have watched a wide-toothed comb fly across the bathroom
due to tangles. Similar…yet not so much.
not a lumberjack. I’ve never chopped wood with such determination that my ax
flew from my hands. I have watched a wide-toothed comb fly across the bathroom
due to tangles. Similar…yet not so much.
In 2
Kings Chapter 6, we read about the sons of the prophets who Elisha taught. Some
translations say a group of prophets. A guild in some commentaries. Point is
they decided to build a bigger facility for them to live in. So they went out
to cut down cedars.
Kings Chapter 6, we read about the sons of the prophets who Elisha taught. Some
translations say a group of prophets. A guild in some commentaries. Point is
they decided to build a bigger facility for them to live in. So they went out
to cut down cedars.
in particular had borrowed an ax. An iron ax. Look at verse 5: “As one man was cutting down
a tree, the head of his ax fell into the water. He yelled, “Oh, my master! I
borrowed that ax!”
in particular had borrowed an ax. An iron ax. Look at verse 5: “As one man was cutting down
a tree, the head of his ax fell into the water. He yelled, “Oh, my master! I
borrowed that ax!”
could have sighed, dusted his hands on his pants and copped a squat. “Well, I’m
out. Ya’ll keep working on your own beams. I’m gonna sit back and do nothing.” Or
“I’m just going to wait until Elisha sees I’m sitting on the sidelines and says
something.” Good thing Elisha was there. Verse 3 lets us know that Elisha told
them to go, but they asked him to go along with them. Good lesson right there.
could have sighed, dusted his hands on his pants and copped a squat. “Well, I’m
out. Ya’ll keep working on your own beams. I’m gonna sit back and do nothing.” Or
“I’m just going to wait until Elisha sees I’m sitting on the sidelines and says
something.” Good thing Elisha was there. Verse 3 lets us know that Elisha told
them to go, but they asked him to go along with them. Good lesson right there.
to the man:
to the man:
cried out! “It’s gone! My ax head has been flung from my hands and has been
buried in the water!”
cried out! “It’s gone! My ax head has been flung from my hands and has been
buried in the water!”
Elisha did not say, “You should have had a better grip. Stinks for you. Go
find another ax.” He said, “Where did it fall?”
Elisha did not say, “You should have had a better grip. Stinks for you. Go
find another ax.” He said, “Where did it fall?”
Ax head may represent your dead dreams. A promise. A failed marriage. A broken relationship.
Finances (Fill in the blank). At some point along the way you were working and it flew from your grasp, landed with a splash and
sunk to the miry bottom. Never to be seen from the murky waters that drowned
Ax head may represent your dead dreams. A promise. A failed marriage. A broken relationship.
Finances (Fill in the blank). At some point along the way you were working and it flew from your grasp, landed with a splash and
sunk to the miry bottom. Never to be seen from the murky waters that drowned
Where did it fall? Where were you in
life? Where were you spiritually?
life? Where were you spiritually?
man knew. And he showed the place to Elisha.
man knew. And he showed the place to Elisha.
Elisha did something similar to what Moses did when he cast the tree branch
into the bitter waters in the desert, making them sweet and drinkable. Elisha
cast a stick, wood, into the water.
Elisha did something similar to what Moses did when he cast the tree branch
into the bitter waters in the desert, making them sweet and drinkable. Elisha
cast a stick, wood, into the water.
the laws of gravity were defied. Iron doesn’t float. Period.
the laws of gravity were defied. Iron doesn’t float. Period.
But when Jesus died on a wooden cross,
everything became possible for those who believe. For those who cry out.
everything became possible for those who believe. For those who cry out.
that wood went into the water, something miraculous happened. The ax head floated.
that wood went into the water, something miraculous happened. The ax head floated.
But the
man had to reach out and grab it. Elisha didn’t do it for him.
man had to reach out and grab it. Elisha didn’t do it for him.
you ready to pick your dream back up if it’s flown from your hands? Have you
cried out to God to help. He cares for you. He cares about things that are big
and small to you. But nothing is too big or small for him. Nothing is too
you ready to pick your dream back up if it’s flown from your hands? Have you
cried out to God to help. He cares for you. He cares about things that are big
and small to you. But nothing is too big or small for him. Nothing is too
may have to go back to the place you lost it. And that might be painful, but
the same power than makes iron float can heal whatever wounds you carry.
Disappointments, struggles, exhaustion from working so hard. Whatever it is,
God can change it. He can resurrect what you think has sunk.
may have to go back to the place you lost it. And that might be painful, but
the same power than makes iron float can heal whatever wounds you carry.
Disappointments, struggles, exhaustion from working so hard. Whatever it is,
God can change it. He can resurrect what you think has sunk.
There is nothing He cannot bring to the
surface and restore.
surface and restore.
Will you reach out and take it when it
Thank you. I needed to read this today.
I loved this, Jess! Thank you for always bringing the Message we need to hear!
Great encouragement Jessica. Thanks.
Such a great post! Thanks so much for sharing.
Wow. Never thought of dreams in this way. Like going back and asking God to help after the dream seems to be dead. I'm heading back to the edge of my lake to point out where the axe went in. And then I'll ask God to help me with it.
This is beautiful and SO true. Very inspirational.
Thanks for posting!
So true. I tell people all the time that God cares about the big and the small in their lives, but sometimes it's easier to believe that for others than for myself. Very encouraging.
(And, did you actually type "copped a squat?" LOL!)
A good thing to be reminded of, always.
Jessica, I was on vacay last week, so I missed this then, but had to come back and read it this week. LOVE it. Thank you so much for the encouragement, as always!