Ok, it’s possible that I’m not a Super Star but let me and Mary Catherine Gallagher have our moment. Last week I was awarded the Versatile Blogger award by the super sweet, Barbara Hartzler! We both attended Central Bible College, but years apart. Fine. I went first. Sigh. I’m old. So what! Barbara is a YA novelist and her blog covers writing, faith and entertainment. She’s very funny!
The dealio for receiving the award is you have to thank the one who gave it to you.
Thank you, Barbara! You are awesome!
Then you have to write 7 things about yourself. Well…I write stuff about myself all the time. In fact, I keep 10 random things about myself posted on its own page every day.
So I’m going to mix my award with a tag I received from the fabulous, classy, super fit, (and vegetarian…let’s not hold that against her) author, Jennifer Shirk. Jennifer writes sweet romances for Avalon Books and Samhain Publishing. She has all kinds of fun stuff on her blog including guest authors, recipes, and tips on writing. She’s hilarious too! She tagged me in the Lucky 7 Meme and so did the ever sarcastic and witty (also adorable new mom…again) Jaime Wright! which means I have to:
Go to page 77 in my current manuscript
Go to line 7
Copy the next 7 lines/paragraphs and post them as they’re written (no cheating!)
Pass the meme on to 7 other writers
Please, for the love of all that’s good and decent don’t hold this against me! These lines come from the piece of trash, wonderful story in the erotica romantic suspense genre that I’m trying to re-create from a pitiful first draft, with the tentative title Fifty Shades of Red Pigeon’s Blood.
forgot to send me the memo about no costumes?” Lee folded her arms and Heather
reached over and pushed them back to her sides. It was obvious she was a woman,
but crossing her arms exposed it more than necessary.
forgot to send me the memo about no costumes?” Lee folded her arms and Heather
reached over and pushed them back to her sides. It was obvious she was a woman,
but crossing her arms exposed it more than necessary.
“I told
you it was a Fall Festival. For his church.”
you it was a Fall Festival. For his church.”
“You never said church!” She glared at Asher.
“You’re religious? I knew you had to
have a flaw somewhere.” She frowned and looked at Heather again. “Fall
Festival, Halloween. Same thing.”
“You’re religious? I knew you had to
have a flaw somewhere.” She frowned and looked at Heather again. “Fall
Festival, Halloween. Same thing.”
“No, Fall
Festival is in place of a Halloween party. Remember? Halloween-like party I said.” Heather glanced at Lee’s
head and giggled. “Nice horns by the way, Temptress.”
Festival is in place of a Halloween party. Remember? Halloween-like party I said.” Heather glanced at Lee’s
head and giggled. “Nice horns by the way, Temptress.”
tried to give her his jacket and she shoved it back. “I’m not cold.”
tried to give her his jacket and she shoved it back. “I’m not cold.”
He pursed
his lips as if to hold back a fountain of words. Could he? Tonight was not the
night and Lee was already furious with him. “Penthouse called. They want their
costume back.”
his lips as if to hold back a fountain of words. Could he? Tonight was not the
night and Lee was already furious with him. “Penthouse called. They want their
costume back.”
No such
luck. Asher would kick them all out for their crass behavior. Amelia hadn’t
even had the chance to go on her first ever hayride.
luck. Asher would kick them all out for their crass behavior. Amelia hadn’t
even had the chance to go on her first ever hayride.
So there you have it. FYI, Asher did not kick them out.
And now I am tagging the following writers to post their Lucky 7!
If you’re a writer and feeling brave, go ahead and post yours too, just let me know so I can come read it!
What’s your favorite flavor of Popsicle? It’s summer and my youngest is barreling through them. Mine’s banana!
Now I'm going to be saying "Super Star!" all day. LOL
Loved your excerpt!!
I love those firecracker red, white and blue popsicles!
I've been saying it too! Thanks for tagging me. I don't normally post excerpts but this was fun! My son loves the firecracker pops too!
Oh she was one of my favorites from SNL! And I'm totally judging you on your lines there…penthouse, really? Seriously, I came here after stopping at Melissa Tagg's and have now snorted my coffee twice.
And banana/coconut/pineapple flavored!
I know! I loved her character. You can't judge me. I didn't say that, he did! I'm just the messenger.
Disclaimer: I did not look at Penthouse as research to see if her costume would indeed come from there. But it was pretty bad, so I thought what could be raunchier? Penthouse won. LOL
Oh, I forgot, is that pop all one flavor or you have many?
Thanks for the disclaimer…I was worried;)
My fav is that all in one…but I'll take them separate if it's all I can find. Then I just have to eat all three.
You know I always love reading your work, even if you think it's crappy.
And thanks for the tag. Now I have to go see what's on page 77 of my current ms! Ha.
And I think my favorite flavor is orange. Is that boring? Oh well. If so, let me be boring.
Are you smelling your pits now too? LOL
You are too kind, my sweet friend! Can't wait to read your lines!
Orange is a good flavor. Not boring at all.
Loved this clip! Fall festival/Halloween…not the hugest difference, eh? And I've already done the meme clippie on my blog. It's so hard to get the feel for your WHOLE ENTIRE book, but here's the link to mine: http://heatherdaygilbert.blogspot.com/2012/04/tag-imnot-going-to-be-it-but-ill-let.html
I broke the rules. I think I generally do, when it comes to writing. Grin.
Thanks for sharing, Jessica! Nice to know your writing a little better!
LOL! I'll take a trip over and read yours. I had fun posting this. *giggle*
Hey, congrats on your Versitile Blogger Award!! Nice! Hmmm…popsicle flavor…I never met a cherry or grape I didn't like. YUM!! I saw Flavorice in the grocery store over the weekend and just smile. We used to inhale those growing up.
Oh, this is so fun! Thanks for tagging me…(dude, a person almost has to "tag" me in things considering my last night. It's only right. Heheh…)
I love popsicles! The red kind…cherry…strawberry…or, if we're going ultra-fancy, I love yogurt pops…mmm.
LOL! Great excerpt. Aaawk Ward!
Fun stuff!! I've got a blog post prepped for tomorrow. Thanks for including me!
Wow, thanks for including me! Now, to decide WHICH ms to use. I always have several going at one time!
Popsicles? I am all about the cherry!
Thanks for including me. I love your seven lines. I'll post mine on Friday.
Love this!!
My favorite Popsicle flavor is strawberry
Orange! I love the orange ones!