Musing on Genesis 37:19 Always Dream

In the words of
Lennon, “Some may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one.”
Are you a dreamer?
Wednesday, we’ll be
talking about God-given dreams, always dreaming, and we’ll take a closer look
at a fictional character who brings us truth through a melody. Dreams can and
do come true.
Musing/Meditation Prompts: Think of your
dreams. How big are they? Can you accomplish them on your own? Have you prayed
about them? Are they from God? How do you know? If you haven’t written your
dreams on paper, take a few minutes and prayerfully write them down.
you still believe in your dreams? Why or why not?

21 thoughts on “Musing on Genesis 37:19 Always Dream

  1. Sure, I believe in my dreams.

    The doctors tell me that I'm beyond their help, and I'm going to die in more pain than I can possibly imagine.

    Without the dreams, and the strength and hope they give me, I don't know how I would face each day.

    1. Andrew, I'm so sorry about you diagnosis. You are in my prayers and it's an amazing testimony to many that you are still dreaming and believing. Many times when we're in pain, we lose sight of our dreams. So glad you're hanging onto them. 🙂

  2. Oh – been surrounded by Joseph lately! Our pastor is teaching on him, it was the story I had to teach the 5th graders last week, Stephen spoke about him in Acts 7 which I'm studying, and now here…the boy is ALL up in my face lately:) Better stop and listen:)

    1. Are sheaves bowing down to you in your dreams? lol

  3. I haven't written them down. I really should.

    1. You should! When God gives me a promise or confirmation of a dream, I date it and write a little blurb in my Bible so when time ebbs on and I wonder if I was crazy, I can go back to it and remember. And I think it's a great legacy to leave my children one day! 🙂

  4. I haven't written down my dreams recently.

    I do pray about them. I had a major realization on one recently, and now understand why it didn't happen at the time that it came close. I now know that I would have had a huge problem…amazing how God is always looking out for us, even when we don't understand the hurt we are experiencing.

    1. That is so true, Loree. I'm thankful God doesn't give us what we think we want. Sometimes my mantra is: God didn't say I have to understand everything; he said I had to trust.

  5. I am dreamer but I usually don't put much stock in them. If they're not psychotic then I'm falling in love with a strange man … wouldn't want to know what that mean :/ !!

    1. 🙂 lol

  6. I'm a dreamer but I'm also practical…which means it can be hard for me to trust God if I don't see a way to achieve my dreams myself. My awesome CP Melissa is good at reminding me to hope, though, which I'm very grateful for! It's easy to think our dreams don't matter to God…but I think he put certain ones on my heart, and that means I need to trust Him to help me get there.

    1. Gotta shut that left side brain down and let God run away with your imagination. He will take you places that will blow your mind! I know he put dreams in your heart, Linds! He's the dream-maker and when he placed them there it was for a purpose to glorify him…and his word never returns void. Never!

  7. I have (probably) never written down my dreams. I'm glad you posted this, because it's a reminder to become reconnect with the dreams God has given me. I've spent way, way too long letting life get in the way!

    1. Writing them down puts them "out there" and I recommend writing them in your Bible! 🙂 Life getting in the way is part of Wednesdays post!

  8. Is God still on the throne? Of COURSE I still believe in my dreams! WOO HOO!

    1. I love it! Is God still on the throne? I'm gonna start saying that when people ask me questions. "You think I accomplish that?" Is God still on the throne? "Are you making dinner tonight?" Is God still on the throne? lol You're seeing fruit of those dreams already and that is such a faith-builder! A trust maker!

  9. I still believe in my dreams, although they have been battered, kicked, and tossed around a few times 🙂 If our desires are truly God-given, then they'll eventually come to pass. We have to keep holding on and trusting.

    1. Excellent point, Brandi! The last thing the enemy wants is for us to fulfill our God-given destiny/dreams. Shaken but not destroyed! Love it!

  10. Hhhhmmm, the dreams for my life have gotten kicked around the last few years, but I know God has something good for me down the line. I do have dreams for my life, but sometimes I wonder if they are just my dreams or if God has really placed them on my heart. Any advice on how to know the difference? 🙂

    1. That is a question I think we all wonder, Sherrinda. God was that you or just me wanting? And I can't speak for everyone–maybe some others will share their wisdom as well–but for me, when I feel like God is placing a dream in my heart it comes after a time of worship and prayer…it's settles itself and then I ask that very question. Was that you? Please, confirm it, Lord.

      And I find that he will confirm what I felt in my heart to be a dream from him. Sometimes it's through a scripture I read at an opportune time and it stirs my spirit and leaves me in tears (I date that in my Bible and write out a small blurb so I'll remember) sometimes he uses odd things but they get my attention and I get a peace in my spirit. I generally laugh because he's done some off the wall things. I should share those sometime.

      I have to ask will this glorify God? Anything can be vain but when I really think about this dream and how it will serve God how does that make me feel? Does it dog me day and night to the point I'm on my face in prayer? Will it serve others and does it make me want to pray for those people? Will it draw me and those around me closer to Jesus.

      Is it something I can't do alone? Granted God gives us talents and abilities before we're born to help us with what we're called to do. But we need his strength, guidance, and equipping as well as grace to do it. When I accomplish something I felt God spoke, I always look back or people will say: HOw did you do that in that amount of time? When did you pull that off and I always answer, "I have no idea." It's flabbergasting.

      Will it be difficult? Am I going to have to put some elbow grease so to speak into this? The answer is always yes. Nothing comes easy. Peter sweat his tail off trying to pull a net of fish into his boat and even then he needed help from his partners. I believe that was God saying, "This is a foreshadowing of your purpose, the dream I'm placing in you. But it won't come without sweat and labor and I'll equip you with what you need to help you." The body of Christ should be helping each other! And will place the right people in your life to accomplish not only your dream/purpose, but theirs!

      And the dream won't go away. Not when it's kicked around, shaken up, battered, not when I mess up, get lazy, get rejected, grow weary, cry, scream, and even wail. It never goes away. It crops up over and over and over.

      I hope this "book" helps you discover what is of you and what is of God! Praying he'll confirm it to you in a way that is unique to you! Eyes open, friend! I believe he will!

  11. Yes – Totally a dreamer. 😉


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