Deep Waters Fun Facts

  1. I’ve been looking for a way to write a book about sea turtles at my niece’s request. That is what truly inspired this story.
  2. I may or may not have watched Finding Nemo for research about sea turtles. Also, I may or may not have checked out children’s books about sea turtles for research.
  3. I originally wanted to use a real city in Florida but couldn’t get a research trip out there in time, so I created fictional Turtle Bay so I wouldn’t mess up any geographic facts.
  4. I visited a professional dive shop and talked with a diver about how to tamper with an oxygen cylinder. He let me record our conversation so I could go back to it when writing the “dive scene” also while I was there, I spotted a sweet hot pink scuba gear and flippers. I loved it and wanted Caley to have it. 


  1. One of my BFFs went with me to the dive shop and tried to talk me into signing up for dive classes even though she knows I won’t even jump off a diving board—how will I fall off the back of a boat?
  2. I have a diving board.
  3. I thought Caley would be intimidated by the hulking and menacing Shepherd, but when she got on the page she wasn’t at all. She told him, “Stand down, solider.” So I had to tweak some of my plot. I’m glad it turned out that way.
  4. I didn’t realize Shepherd had a problem comforting people physically until he attempted it on the page. It made me laugh and I hope it made you laugh too! “There, there.”
  5. I cried a few times as Shepherd showed me what his childhood had been like. No child should have to endure that.
  6. Caley loves peach tea. I don’t.
  7. Miss Whittle’s husband JC is my dear friend Vickie Carroll’s husband’s name. It’s Jim but she calls him JC. He was also in the military. When he found out I was using his name he was excited and then he wasn’t when he discovered he was dead. Ha!
  8. Researching sea turtles was fascinating and I would love to see the turtle crawl to the ocean. I love the beach.